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Create a Custom KeyRelease Function Example

Andreas Justin edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 16 revisions

Move Lines Up/Down

FYI: I've written this without Matlab. I did not have the time to test this yet. If there is a bug (highly probable) I'm sorry, see if you can fix it, if so write me an email with the fix and i'll update this page


    import at.mep.util.*;
    import at.mep.editor.*;

    ctrl = true;
    shift = true;
    alt = true;
    % Move Lines Down
    ks_MoveLinesDown = KeyStrokeUtil.getKeyStroke(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, ~ctrl, shift, ~alt, false);
    EditorApp.addMatlabCallback('ks_MoveLinesDown_function', ks_MoveLinesDown, 'ks_MoveLinesDown_function');

    % Move Lines UP
    ks_MoveLinesUp = KeyStrokeUtil.getKeyStroke(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_UP, ~ctrl, shift, ~alt, false);
    EditorApp.addMatlabCallback('ks_MoveLinesUp_function', ks_MoveLinesUp, 'ks_MoveLinesUp_function');


    function out = ks_MoveLinesUp_function(actionEvent)
        if nargin == 0; out = []; return; end
        % this is necessary, the first thing happen is trying find out whether 
        % the passed function is a valid matlab function or not
        % I strongly advise you not to debug these functions via keyboard command (matlab will most likely freeze). 
        % Instead call it from command line. If you need access to `actionEvent` use `assignin('base','actionEvent',actionEvent)`
        % The currently active Editor where Matlab's focus is on.
        editor = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.getActiveEditor();

        % get line above
        % --------------------------------------------------------------
        % you may have to convert an java int[] to an matlab double vector (1xN)
        se = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.getCurrentLinesStartEnd(editor);
        lineAbove = se(1) - 1;
        if (lineAbove < 1)
            % in First line, cannot go any further above

        % get lines to move
        % --------------------------------------------------------------
        % you might have to convert a java String[] into an Matlab String or Cell-Character array
        strings = string(at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.getTextArrayFast(editor));
        anzStrings = se(2) - se(1) + 1 + 1;
        strings2Insert = strings(anzStrings,1);
        for ii = 1:anzStrings
            % might have introduced an Off-By-One-Error
            strings2Insert(ii) = strings(lineAbove-1 + ii);

        % move line above below others
        % --------------------------------------------------------------
        strings2Insert$(first empty entry) = strings2Insert; % .remove(0) ... i don't know what this does in the moment, remove the first character?

        % replace new ordered 
        posS = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.lc2pos(editor, lineAbove, 0);
        % intmax() might need to be adjusted
        posE = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.lc2pos(editor, lineAbove + anzStrings - 1, intmax()) + 1;
        at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.setSelectionPosition(editor, posS, posE);
        at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.setSelectedTxt(editor, String.join("", strings2Insert));

        % select same lines as before
        % --------------------------------------------------------------
        posS = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.lc2pos(editor, lineAbove, 0);
        % intmax() might need to be adjusted
        posE = at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.lc2pos(editor, lineAbove + anzStrings - 2, intmax);
        at.mep.editor.EditorWrapper.setSelectionPosition(editor, posS, posE);