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future chain

Start the testing

  • Test with the command line wallet.
  • Or you can test it by downloading the wallet APP, DOWNLOAD.
  • Test COINS can be applied through APP wallet.

How to build


  • Update Go to version at least 1.13 (required >= 1.13)

Check your golang version

~ go version
go version go1.13 darwin/amd64
cd future/cmd/future
go build

cd future/cmd/wallet
go build

How to use

Copy configuration file for reconfiguration
 cp config.toml.example config.toml
Modify configuration file
  • set RpcPass
  • set ExternalIp
Start the future
./future --config config.toml
Copy wallet configuration file for reconfiguration
cd cmd/wallet
cp wallet.toml.example wallet.toml
Modify wallet configuration file
  • set RpcIp
  • set RpcPass
  • If the node has the RpcTLS switch turned on, you need to configure the node's server.pem path to RpcCert and set RpcTLS in wallet.config to true
Use wallet
./wallet --help
Create an account or set password at create
./wallet Create 

./wallet Create 123456
Send transaction

SendTransaction {from} {to} {contract} {amount} {fee} [password] [nonce]

./wallet SendTransaction xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ xCE9boXz2TxSE9srVPDdfszyiXtfT3vduc8 FMC 10 0.1

./wallet SendTransaction xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ xCE9boXz2TxSE9srVPDdfszyiXtfT3vduc8 FMC 10 0.1 123456
Create token

SendCreateToken {from} {to} {name} {shorthand} {amount} {fees} [password] [nonce]

./wallet SendCreateToken xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ "M token" MT 1000 0.1

./wallet SendCreateToken xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ "M token" MT 1000 0.1 123456
Get account balance

Account {address}

./wallet Account xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ
Get token record

Token {token address}

./wallet Token TfR8dgAAesNZum1PWDS9fFE6iRuTKWPrFCq
Become a super node to generate blocks

If you want to become a super node, you need to be a candidate and wait for the next round of elections after being voted.

  • Configure the candidate account on the node config

    KeyFile = "cmd/wallet/keystore/xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ.json"
    KeyPass = "123456"
  • Become a candidate

    SendCandidate {address} {fee} [password]

    ./wallet SendCandidate xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ 0.001
  • Cancel candidate

    SendCancel {address} {fee} [password]

    ./wallet SendCancel xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ 0.001 123456
  • Vote for candidates

    SendVote {address} {candidate} {fee} [password]

    ./wallet SendVote xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ xCHiGPLCzgnrdTqjKABXZteAGVJu3jXLjnQ 0.001
View the super nodes in an election cycle
./wallet CycleSupers 18450
About elections
  • Up to 9 super nodes loop out blocks.
  • Block every 5s.
  • Re-election after every 24 hours .
  • After more than two-thirds of the super nodes are confirmed, the block is fully confirmed.
  • The number of votes is based on the total number of voters' current account balances, and the top 9 votes become the super node.
  • If the super node produces less than one-third of the blocks that should have been produced in the current cycle, the candidate will be kicked out.