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Stenotype Mnemonics for Beginners (English)

stevenbhardwaj edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 25 revisions

##Learning Steno Sometimes the first steps of learning stenotype is an especially steep learning curve -- much like learning the alphabet and basic sounds of a new language. This page presents some mnemonic devices to help ease this initial learning process. These mnemonics are for use along with a steno tutorial, such as Qwertysteno, LearnPlover, Steno101, etc. These and more are available here:

##Single-stroke consonants and single-stroke vowels source:

  • Verbal mnemonic for consonants in steno order:
    "STicK PoWer HeRe FoR PuB LoGo: 'ToeS DoZe'"
  • Verbal mnemonic for single-key vowels
    "The bAt-bOt bEt her bUtt that she could put cat-boy behind bars..."

##Compound-stroke Mnemonic Images Download hi-res version

Download hi-res version

##Mnemonic Image Keys:

  • Consonants: shoe zebra vote javelin nose thought feather ducky gift yellowbrickroad chop machinegun bubble lion pump tooth yolk link patch curve crunch / -lch cash pawn kong pump ham badge (j) sock redaction (kshun) bulge (lj) lotion (shun)

  • Vowels:
    moon - AO - identifies homophones spelled "oo" or "oa"
    mitt - EU
    ape-baby - AEU
    rowing-boat - OE
    pea - AE - identifies homophones spelled "ea" or "ae"
    wheel - AOE
    oil - OEU - often "wildcard" for making funky briefs
    saw - AU
    soup - AOU
    pow - OU
    eye - AOEU


  • Layered "xcf" image files editable in GIMP are available here if you want to put in some of your own mnemonics.
  • The best mnemonics are always the ones you make up yourself. So feel encouraged to make your own mnemonic sketches, or modify the xcf file with your favorite sound/image associations.
  • Info about mnemonic methods: ArtOfMemory , JoshFoerTEDTalk, WorldMemoryChampionships ,
  • The images provided are for education etc, "fair use". But other than that, feel free to use and abuse. :)