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March 2022 Manager Meeting: Multilingual CoP

Alexander Schulte edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Hello Community Leads,

On March 24th, we held our monthly Community Manager Meeting – 12 leads joined, representing 10 communities of practice. Fedora Braverman presented information on the Multilingual Community of Practice. She discussed the need for communities in government, why the Multilingual Community of Practice exists, and the challenges in government that the community helps to address. Please email us for the slide deck we used to guide the conversation.

The Multilingual Community supports Executive Order 13166, “Improving Access to Services for People with Limited English Proficiency”. This EO requires federal, state, and local agencies that administer federal benefits to provide meaningful access to information to people with limited English proficiency.

Fedora, and her co-lead Laura Godfrey, facilitate a community that creates impact by reducing silos across agencies, promoting diversity, providing guidelines, and more. The Community addresses challenges such as the ever growing demand for government information and services in other languages, and the lack of best practices across government. Check out the community’s latest resources at

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