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fruity fr edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 4 revisions

Standard commands

  • /quarters (/q)
    • claim: used to claim a quarter that is for sale
    • colour {r} {g} {b}: used to change the particle outline colour of a quarter, takes in three int values between 0-255
    • create: used to turn a selection into a quarter
    • defaultsellprice {price}: used to set the default price that quarters will sell for when using /quarters sell
    • delete: used to delete the quarter you are currently standing in
    • evict: used to evict the owner of the quarter you are standing in
    • here: used to view information about the quarter you are standing in
    • info: used to view information about the quarters plugin such as the current version
    • pos1 {x} {y} {z} & pos2 {x} {y} {z}: command bypass to set positions without a wand, coordinates are optional and relative to the player's position
    • selection: command to manage wand selections
      • add: adds a selected cuboid to your current selection
      • remove: removes the cuboid you are standing in from your current selection
      • clear: removes all currently selected cuboids
    • sell: used to put a quarter up for sale
      • {price}: price to sell quarter for
      • cancel: used to cancel a quarter sale
    • toggle:
      • constantoutlines: used to toggle particle outlines to be permanently on
      • embassy: used to toggle a quarter's embassy status
    • trust:
      • add: add a resident as trusted in a quarter, this will allow them the same build, switch, destroy and itemuse permissions as the owner
      • remove: remove a resident as trusted in a quarter
      • clear: remove all trusted residents from a quarter
    • type {type}: used to change a quarter's type
    • unclaim: used to relinquish ownership of a quarter

Admin commands

  • /quartersadmin (/qa)
    • colour {r} {g} {b}: used to forcefully change the particle outline colour of a quarter, takes in three int values between 0-255
    • delete: used to forcefully delete the quarter you are currently standing in
    • evict used to forcefully evict the owner of the quarter you are standing in
    • sell: used to forcefully put a quarter up for sale
      • {price}: price to sell quarter for
      • cancel: used to forcefully cancel a quarter sale
    • setowner {username}: used to forcefully change the owner of a quarter, respects embassy status
    • toggle:
      • embassy: used to forcefully toggle a quarter's embassy status
    • trust:
      • add: forcefully add a resident as trusted in a quarter, this will allow them the same build, switch, destroy and itemuse permissions as the owner
      • remove: forcefully remove a resident as trusted in a quarter
      • clear: forcefully remove all trusted residents from a quarter
    • type {type}: used to forcefully change a quarter's type
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