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ADL Game Engine

3D cross-platform game engine

ADL is a component based easy to use 3D RTS game engine. Uses OpenGL and runs on Windows and Linux.



  • Graphics

    • OpenGL 4.2 based renderer

    • Terrain painter

    • Full model support for Blender, Maya etc via Assimp

  • Collision & Physics

    • Fully integrated physics engine Bullet

  • Entity-Component System

    • Built-in components for rendering, physics and lighting

    • Easy to create custom components

Build Instructions



Running build_scripts/Windows_visual_studio.bat generates a Visual Studio Solution file under build folder. If that failes most likely you are missing some dependencies. Check cmakes output for which ones you are missing and download them. Put include files under dependencies/[library_name]/include Lib files under dependencies/[library_name]/lib and dlls under dependencies/bin folder.
