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GitDK42 edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the ECE287_Project wiki! ECE 287 Final Project Daniel Kellett, Sean Minderlein We plan on making a processor much like any early processor. We are more likely to build something like the Zilog-Z80 as it very heavily documented.

There are five distinct steps that are involved when making a processor. The first step is to design and define the system we want to make, this is the computer architecture part of the project where we list the inputs and outputs of the processor. We will also define how we want the processor to act. The second step of the project will be to set up the Quartus project, while seemingly trivial, this step is a chance for us to define more accurately define the inputs and outputs and how we want the processor to act. The third step is to actually build the processor, where we write the code out according to how we want it to act. The fourth step is one that is often missed but is still important: compile. The last step will be to create a software application that the processor will run, proving that it is working properly.

The features of our processor will be the same as most other processors.

• Fetch: where the processor finds code that it needs.

• Decode: where the processor reads and breaks the code up to give it meaning.

• Execute: where the processor actually performs the task that described in the code. And finally write back, where the processor saves the results for later use.

We plan on breaking the work up into manageable chunks and work together for most of the project. We are not sure who would be best suited for each task yet, so we plan on working together to find the design that would work best for us.