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Merge 896ea84 into 601750b
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medlin01GA committed Sep 3, 2019
2 parents 601750b + 896ea84 commit a26d83f
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Showing 4 changed files with 202 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion seismic/receiver_fn/notebooks/hk_stacking.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
" # Raise the final sum over phases to power >1 to increase contrast\n",
" hk_stack_sum = rf_util.signed_nth_power(hk_stack_sum, 2)\n",
" hk_stack_sum = hk_stack_sum/np.max(hk_stack_sum[:])\n",
" hk_stack_sum = hk_stack_sum/np.nanmax(hk_stack_sum[:])\n",
" \n",
" sta = station_data[channel][0].stats.station\n",
" num = len(station_data[channel])\n",
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion seismic/receiver_fn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,11 @@ def plot_hk_stack(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, title=None, save_file=None, show=Tru
colmap = 'plasma'
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
if clip_negative:
hk_stack = hk_stack.copy()
hk_stack[hk_stack < 0] = 0
plt.contourf(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, levels=50, cmap=colmap)
cb = plt.colorbar()
cb.mappable.set_clim(0, np.max(hk_stack[:]))
cb.mappable.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(hk_stack[:]))'Stack sum')
plt.contour(k_grid, h_grid, hk_stack, levels=10, colors='k', linewidths=1)
plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa = \frac{V_p}{V_s}$ (ratio)', fontsize=14)
Expand Down
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions seismic/receiver_fn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helper functions for producing synthetic pseudo-Receiver function traces

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

import obspy
import rf

import seismic.receiver_fn.rf_util as rf_util

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

def generate_synth_rf(arrival_times, arrival_amplitudes, fs_hz=100.0, window_sec=(-10, 30), f_cutoff_hz=2.0):
"""Simple generator of synthetic R component receiver function with pulses at given arrival times.
:param arrival_times: Iterable of arrival times as numerical values in seconds
:type arrival_times: iterable of float
:param arrival_amplitudes: Iterable of arrival amplitudes
:type arrival_amplitudes: iterable of float
:param fs_hz: Sampling rate (Hz) of output signal, defaults to 100.0
:type fs_hz: float, optional
:param window_sec: Time window over which to create signal (sec), defaults to (-10, 30)
:type window_sec: tuple, optional
:param f_cutoff_hz: Cutoff frequency (Hz) for low-pass filtering to generate realistic result, defaults to 2.0
:type f_cutoff_hz: float, optional
:return: Array of times and corresponding signal amplitudes
:rtype: numpy.array, numpy.array
# Compute array of time values and indexes of arrivals
duration = window_sec[1] - window_sec[0]
N = int(fs_hz*duration)
times = np.linspace(window_sec[0], window_sec[1], N)
arrivals_index = np.round((np.array(arrival_times) - times[0])*fs_hz).astype(int)

# Generate kernel of delta functions at specified arrival times
kern = np.zeros_like(times)
kern[arrivals_index] = np.array(arrival_amplitudes) # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation

# Filter to pass low frequencies
waveform = signal.butter(4, f_cutoff_hz/fs_hz)
signal_filt = signal.filtfilt(waveform[0], waveform[1], kern)

# Normalize signal so max positive amplitude is 1.
signal_filt = signal_filt/np.max(signal_filt)

return times, signal_filt
# end func

def synthesize_rf_dataset(H, V_p, V_s, inclinations, distances, ds, log=None):
"""Synthesize RF R-component data set over range of inclinations and distances
and get result as a rf.RFStream instance.
:param H: Moho depth (km)
:type H: float
:param V_p: P body wave velocity in uppermost layer
:type V_p: float
:param V_s: S body wave velocity in uppermost layer
:type V_s: float
:param inclinations: Array of inclinations for which to create RFs
:type inclinations: numpy.array(float)
:param distances: Array of teleseismic distances corresponding to inclinations
:type distances: numpy.array(float)
:param ds: Final sampling rate (Hz) for the downsampled output signal
:type ds: float
:param log: Logger to send output to, defaults to None
:type log: logger, optional
:return: Stream containing synthetic RFs
:rtype: rf.RFStream
assert len(inclinations) == len(distances), "Must provide 1:1 inclination and distance pairs"

k = V_p/V_s
traces = []
for i, inc_deg in enumerate(inclinations):
theta_p = np.deg2rad(inc_deg)
p = np.sin(theta_p)/V_p

t1 = H*(np.sqrt((k*k/V_p/V_p) - p*p) - np.sqrt(1.0/V_p/V_p - p*p))
t2 = H*(np.sqrt((k*k/V_p/V_p) - p*p) + np.sqrt(1.0/V_p/V_p - p*p))
if log is not None:"Inclination {:3g} arrival times: {}".format(inc_deg, [t1, t2]))

arrivals = [0, t1, t2]
amplitudes = [1, 0.5, 0.4]
window = (-10.0, 50.0) # sec
fs = 100.0 # Hz
_, synth_signal = generate_synth_rf(arrivals, amplitudes, fs_hz=fs, window_sec=window)

now =
dt = float(window[1] - window[0])
end = now + dt
onset = now - window[0]
header = {'network': 'SY', 'station': 'TST', 'location': 'GA', 'channel': 'HHR', 'sampling_rate': fs,
'starttime': now, 'endtime': end, 'onset': onset,
'station_latitude': -19.0, 'station_longitude': 137.0,
'slowness': p*rf_util.KM_PER_DEG, 'inclination': inc_deg,
'back_azimuth': 0, 'distance': float(distances[i])}
tr = rf.rfstream.RFTrace(data=synth_signal, header=header)
tr = tr.decimate(int(np.round(fs/ds)), no_filter=True)
# end for

stream = rf.RFStream(traces)

return stream
# end func
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions seismic/receiver_fn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Use a basic planar, 2-layer model of only the crust and the Moho to generate
synthetic arrival traces for known model characteristics. Intended to be used
for model validation.

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import obspy

import seismic.receiver_fn.rf_plot_utils as rf_plot_utils
import seismic.receiver_fn.rf_stacking as rf_stacking
from seismic.receiver_fn.rf_synthetic import synthesize_rf_dataset

# pylint: disable=invalid-name


def main():
H = 50 # km

V_p = 6.4 # km/s, top (crust) layer
V_s = 4.0 # km/s, top (crust) layer

k = V_p/V_s
print("H = {:3g}".format(H))
print("k = {:3g}".format(k))

# Generate function mapping ray parameter to teleseismic distance
ts_distance = np.linspace(25, 95, 71)
inc = np.zeros_like(ts_distance)
model = obspy.taup.TauPyModel(model="iasp91")
source_depth_km = 10.0
for i, d in enumerate(ts_distance):
ray = model.get_ray_paths(source_depth_km, d, phase_list=['P'])
inc[i] = ray[0].incident_angle # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
# end for
plt.plot(inc, ts_distance, '-+')
plt.xlabel('P-arrival inclination (deg)')
plt.ylabel('Teleseismic distance (deg)')
plt.title("Relationship between incident angle and teleseismic distance\n(source depth = {:2g} km)".format(
plt.grid("#80808080", linestyle=":")
plt.savefig("c:\\temp\\inclination_dist.png", dpi=300)

# Create interpolator to convert inclination to teleseismic distance
interp_dist = interp1d(inc, ts_distance, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(np.max(ts_distance), np.min(ts_distance)))

# Loop over valid range of inclinations and generate synthetic RFs
inclinations = np.linspace(np.min(inc), np.max(inc), 10)
distances = interp_dist(inclinations)
final_sample_rate_hz = 10.0
stream = synthesize_rf_dataset(H, V_p, V_s, inclinations, distances, final_sample_rate_hz, log)
stream.write("c:\\temp\\synth_rf_data.h5", format='h5')
_ = rf_plot_utils.plot_rf_stack(stream, time_window=(-10, 30), save_file="c:\\temp\\synth_rf.png", dpi=300)

# Run H-k stacking on synthetic data
station_db = {'HHR': stream}

k, h, hk = rf_stacking.compute_hk_stack(station_db, 'HHR',
h_range=np.linspace(40.0, 60.0, 101),
k_range=np.linspace(1.5, 1.8, 151),
rf_plot_utils.plot_hk_stack(k, h, hk[0], title="Synthetic Ps component",
save_file="c:\\temp\\Ps.png", show=False)
rf_plot_utils.plot_hk_stack(k, h, hk[1], title="Synthetic Ppps component",
save_file="c:\\temp\\Ppps.png", show=False)
w = (0.5, 0.5)
w_str = "w={:2g},{:2g}".format(*w)
stack = rf_stacking.compute_weighted_stack(hk, weighting=w)
rf_plot_utils.plot_hk_stack(k, h, stack, num=len(stream), title="Synthetic H-k stack ({})".format(w_str),
save_file="c:\\temp\\synth_stack_{}.png".format(w_str), show=False)
# stack = rf_stacking.compute_weighted_stack(hk, weighting=(0.8, 0.2))
# rf_plot_utils.plot_hk_stack(k, h, stack, save_file="c:\\temp\\synth_stack_0.8_0.2.png", show=False)

max_loc = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(stack), stack.shape)
h_max = h[max_loc[0], 0]
k_max = k[0, max_loc[1]]
print("Numerical solution (H, k) = ({:3g}, {:3g})".format(h_max, k_max))

if __name__ == "__main__":
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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