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The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (Georgia) works to advocate for the concerns of residents in long-term care facilties. This website provides a means to host and search through legal documents that may be relevant for this purpose.

The production branch is hosted on Zeit Now at

We're using Firebase as the database (contact us for the URL). There's no authentication being used at the moment.

To install dependencies, run npm install in the directory where you've cloned this repo.

To deploy this locally, run

npm run dev

nextjs-starter template



  • React.js: Front-end
  • Next.js: API routes and server-side rendering
  • Firebase: Storing information and files
  • Zeit Now: Hosting and automatic GitHub build hooks
  • eslint: Automatically identifying and fixing code errors
  • prettier: Setting a common code style and fixing any issues


Zeit Now Install

  • Create a Zeit Now account
  • Run npm i -g now, then type now login
  • On your dashboard, click New Project then From GitHub and select this project

Updating Env Vars

  • For dev, update .env and next.config.js
  • For production, install Now using the instructions above, then
  • For production, to add, use now secrets add <secret-name> <secret-value>
  • For production, to remove, use now secrets rm <secret-name>


  • Clone this project to your computer
  • Navigate to this project in terminal and enter npm install
  • Rename example.env to .env and fill it out with the dev config
  • Run the dev version of this project by entering npm run dev


  • By default, this repository uses Next 9.2.0 for styles, which includes native support for global CSS and CSS modules
  • However, this version only allows global css to be in pages/_app.js, which can cause issues with external packages
  • If you face this error, the solution is installing @zeit/next-css and adding it to next.config.js, however you cannot use css modules and global css together with this package (and it defaults to global).