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Updating Documentation (#240)
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* Updating Documentation

* Added documentation for bulk_station_orientations
* Refactored documentation of the receiver_fn module

* Fixing typo
  • Loading branch information
geojunky committed Apr 4, 2022
1 parent 06f464d commit 8a0aea3
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Showing 4 changed files with 138 additions and 245 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions seismic/
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Dependencies
The workflow requires MPI (mpi4py) and parallel HDF5 (h5py) capabilities on the NCI.
Installation instructions for NCI (Gadi ) are as follows:

### Load system modules:
1. `module purge`
2. `module load pbs`
3. `module load python3-as-python`
4. `module load openmpi/3.1.4`
5. `module load hdf5/1.10.5p`

### Remove old packages
1. `rm -rf ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py*`
2. `rm -rf ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mpi4py*`

### Upgrade pip

1. `pip3.6 install pip==21.1.2 --user`

### numpy

1. `pip3.6 install numpy==1.18.5 --user`

### Install mpi4py that uses the correct OpenMPI libs

1. `MPICC=/apps/openmpi/3.1.4/bin/mpicc pip3.6 install --no-binary=mpi4py mpi4py==3.1.3 --user` Note that we use `pip3.6`, the system-provided pip for python 3.6

### Build Parallel H5PY

1. `pip3.6 install cython==0.29.22 --user`
2. `git clone --single-branch --branch 3.1.0-gadi-tweaks` Pull a branch (based on version 3.1.0) from a fork of h5py, adapted for Gadi.
3. `cd h5py`
4. `CC=mpicc HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=/apps/hdf5/1.10.5p/ python install --user` Configure, build and install

### Setup standard packages

1. `pip3.6 install obspy==1.1.0 --user`
2. `pip3.6 install click==7.1.2 --user `
3. `pip3.6 install netCDF4==1.4.0 --user`
4. `pip3.6 install pyasdf==0.5.1 --user`
5. `pip3.6 install ordered_set ujson psutil --user`
6. `pip3.6 install obspyh5==0.5.0 --user`
7. `pip3.6 install rf==0.8.0 --user`
8. `pip3.6 install matplotlib==3.3.4 --user`
9. `pip3.6 install cartopy==0.19.0.post1 --user`
10. `python -c "import as ccrs; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; crs = ccrs.PlateCarree(); fig = plt.figure(); ax = plt.subplot(projection=crs); ax.coastlines('50m'); plt.savefig('/tmp/test.pdf'); print('\nSUCCESS');"`

Step 10 ensures coastline shapefiles used by Cartopy are downloaded and available for use before
jobs are launched on NCI compute nodes that do not allow internet access.

### Initialize PhasePapy
Additionally, the workflow requires the PhasePapy package (a submodule of this repository) to be
initialized, if not already.
cd hiperseis
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Waveform Extraction and Orientation Analysis Tools

Scripts for extracting waveforms and generating station-orientation reports are
described in the following sections:

## Event Trace Extraction

The first step in data preparation is to extract relevant waveform data for a set of
registered teleseismic earthquakes obtained from the ISC web service.
The main program to extract raw waveforms from an FDSN web-service or the
FederatedASDFDataSet infrastructure is ``. It can be run in
MPI-parallel mode with the FederatedASDFDataset infrastructure; otherwise it must be
run in serial mode on an NCI login node or on the VDI, allowing access to an
FDSN web-service.

The following parameters must be supplied to the script:

- Waveform source (URL to an FDSN web-service or path to a text file to initialize a \
- Event catalog to create or re-use
- Network or list of networks to extract waveforms for
- Arrival-type(s) to extract waveforms for: around P, S and Surface-waves
- Output file name

All waveforms (except Surface-waves) are processed through an automatic (AIC-based)
picker and the following metadata are added to all traces where a pick is found:

'arrival_time' # actual arrival time of a P/S-wave
'slope_ratio' # quality metric for arrival -- typically, values>5 indicate \
robust arrivals
The P/S-arrival quality metric (`slope_ratio`) can be particularly useful for
filtering out low-quality waveforms in downstream processing steps.

For usage details, see output of `python --help`.

### Typical Usage:

Download events for OA stations (must be run on an NCI login node or on the VDI):
python --waveform-database asdf_files.txt
--event-catalog-file OA_events.xml --event-trace-datafile OA.h5 --catalog-only
--network-list "OA"

Generate OA waveforms:
mpirun -np 48 python --waveform-database asdf_files.txt
--event-catalog-file OA_events.xml --event-trace-datafile OA_waveforms.h5
--network-list "OA" --p-data --s-data --sw-data > out.txt 2>&1
## Orientation Analysis

Station-orientation reports are generated by an MPI-parallel driving script:
``. The script generates two estimates of station-orientation
based on (i) Receiver Functions and (ii) Surface-wave Polarization.

### Typical usage:
`mpirun -np 48 python
OA_waveforms_X-Y.h5 'OA' --output-basename OA_orientations`
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion seismic/
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Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ def plot_summary(station_coords_dict, corrections_dict, output_fn):
plt.savefig(output_fn, dpi=300)
# end func

CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
@click.argument('src-h5-event-file', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False),
@click.argument('network', type=str, required=True)
Expand Down

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