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Permission Nodes

Fruitloopins edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

Standard permissions

  • quarters.wand: Grants permission to use the Quarters selection wand

  • quarters.action.*: Grants permission to all the permission checks called by standard commands, should only be given to powerful ranks in a town
  • quarters.action.constantoutlines: Grants permission to toggle constant quarter outlines
  • quarters.action.colour: Grants permission to change a quarter's outline colour
  • quarters.action.create: Grants permission to create a quarter
  • quarters.action.defaultsellprice: Grants permission to change the default quarter sell price in a town
  • quarters.action.delete: Grants permission to delete a quarter
  • quarters.action.embassy: Grants permission to toggle a quarter's embassy status
  • quarters.action.evict: Grants permission to evict the owner of a quarter
  • quarters.action.sell: Grants permission to sell quarters
  • Grants permission to manage trusted players in quarters
  • quarters.action.type: Grants permission to change a quarter's type

  • quarters.command.quarters.*: Grants permission to all standard commands
  • quarters.command.quarters.claim: Grants permissions to claim quarters
  • quarters.command.quarters.colour: Grants permission to use the colour command
  • quarters.command.quarters.selection: Grants permission to manage selection
  • quarters.command.quarters.create: Grants permission to use the create command
  • quarters.command.quarters.defaultsellprice: Grants permission to use the defaultsellprice command
  • quarters.command.quarters.delete: Grants permission to use the delete command
  • quarters.command.quarters.evict: Grants permission to use the evict command
  • Grants permission to view info about the quarter you are standing in
  • Grants permission to show basic info about the Quarters installation
  • quarters.command.quarters.pos: Grants permission to select areas with commands
  • quarters.command.quarters.sell: Grants permission to use the sell command
  • quarters.command.quarters.toggle: Grants permission to use the toggle command
  • Grants permission to use the trust command
  • quarters.command.quarters.type: Grants permission to use the type command
  • quarters.command.quarters.unclaim: Grants permission to unclaim owned quarters

Admin permissions

  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.*: Grants permission to all admin commands
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.colour: Grants permission to forcefully change a quarter's outline colour
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.delete: Grants permission to forcefully delete quarters
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.evict: Grants permission to forcefully evict the owner of a quarter
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.sell: Grants permission to forcefully set a quarter for sale
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.setowner: Grants permission to forcefully change a quarter's owner
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.toggle: Grants permission to use the admin toggle command
  • Grants permission to forcefully manage trusted players in a quarter
  • quarters.command.quartersadmin.type: Grants permission to forcefully change a quarter's type

  • quarters.action.quartersadmin.*: Grants permission to all admin actions, this does not give access to the command that checks for these permissions
  • quarters.action.quartersadmin.embassy: Grants permission to forcefully toggle a quarter's embassy status
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