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SegY Reader
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* Added a new class for reading, sub-sampling and plotting segy line
  • Loading branch information
geojunky committed Jun 21, 2023
1 parent eac50e4 commit 5435237
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions utils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
A collection of segy-related utilities and functions
CreationDate: 19/06/23
Revision History:
LastUpdate: 19/06/23 RH

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np
import pyproj

from import segy

class DepthMigratedSegy:
def __init__(self, segy_fn,
Class for reading 2D segy files. This class assumes that the traces are
:param segy_fn: segy file name
:param depth_zero_m: depth of first sample in kilometres
:param max_depth_m: maximum depth in kilometres
:param coords_file: comma-separated text file containing x and y coordiates to be read
in instead of using coordinates available in segy file.
:param epsg_code: epsg code for projection used (default is GDA94 / MGA zone 53)
:param pick_every: by default, every trace is read from the segy file, but
pick_every>1 allows skipping traces.
self.sfn = segy_fn
self.coords_file = coords_file
self.depth_zero_km = depth_zero_km
self.max_depth_km = max_depth_km
self.epsg_code = epsg_code
self.sf = segy._read_segy(self.sfn)
self.pick_every = pick_every
# transformer to go from segy projection to wgs84
self.transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(self.epsg_code, 4326)

# Read traces
self.samples = [] # trace samples
self.xs = [] # x coordinates
self.ys = [] # y coordinates
self.ns = [] # num samples
self.cdps = [] # ensemble number (cdps) = [] # sample interval
self.ntraces = 0
for itr, tr in enumerate(self.sf.traces):
if (itr % self.pick_every == 0):
self.ns.append(tr.header.number_of_samples_in_this_trace) / 1e6) # convert from micro seconds to s
self.ntraces += 1
# end for

coords = np.loadtxt(self.coords_file, delimiter=',')
self.xs[:] = coords[:, 0]
self.ys[:] = coords[:, 1]
# end if

self.samples = np.array(self.samples).T # shape (nz, nt)
self.ns = np.array(self.ns)
assert np.min(self.ns) == np.max(self.ns), \
'Sample-count mismatch found. Aborting..' = np.array(
self.xs = np.array(self.xs)
self.ys = np.array(self.ys)
self.cdps = np.array(self.cdps)
self.station_spacing = np.sqrt((self.xs[:-1] - self.xs[1:]) ** 2 +
(self.ys[:-1] - self.ys[1:]) ** 2)
self.station_spacing = np.concatenate([[0], self.station_spacing])

# use station-spacing to weed out traces with incorrect coordinates
median_spacing = np.median(self.station_spacing)
bad_indices = np.fabs(self.station_spacing - median_spacing) > 0.1*median_spacing
print('Warning: removing {} traces (~{:.3f}%) with '
'bad coordinates..'.format(np.sum(bad_indices),

self.ns = self.ns[~bad_indices] =[~bad_indices]
self.xs = self.xs[~bad_indices]
self.ys = self.ys[~bad_indices]
self.cdps = self.cdps[~bad_indices]
self.station_spacing= self.station_spacing[~bad_indices]
self.ntraces -= np.sum(bad_indices)
self.samples = self.samples[:, ~bad_indices]

# compute euclidean distance along profile
self.ds = np.array([np.sum(self.station_spacing[:i])
for i in range(len(self.station_spacing))]) / 1e3 # km
self.ds -= np.min(self.ds) # distance along profile starts from 0

self.times = np.linspace(0, (np.max(self.ns) - 1) * np.max(,
# depths
self.zs = np.linspace(self.depth_zero_km, self.max_depth_km,

# convert x and y coordinates to lons and lats
self.lats, self.lons = self.transformer.transform(self.xs, self.ys)
# end func

def getAttribute(self, key, d):
Returns attribute value -- for the given key -- of the closest trace at a given
distance along the seismic profile.
:param key: attribute key; see key-value pairs below:
'samples' : trace samples
'x': x-coordinate of trace
'y': y-coordinate of trace
'lon': longitude of trace
'lat': latitude of trace
'cdp': CDP of trace
:param d: distance along profile in km
:return: attribute value of trace samples for a trace at a given distance along the
seismic profile.

if (key not in ['samples', 'x', 'y', 'lon', 'lat', 'cdp']):
assert 0, "Invalid key; should be one of \
['samples', 'x', 'y', 'lon', 'lat', 'cdp']"
if (d <= np.max(self.ds)):
idx = np.argmin(np.fabs(self.ds - d))

if (key == 'samples'):
return self.samples[:, idx]
elif (key == 'x'):
return self.xs[idx]
elif (key == 'y'):
return self.ys[idx]
elif (key == 'lon'):
return self.lons[idx]
elif (key == 'lat'):
return self.lats[idx]
elif (key == 'cdp'):
return self._cdps[idx]
raise ValueError('Attribute "%s" not found' % key)
# end if
return None
# end if

# end func

def getProfile(self, ndepths=-1, nsteps=-1):
Rreturns the seismic profile along with trace coordinates.
:param ndepths: number of depth values to return for each trace,
starting from 0 to 'max_depth_km'. When set to -1, ndepth
is internally reset to the number of samples in a trace
:param nsteps: number of steps along the profile. When set to -1, all traces
along the profile are returned, otherwise interpolated traces
at nsteps locations along the profile are returned
:return: lonlat_list: 2D array of trace coordinates along the seismic line
of shape (ntraces, 2)
depth_list: depths for each sample of shape (ndepths)
distances: distances along the profile
samples: A 2D array of amplitudes of shape (ndepths, ntraces)

if (ndepths < 0): ndepths = np.max(self.ns)
if (nsteps < 0): nsteps = self.ntraces

zs = np.linspace(self.depth_zero_km, self.max_depth_km, ndepths)
ds = np.linspace(0, self.ds[-1], nsteps)

result_samples = np.zeros((ndepths, nsteps))
lons = np.zeros(nsteps)
lats = np.zeros(nsteps)
for i, d in enumerate(ds):
samples = self.getAttribute('samples', d)
lon = self.getAttribute('lon', d)
lat = self.getAttribute('lat', d)

io = interp1d(self.zs, samples,
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
result_samples[:, i] = io(zs)
lons[i] = lon
lats[i] = lat
# end for

return lons, lats, zs, ds, result_samples
# end func
# end class

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