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Status Report: Week 5

JSiu edited this page Nov 5, 2012 · 10 revisions


What we said we were going to do this week

  • Make our first release feature-complete.

What we did this week

  • Made website functional for login, registration, authentication, and associated emails.
  • Implemented house creation, announcement creation, and adding members to houses.
  • Bug fixes and further design decisions.

What we are going to do next week

  • Deploy first release.
  • Close on design and begin implementation of second-release features, particularly tasks and announcement removal.


  • Compatibility/regression issues, and general comfort with the development stack.

Brandon Gomez

What I said I would do this week

  • Get all assigned pages completed

What I did this week

  • Created About Us and Non House Member redirect pages

What I am going to do next week

  • Whichever pages we decide that are needed for the next release


  • git fetch wasn't working for awhile but eventually I got it to properly update my fork

Jeff Lowdermilk

What I said I would do this week

  • Haul ass on registration/login.
  • Get dashboard working with creation and viewing of announcements

What I did this week

  • Worked with Cornell to integrate registration module with two-step registration via email and support for password resets.
  • Added auth app which handles all authentication/registration functionality, uses registration module
  • Added views/backend for creating houses and adding members via email invitation link
  • Updated urlconf scheme and redirects.
  • Various bugfixes/enhancements.

What I am going to do next week

  • Work with team to map next release goals.
  • Write some more tests (currently only have one case for registration functionality)


  • Not much time; interviews every day except Wednesday, and two other classes I have ignored all week.

Corneliu Moiceanu

What I said I would do this week

  • Continue on these working on these features (many more subtleties to work out in the framework).

What I did this week

  • Dug out the send email functionality from “django-registration” to be used with house registration.
  • Manual testing of login/logout/create user/ reset password, password recovery, etc.. functionality
  • Validate bug fixes, file new bugs...

What I am going to do next week

  • Bug fixes, validate bug fixes, file new bugs...
  • Begin work on whatever task is assigned to me for the next release
  • More manual tests on existing features


  • Many regression bugs from various source tree pull merge requests. Previously working features and up failing a few days later. It is more desirable if the new features added to the source tree do not break the functionality already existing in the source tree.

Nat Mote

What I said I would do this week

  • Work on the models that I've been assigned
  • Factor out some of the release script constants to settings
  • Use Django's facility for copying static files on release
  • Whatever else I need to do to help with our upcoming release

What I did this week

  • Created the House and Announcement models
  • Improved the release script to prepare for the upcoming release (but did not factor out the constants to settings, as planned)
  • Changed the release script to use Django's collectstatic command
  • Got emails working on Webfaction
  • Got databases up on Webfaction
  • Made a release to our test site, and created a release branch in Git

What I am going to do next week

  • Help squash bugs
  • Make a release to the live site
  • Fix the postgres package dependency issue described below
  • Begin working on whatever tasks I am assigned to for the next release


  • We use a file called initial_data.json to populate the database with site information (like domain name, for use in the emails). The information is meant for a dev environment, so I have to delete it on release to prevent it from overwriting the site information in our database.
  • A package needed to use Postgres on the server cannot be installed locally without installing postgres, too. I need to separate out the requirements for the server from the requirements for development.

Shahaf Nuriel

What I said I would do this week

  • Log-in + coordinate with Jeff
  • Dashboard revisions
  • Get logo up

What I did this week

  • Registration formatting and communication with back-end
  • Password recovery page
  • Navigation Bar logo
  • Updated dashboard

What I am going to do next week

  • Create task
  • Edit task
  • Make dashboard more compatible with different screen sizes


  • Still some complications with html/css but lots of help from Conor
  • Difficulties understanding back-end stuff
  • Dashboard compatibility

Conor Reisman

What I said I would do this week

  • Continue building basic displays templates.
  • Work on displaying announcements.

What I did this week

  • Made some adjustments to the base template.
  • Made some adjustments to the master CSS file.
  • Decided to keep the CSS files separated instead of in a single file (clarity over speed).

What I am going to do next week

  • Work on removing/retiring announcements.
  • Work on the layout of tasks.


  • It's hard to balance time well throughout the two week release cycle.