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GenDeathrow edited this page Feb 22, 2016 · 6 revisions

Config Help

Enforce Java Version: will only take the java version and not the specific version. example is 1.6 or 1.8 but will not take 1.8.1_31.

Custom Message: will give a custom message if user has wrong version of java installed

Unsupported Mods List: is a list of mods that will cause the mod pack to crash. Mainly for many client side mods. This will help keep crash reports to mods you included. Each line is a new mod.. do not add commas or any separator.

Other than modid it will also work with mod names(not a lot of testing though.)


S:"Unsupported Mods List" <

is Optifine Compatible: well.. is it optifine compatible.. cause if not.. it will crash.

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