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Sly-Little-Fox edited this page Aug 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Help command: .help moderation

By default the plugin is enabled, reasons in ban, kick are optional and required in warn.

.ban <user> <reason>

Permanantly bans a user from guild, user ID can be used too therefore users which are not in the server can also be banned, bans using this command are permanant and can only be reversed manually or by using the next command.

.unban <user>

Unbans a previously banned user from the guild.

.kick <member> <reason>

Kicks a member out of the server, which means they can join again.

.mute <member>

This creates a 'Muted' role on first time usage and 'send messages' permission is disabled from all channels then the member is assigned the role therefore disabling their ability to send messages hence 'Muting', if there is a 'Muted' role already then it is used without creating any new one.

.unmute <member>

Removes the 'Muted' role from member therefore lets them send messages again.

.warn <member> <reason>

Warns a member, the reason is required. Right now warnings does not have any special punishments

.removewarn <member> <position>

Removes a warning from a member, the position is the number in which the warn is placed in the list, after removing a warn the warns below it are moved one position upwards to take the place of the warn removed.

.warns <member>

Shows all warns of the member with their reasons and position.

.purge <amount>

Deletes the number of messages defined in the amount field from the channel where the command is used, amount can only be a number.

.nick <member> <newnick>

Changes nickname of the member to the new nick defined in the command.

.addrole <member> <role>

Adds a role to the member.

.removerole <member> <role>

Removes a role from the member.

.massrole <role1> <role2>

This gets confusing a bit but hey I got you covered! The role1 is the role of which the members are given role2, this means every member in the server who has role1 gets role2, this may take some time depending on the number of members, after entering the command a confirmation embed is sent, reacting to the tick emoji will update everyone silently, and reacting to the enable emoji will update members with live stats which will send a message after the member gets updated with the role and cross emoji will cancel it.

.massroleremove <role1> <role2>

This works exactly same as the previous command (.massrole) the only difference being role2 is removed from people with role1.