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Phil Nicolcev edited this page May 9, 2023 · 7 revisions

Project Overview - What is AJAX Chat, what does it require, and what features does it have?

Installation and configuration

Updating Chat Versions

Common errors

List of Common Errors

Database setup

Database Connection
Database Tables

Language options


Custom integration

Custom Integration Information - How to integrate AJAX Chat with your forum or CMS.

Adding functionality

Chat in popup window
Close chat window on logout
Redirect on logout

General modifications

Layout customization - Change the look and feel of AJAX Chat.
General Modifications - Modify AJAX Chat to suit your needs.
Custom IRC style commands - How to add more commands like /roll and /me

phpBB3 specific

PhpBB3 custom chat path
PhpBB3 display online chat users
PhpBB3 shoutbox integration
PhpBB3 custom user group

phpBB2 specific

PhpBB2 display online chat users

Integrating 3rd-party applications

Google AdSense


Server load
Socket Server (Deprecated)

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