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General Remarks

Ralph Bloch edited this page Mar 15, 2023 · 13 revisions


G_String_M has been built with Gradle 7.6 using openjdk 17.0.6, and openFX 17.0.2 on IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.1 CE. Its Github repository is at The build.gradle file allows for easy upgrading, and installer package generation.

The author has acquired his programming skills informally over more than 60 years in academic and clinical pursuits. As a consequence, the programming style, while attempting to keep to general rules, lacks the discipline observed by professional programmers.

The programming philosophy has been shaped by studying Kernighan & Plauger's 'Software Tools', and Niklaus Wirth's 'Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs'. Object Oriented Programming has facilitated packaging both complex data structures and complicated algorithms into functional objects.

Generally, variables have prefixes indicating their type. Most indices either start with the letter 'i', or are called i, j, k, l, m, or n. The prefix 'iar' indicates an 'Integer Array', 'dar' a 'Double Array', and 'car' a 'Character Array'. The prefix 'ial' indicates an 'Integer Array List' used while accumulating an array with yet unknown size. On completion, such array lists are usually converted to fixed arrays.

The code is extensively commented. Additionally, complex algorithms are explained further in the accordingly named 'Algorithms' section.

Finally, I have to thank Marco Jacob , a superb Swiss teacher of design and programming. I owe him the efficient, basic structure of an archetypal, user-friendly, JavaFX based GUI. Furthermore, I am very grateful to Tom Gregory. Without his outstanding 'Gradle Hero' online course I would never have been able to design the Gradle build tool, essential for creating GS_M.

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