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Yali is yet another Lua interpreter for .NET.

Note: this project is still in development. Most of the code is tested by unit tests, but it's possible that the API will change in the future.


Why another interpreter? I needed a fully asynchronous interpreter for my web project. Most interpreters were synchronized and not thread-safe. Next to that I wanted full support for metatables and string patterns.


  • Async
  • Proxies
  • Metatables
  • String patterns


Creating the engine

var engine = Engine.Create();		// Creates an empty engine (which contains no functions or variables whatsoever)

engine.AddLuaLibrary(); 		// Adds the Lua functions (e.g. assert, error, setmetatable)
engine.AddStringLibrary();		// Adds the string library (
engine.AddMathLibrary();		// Adds the math library (

// To create an engine with all the libraries, you can use "Engine.CreateDefault"
var defaultEngine = Engine.CreateDefault();


// To use a C# class in Lua you'll have to add the attribute [LuaClass].
// By default the methods are not visible and can be registered with the attribute [LuaMethod].
// You can change this behavior with by setting the property "DefaultMethodVisible" to true.
[LuaClass(DefaultMethodVisible = true)]
public class SharedClass
    // Yali will transform all the Lua objects to the correct C# types.
    public static void Print(string str) => Console.WriteLine(str);

    // Yali will automatically await the method if it returns a Task.
    public static Task Wait(int timeOut) => Task.Delay(timeOut);

    // The following types will be automatically added without the need of providing them in Lua:
    //  CancellationToken - The token that was given in "engine.ExecuteAsync" or "func.CallAsync".
    //  LuaArguments      - All the arguments given by Lua.
    //  Engine			  - The engine that called the method.
    public static void Notice(Engine engine, LuaArguments args)
        Console.WriteLine($"The engine {engine} said: {string.Join(", ", args.Select(a => a.AsString()))}");

    // If the method is non-static Yali enforces the runtime to provide the SharedClass instance.
    // Which in Lua can be called with "instance:NonStatic()"
    public void NonStatic()


var engine = Engine.Create();

engine.Set("foo", new SharedClass());

await engine.ExecuteAsync(@"
	foo.print('Hello C#!')
	foo.notice('Engine is automatically injected', 'and with LuaArguments you can give as many arguments you want', 'horray!')


This project is MIT licensed.

The parser (found in src/Yali/Runtime) is originally from NetLua and is modified to support hex numbers, varargs and multi-line strings. NetLua is also MIT licensed. The license can be found at their repository and at the headers of the parser files.