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Creating Mobs

GC-spigot edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Tutorial on creating custom mobs via AdvancedSpawners configuration

We will be looking at an example and using it, creation of a custom mob will be explained. I recommend copy pasting an example mob as a base for configuring. Mob Used:

I will be showing the total status of mob after each step.

1-st Step

Creating a <mobName>.mob file in server folder/plugins/AdvancedSpawners/customMobs folder

2-nd Step

Setting base health of a mob, e.g. health: 20 would mean mob has 10 hearts of health.

health: 30

3-rd Step

Setting mob's sounds, e.g. sounds: SKELETON would mean the mob would use sounds from Skeleton entity (such as attack sounds/hostile, defensive when gets hurt and ambient)

health: 30
sounds: SKELETON

4-th Step

Setting mob's hostility value, e.g. hostile: true. As simple as setting true for yes and false for no. Having it as true with enable hostility and mob will attack as soon as it spawns a nearest player.

health: 30
sounds: SKELETON
hostile: true

5-th Step

Setting mob's spawner displayed mob, e.g. spawnerDisplay: SKELETON. It's not a simple aesthetic and will determine spawning characteristics, i.e. example used SKELETON only spawns in dark, while using COW will require light and grass, BLAZE only light etc.

health: 30
sounds: SKELETON
hostile: true
spawnerDisplay: SKELETON

6-th Step

Creation of mob pieces.

Minecraft world is made out of 3 axis - X, Y and Z - so are the custom mobs. To understand how to create mobs in a 3 dimensions world, we need to know that custom mobs face SOUTH (Positive Z axis) when creating. This means, increasing mob's z offset (z:<z offset>) will move the mob part forwards (and decreasing it will move mob part back), now similar logic can be used for up and down pushing (y:<y offset>) - using Y axis can move mob part up or push it down. X axis does everything the same but increasing it will push mob's part to left and reducing it will push the part to right (x:<x offset>). I will be including pictures soon which let you visualise this process better.

health: 30
sounds: SKELETON
hostile: true
spawnerDisplay: SKELETON
head: 'x:0 y:0 z:0 visible:false mini:true skin:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDJkMjcxZjgyNjc0OTE2ZGNiNDdiMzcyYTU3MmY2MWU3NDcyZmUwNjNiMmM5MjQ2YWVlYjdjNTdhODgzNSJ9fX0='