Update Notice: Please Update to version v1.1.11.
GeniXCMS is a PHP Based Content Management System and Framework (CMSF). It's a simple and lightweight of CMSF. Very suitable for Intermediate PHP developer to Advanced Developer. Some manual configurations are needed to make this application to work.
This CMSF is a starter point to build your own online applications. With already build User manager, Content manager (Post, Pages), Menu manager, etc made you easy to add your own code and build your own custom web applications.
GeniXCMS is using some of FOSS (free and opensource software) like :
- Twitter Bootstrap,
- Summernote Text Editor,
- JQuery,
- PHP,
- MySQL,
- AdminLTE,
- elFinder File Manager
- etc.
- Webserver - Apache/Nginx
- PHP >=8
- PHP-imagick
- PHP-intl
- PHP-mysqli
- MySQL 4
- Nginx Server - for webserver
- MariaDB Server - for database
- PngQuant - for image compression
GeniXCMS can be installed on Custom Server like VPS/Dedicated Server or on Shared Hosting.
Upload all files to your site.
Set this directory permission to 777 (writable) :
- inc/config
- inc/themes
- inc/mods
- assets/images
- assets/images/uploads
- assets/images/uploads/thumbs
- assets/cache
- assets/cache/thumbs
- assets/cache/pages
After upload is done. Open your site at the browser. eg: http://yoursite.com
The installation wizard will appear, just follow all the instructions.
We are now ready for composer installation. Run this command at your server.
php composer.phar create-project genix/cms
more detail about composer, please read the documentation at http://getcomposer.org
more details of installation : http://docs.genixcms.my.id/user-guide/installation/
- Upload all files, except
. - edit your site's config.php,
- add this new configuration if not exist
define('SITE_ID', 'type-random-chars');
define('ADMIN_DIR', 'gxadmin');
define('USE_MEMCACHED', false);
Run at your browser
. -
Choose the previous version of your GeniXCMS version.
Don't forget to create Cache directory if want to use Cache System
Showcase URL :
GeniXCMS License : MIT License
Link : https://genixcms.my.id/
Contact us for Donation.
Developed by : GeniXCMS - https://github.com/GeniXCMS