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Wineskin Winery

Dean M Greer edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 15 revisions

Wineskin Winery is an application dedicated to wrapper creation.

Install using homebrew

brew install --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wineskin

The program is not co-signed, to launch it you can RMB (right mouse button) it and select Open, then Cancel, then again RMB it and select Open, and Open.

Installed Engines

Under "Installed Engines", you need to click [+] to access a new window.
You can select an engine to download with the drop-down menu, then click "Download and install".
This will create a folder ~/Library/Application Support/Wineskin/Engines and save engines packages there.

Wrapper Version

Under "Wrapper Version", you need to click "Update" to download the latest Master Wrapper available.
This will create a folder ~/Library/Application Support/Wineskin/Wrapper and save the Master Wrapper there.

New Blank Wrapper

With a Master Wrapper up to date and an Engine, you can proceed and click "Create New Blank Wrapper".
You can name the new blank wrapper. This will create a folder ~/Applications/Wineskin and save the new blank there.

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