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=== Ajax Search Lite ===
Contributors: wpdreams
Donate link:
Tags: search, better wordpress search, search plugin, relevance search, better search plugin, ajax search, wp ajax search, custom fields search, better search, ajax search plugin, wp search, wp search plugin, relevant search plugin, search plugin, wordpress search, live search
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.2
Stable tag: 4.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

A powerful ajax search engine for WordPress. Add a live search form to your site with filters. Custom post types, custom fields, categories supported

== Description ==

Ajax Search Lite - is a live search plugin for WordPress. This responsive live search engine, which will boost your user experience by providing a user friendly ajax powered search form - an ajax live search. You can filter the results with the category and post type filter boxes as well.

Very smooth animations with mobile device support and regular updates.
Fine-tune the user experience by providing a powerful ajax search plugin to your visitors. It will rock your site! Supports custom post types and custom fields and more. Boost your site search engine with this custom built live search engine.



**Features List:**

* Search in posts and pages
* Search in custom post types
* Search in title, description, excerpt and custom fields
* Custom Filter boxes (checkbox filters) for categories and post types
* WPML and Qtranslate compatible
* 5 built in templates
* Retina ready vectorized SVG icons
* Category and post exclusions
* Frontend search settings boxes
* Images in search results
* Fully ajax powered
* 40+ options on the backend
* Google analytics integration
* Caches images for faster response time

Homepage: [](

Pro version Demo:  [Ajax Search Pro](

**New In pro version 4.0 (2015.03.20):**

* Frontend Demo: [Ajax Search Pro](
* The search now can affect the default WordPress search results
* Search in BuddyPress, BBPress, JigoShop, Woocommerce
* Search in BuddyPress activity feed, users and group names
* Search result grouping by categories or post types
* Responsive design
* Search in custom fields
* Advanced caching technology - image precaching, search phrase caching
* Category selectors on the frontend – It’s now possible to filter the posts by categories
* Post grouping by category or post type!
* Search in comments
* 100+ Themes - Fully configurable and editable - with theme customizer & preview window
* 4 layouts: Vertical, Horizontal, Polaroid and Isotopic (with pagination)
* 400+ Admin options                                                    
* Google keyword suggestions and autocomplete
* Compatibility options and features
* Caching options & Search statistics
* Keyword Highlighting & more...
* Full features list: [Full Features List](

== Installation ==

1. Upload `ajax-search-lite` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Place the shortcode from the settings into your template or post-page

== Frequently asked questions ==

= The images are not showing, what is wrong? =

The search parses the first image from the post/page content. Most likely there 
is no image in post.

= I added images to the post/page but I still cannot see them =

Try to chmod to 777 the wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-lite/cache/ directory! All 
the image files will be stored there.
Also, make sure, that the "furl open wrapper" is enabled on your server! In some cases
this feature is disabled and you need to contact the server administrator to enable it for you.

= When I type in something, the search wheel is spinning, but nothing happens =

It is most likely, that another plugin or the template is throwing errors while the
ajax request is generated. Disabling all the plugins one by one can help you rule out which plugin
is creating the issue.

= I disabled all the plugins but the search wheel is still spinning to infinity, nothing happens =

You should contact me on the support forum with your website url. I will check your website
and will let you know what to do.

== Screenshots ==

1. Ajax Search Lite in action - 2 themes
2. Administrator area - nice and smooth

== Changelog ==

= 4.0 =
* Major Query optimizations
* Scrolling calculation and experience fixes
* CSS fixes for older IE browsers
* Input elements changed to flex layout
* Bugs fixed where input would resize to 0 pixels
* Term exclusion is now possible by ID
* Mobile search and type fix
* WooCommerce product variation Title and URL fixes

= 3.11 =
* WPML compatibility fix
* A possible security issue fix

= 3.1 =
* Updated engine with full UTF8 charset support
* Languages like chinese, persian are now searchable
* Language files added

= 3.06 =
* Fixed long label names in frontend settings dropdown
* Title and description substrings at word endings
* Removed an unneccessary CSS rule
* Fixed a bug with custom post type names

= 3.05 =
* Hotfix for disabled categories

= 3.0 =
* Fully reworked from version 1.7
* Added 30+ more options & much nicer options panel
* Brand new themes: Simple, Classic and Underline
* Google analytics integration
* Now possible to search custom post types
* Possible to search custom fields and excerpts
* Possible to exclude categories and posts by ID-s
* Possible to change image sources and set a default image
* Possible to add custom field and category selectors to the frontend

= 1.7 =
* Reworked the admin section
* New template: metro blue

= 1.6 =
* Removed an unnecessary link

= 1.5 =
* Stripping shortcodes from results content

= 1.4 =
* Security fix

= 1.3 =
* 2 brand new themes!
* Very stable custom built javascript
* Stabilised frontend and backend
* All compatibility issues fixed

= 1.2 =
* Search widget added
* Multisite fix

= 1.1 =
* Disappear bugfix
* WordPress 3.5 compatible

== Upgrade notice ==
* Nothing to say here :)

== Plugin website ==



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  • JavaScript 43.7%
  • PHP 41.0%
  • CSS 15.3%