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Sly-Little-Fox edited this page Aug 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Help command: .help automod

By default the plugin is disabled.


Shows all auto moderation filters, the enabled/disabled emoji before their names shows their status whether they are enabled or disabled To configure each filter, use the command .filter <filter_name>. There are four filters: badwords, links, invites, mentions

To change the response of each filter react to the gear emoji. To toggle between enable/disable, react to the other emoji which would be either the disable emoji if currently that filter is enabled and would be enable emoji if currently that filter is disabled. All filter configuration commands are only visible in that filter's embed only if the filter is enabled. BadWords and Mentions filters have some extra configurations available, let's have a look into that:

* BadWords: 
.addbadword <your_word> - To add any badword in the list which bot would delete
.removebadword <you_word> - To remove any badword, make sure that the word is already in the bad word list or else it won't work
.allbadwords - To view all bad words, this will show all words

* Mentions
.mentionamount - To add a custom amount of mentions which the bot would delete for mass mentions, remember that only unique mentions are deleted!

.automodblacklist <channel>

This command blacklists a channel from auto moderation, members are immune to all filters in that channel.

.automodwhitelist <channel>

By default, all channels are whitelisted hence protected with auto moderation but if any channel has been blacklisted using the previous command then they can be whitelisted again using this command.

.addmodrole <role>

This commands adds a role in the moderator role list therefore members having any of the roles which are in the list are immune to all auto moderation actions by the bot.

.removemodrole <role>

Any role which has been added as a moderator role earlier can be removed from the list using this command, members having this role would no longer be immune to auto moderation.


Use this command to see all moderator roles which you have added to the list, moderator is the just a common usage and example but you can add any roles :D


Use the command to toggle betwen ignorebots mode, this mode decides whether other bots will be affected by auto moderation by Axiol or not, using the command returns an embed which tells the current status of ignorebots mode, to switch just react to the emoji which Axiol will add itself, it would be either the enable emoji or disable depending on the current status.