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Frequently Asked Questions

Eric Myllyoja edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

This page will list all frequently asked questions by users.

Table of Contents

General Usage

Data Loss, Data Transfer, and Importing Old Data

General Questions

What is the purpose of the Editor Mode?

The Editor Mode in the Options tab is designed for contributors. It allows users to place markers and routes, export them in text format, and submit them for consideration to be added to the map for all users. Click here for more information.

Data Loss, Data Transfer, and Importing Old Data

How do I transfer my data to another computer or browser?

This is a simple process.

  1. Navigate to the GenshinMap site on the computer you want to transfer data from.
  2. Open the Options tab.
  3. Click the "Export Data" option. This will create a popup, containing an encoded string that includes your preferences, the list of markers you have flagged as completed, and the data you have created in the editor.
  4. Click the text box to copy the data. Then, send it to the computer you want to transfer the data to. Email it, put it on PasteBin, whatever.
  5. Navigate to the GenshinMap site on the computer you want to transfer data to.
  6. Open the Options tab.
  7. Click the "Import Data" option. This will create a popup containing an empty text box.
  8. Paste your data and click confirm.

How do I transfer my data from the old version of GenshinMap?

The old version of GenshinMap, which was just a translated version of, stored data differently from the current site. Thankfully, the new site does not override or clear the old data, and users who used the previous version of the site to mark chests or Oculi can use the legacy data importer to move their data over.

  1. Navigate to the new GenshinMap site.
  2. Open the Options tab.
  3. Click "Export Legacy Data." This will retrieve the legacy data from your browser storage and display it to you.
  4. Click the text box. This will add its contents to your clipboard.
  5. Close the dialog box, then click "Import Legacy Data." This will display a dialog with a text box to paste data into.
  6. Paste your data in, then click Confirm.
  7. Your markers should be fully imported.

I've previously used, can I import my data from there?

You sure can! Just follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Export button. This will save your data as a file on your computer.
  3. Navigate to GenshinMap.
  4. Open the Options menu.
  5. Click "Import Legacy Data." This will display a dialog with a text box to paste data into.
  6. Paste the contents of the file you got in Step 2, then click Confirm.
  7. Your markers should be fully imported.

I've previously used AppSample/MapGenie/etc, can I import my data from there?

Importing completion data from sites such as MapGenie or AppSample, as much as we'd like to support it, is not possible. This is because these sites do not provide export options, and GenshinMap cannot access your browser's local storage from these other sites for security reasons.