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Minimal non-issuing PKI with a Shamir share protected root private key


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4S-PKI minimal PKI with a Shamir shared root private key


What is 4S-PKI ?

This tool si built to operate a very simple self signed PKI based on OpenSSL functions.

The configuration is provided to sign Sub-CA certificates appropriate for Microsoft Certificate Services or others PKI products.

This tool specificity is to use a Shamir Secret Sharing to protect the PKI Root key.

Why 4S-PKI ?

We could no find a tool allowing to simply operate a rootca secured by secret sharing.

Particularly most Shamir Secret Sharing implementations were mostly demonstrators or university projects with little practical orientation.

Our goals are to provide a tool:

  • Usable by non technical users
  • Open and auditable
  • Minimal
  • Portable, at least on Linux+X11 and Ms Windows (OSX should also work but won't be tested)
  • With a graphical interface
  • Independant of an eventual complex secret storage (encrypted USB keys, or otherwise)

The end product should allow a root CA to generate its self signed certificates, to sign sub-CA CSR, revocate sub-CA and emit CRL.

How to generate rich text versions of this document

This document is encoded in Markdown.

A PDF version can be generated with the pandoc tool as follow:

    pandoc -f markdown -o README.pdf

Other documentations

  • See file for the legal condition of use, distribution, modification of the present program.

  • Doxygen can be used to generate project internal documentation in the doc directory using the command:

      doxygen doxy.conf


User interface

  • Allows to select between Creation mode and Recovery mode
  • Creation mode allows to enter
    • Number of participants
    • Minimum Qorum required to authorize operations
    • Filename/Path for each secret
  • Recovery mode allows to enter
    • Number of secret holder present
    • Filename/Path for each secret
    • in CLI: result is sent to STDOUT
    • in GUI: result is copied to clipboard and optionnaly can be displayed in a text field
  • PKI functions:
    • Sign a CSR
    • Revoke a Certificate
    • Emit a CRL

Main functions

Root Key generation

  • Inputs
    • destination filename
    • key size
    • encryption passphrase
  • Outputs
    • RSA private key as a DER encoded PKCS7, encrypted with AES256
  • Sequence
    1. Generate a safe passphrase with OpenSSL functions
    2. Generate a RSA key using OpenSSL functions
    3. create a Shamir share of the passphrase

Shamir Share generation

  • Inputs:
    • passphrase to protect
    • number of secrets holders
    • minimum qorum size
  • Outputs:
    • array of the secrets
  • Sequence
    1. Create a Share of the passphrase for M parties with a N quorum
    2. Erase securely temporary files and buffers containing sensitive informations (particularly passphrase)

Key recovery

  • Inputs:
    • array of secrets
    • number of participants
  • Output:
    • Rebuilt secret
  • Sequence:
    1. Verify the input (number of secrets and their format)
    2. Rebuild passphrase
    3. Verify passphrase format
    4. Purge copies of secrets from memory

Build instructions

Generate Makefile

  1. Go to distribution root directory

  2. Create a build directory and enter it

     mkdir build
     cd build
  3. Run cmake

     cmake ..

for "release" mode, or

   cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

for "debug" mode.

This should generate the apropriate build file for your environment.

Build Binaries

To build the binaries from the build directory with a Makefile based environement (after Makefile generation) simply type:


The binaries will be generated in the bin subfolder

Run the tests

To run the program tests from the build directorywith a Makefile based environement (after makefile generation) simply type:

    make test

Using 4s

4s can be used in two modes:

  • 4s-cli provides a command line interface for 4s operations
  • 4s-gui provides a GUI for more simplicity

Using 4s command line


4s-cli <mode> <mode parameters>
--help     show the command line use
--init     initialise a new PKI
--sign     sign a subca CSR
--revoke   revoke a subca   
Common parameters
  • [required] path to the PKI root directory

      --rootdir <path>  
  • [required] path to a secret. must be specified for each shamir secret

      --secret <path>   
Init mode parameters
  • [required] minimum number of secrets holders required to authorize operations

      --quorum  <n>         
  • [required] number of secrets holders

      --nbshares <m>    
  • [optional] specifies wether the user should be prompted between secret exports (default:no)

      --paused <yes|no> 
Sign mode parameters
  • [required] path to the CSR to sign

      --csr  <path>    
  • [required] path where to save the sub-CA certificate

      --cert <path>    
Revoke mode parameters
  • [required] path to certificate file to revoke

      --cert <certificate> 
  • [required] path where to write CRL

      --crl <path>         
Return values
  • 0 on success
  • non 0 on error


  • Creating a new PKI with 5 secrets holders

      4s-cli --init --rootdir /home/pki --subject \"/CN=mypki/OU=it/O=company/C=FR\" --quorum 3 --nbshares 5
  • Revocation of a certificate

      4s-cli --revoke --rootdir /home/pki --secret secret1.smr --secret secret2.smr --secret secret3.smr --cert subcacert.pem --crl rootca.crl
  • Signature of a sub-ca certificate

      4s-cli --sign --rootdir /home/pki --secret secret1.smr --secret secret3.smr --secret secret5.smr --csr subcacsr.pem

Using 4s graphical user interface


Initial source for Shamir Secret Sharing


Minimal non-issuing PKI with a Shamir share protected root private key







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  • C 85.3%
  • CMake 14.7%