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mjaffee edited this page May 26, 2013 · 9 revisions


Welcome to the GEMINI wiki! Below you will find links to documentation about the various peices of GEMINI, as well as notes on development.

UNIS is the Unified Network and Information Service. It is a generic service with a REST interface which can hold a variety of data about a network and what’s inside it. This includes topology information (hosts, network links, ports etc.), service information (e.g. instances of BLiPP running), measurement metadata, and more.

The Measurement Store (MS) is a service for storing measurement data. It holds (timestamp, value) pairs that are associated with a metadata id - this metadata id refers to a metadata object in UNIS.

BLiPP is a tool that runs on hosts and can collect all sorts of different data to store in the MS.

A rough collection of scripts for interacting with UNIS, the MS, and BLiPP. You’ll find some examples for pulling data from the MS and plotting it, as well as adding topology information to UNIS.

This section very incomplete - reading about the various components above is a better way to learn about the architecture.