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Releases: GitExl/WhackEd4

WhackEd4 version 1.3.0 beta 3

02 Jul 19:24
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Cumulative changes since 1.2.4:

  • Added: DeHackEd Extended (DEHEXTRA) configuration with extra states, sounds, things and sprites.
  • Added: support for DEHEXTRA thing fields: Gib health, Dropped item, Pickup width, Projectile pass height and Fullbright.
  • Added: Doom Retro thing fields: Blood, Shadow offset, Retro Bits, Name and Plural.
  • Added: state preview now uses a state's unused 1 and 2 parameters as offsets if previewing a state from the weapons editor (right-click state label).
  • Added: better Linux compatibility. The application starts and is somewhat usable, but a number of UI issues still prevent it from working well.
  • Changed: engine table files can now include (base table) files. This leads to smaller filesizes and makes for easier updating. As a result of this, strings in the Doom 1.9 and Ultimate Doom 1.9 tables are now keyed by their index.
  • Changed: engine table files list only fields used by that engine to reduce their size and improve maintainability. Default entries for things, states, weapons, ammo and sounds are provided for tables that extend existing ones.
  • Changed: string editing for vanilla patches will allow any number of characters to be entered, but disallow using the new string if it is too long.
  • Changed: thing editor properties, states, sounds and flags are now tabbed to save on screen real estate. Especially useful if an engine has many thing properties.
  • Changed: WhackEd4 is now a 64 bit application.
  • Changed: moved preview availability warning to notification text inside the patch settings window.
  • Fixed: the state animation preview now displays action names instead of code pointers for non-extended patches.
  • Fixed: a weapon's FireCGun and FirePlasma actions would only mark the extra muzzle flash state as used if the action was used on the first fire state.
  • Fixed: loading non-extended patches that try to set a codepointer on a state that originally had none will now display a warning. Thanks to Zodomaniac.
  • Fixed: saving a yet unsaved patch while exiting caused a crash. Thanks to TheStupidestBeing.
  • Fixed: BEX strings that do not appear in the engine selected for a patch will now not be visible in the strings editor, but will remain in the saved patch.
  • Fixed: fixed a wrong next state value in the MBF tables for S_GRENADE (968). Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: crash on startup in some rare cases where no patch was loaded yet. Thanks to Endy McGufin.
  • Fixed: maximum string length calculation for non-extended patches did not take the terminating NULL character into account. Thanks to Altazimuth.
  • Fixed: sprite frame selection up\down button did not work correctly.
  • Fixed: sound priority values can now be in the full signed integer range (though anything above 127 is useless).
  • Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION2 flag is now available and will not be removed upon saving. Thanks to j0e.
  • Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION1 flag is now recognized, and aliased to TRANSLATION for Boom compatibility. Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: some typos in engine configuration files. Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: Doom Retro TRANSLUCENT flag now shows up correctly in the flag list, alongside Boom's TRANSLUCENT.
  • Fixed: an MBF flag alias was missing. Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: when copying a thing or undoing changes to one, its speed property was wrong if it changed from or to a projectile.
  • Fixed: hopefully, locale issues.

WhackEd4 version 1.3.0 beta 2

27 Jan 18:48
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Cumulative changes since 1.2.4:

  • Added: support for DEHEXTRA thing fields: Gib health, Dropped item, Pickup width, Projectile pass height and Fullbright.
  • Added: support for DEHEXTRA extra sounds.
  • Added: Extended Dehacked configuration with the new states, sounds, things and sprites from DEHEXTRA.
  • Added: Doom Retro thing fields: Blood, Shadow offset, Retro Bits, Name and Plural.
  • Added: better Linux compatibility. The application starts and is somewhat usable, but a number of UI issues still prevent it from working well.
  • Added: state preview now uses a state's unused 1 and 2 parameters as offsets if previewing a state from the weapons editor (right-click state label).
  • Changed: engine table files can now include (base table) files. This leads to smaller filesizes and makes for easier updating. As a result of this, strings in the Doom 1.9 and Ultimate Doom 1.9 tables are now keyed by their index.
  • Changed: engine table files list only fields used by that engine to reduce their size and improve maintainability. Default entries for things, states, weapons, ammo and sounds are provided for tables that extend existing ones.
  • Changed: string editing for vanilla patches will allow any number of characters to be entered, but disallow using the new string if it is too long.
  • Changed: thing editor properties, states, sounds and flags are now tabbed to save on screen real estate. Especially useful if an engine has many thing properties.
  • Changed: WhackEd4 is now a 64 bit application.
  • Fixed: the state animation preview now displays action names instead of code pointers for non-extended patches.
  • Fixed: a weapon's FireCGun and FirePlasma actions would only mark the extra muzzle flash state as used if the action was used on the first fire state.
  • Fixed: loading non-extended patches that try to set a codepointer on a state that originally had none will now display a warning. Thanks to Zodomaniac.
  • Fixed: saving a yet unsaved patch while exiting caused a crash. Thanks to TheStupidestBeing.
  • Fixed: BEX strings that do not appear in the engine selected for a patch will now not be visible in the strings editor, but will remain in the saved patch.
  • Fixed: fixed a wrong next state value in the MBF tables for S_GRENADE (968). Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: crash on startup in some rare cases where no patch was loaded yet. Thanks to Endy McGufin.
  • Fixed: maximum string length calculation for non-extended patches did not take the terminating NULL character into account. Thanks to Altazimuth.
  • Fixed: sprite frame selection up\down button did not work correctly.
  • Fixed: sound priority values can now be in the full signed integer range (though anything above 127 is useless).
  • Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION2 flag is now available and will not be removed upon saving. Thanks to j0e.
  • Fixed: the MBF TRANSLATION1 flag is now recognized, and aliased to TRANSLATION for Boom compatibility. Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: some typos in engine configuration files. Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: Doom Retro TRANSLUCENT flag now shows up correctly in the flag list, alongside Boom's TRANSLUCENT.

WhackEd4 version 1.3.0 beta

20 Jun 08:52
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  • Added: support for DEHEXTRA thing fields: Gib health, Dropped item, Pickup width, Projectile pass height and Fullbright.
  • Added: support for DEHEXTRA extra sounds.
  • Added: Doom Retro thing fields: Blood, Shadow offset, Retro Bits, Name and Plural.
  • Added: better Linux compatibility. The application starts and is somewhat usable, but a number of UI issues still prevent it from working well.
  • Added: state preview now uses a state's unused 1 and 2 parameters as offsets if previewing a state from the weapons editor (right-click state label).
  • Changed: engine table files can now include (base table) files. This leads to smaller filesizes and makes for easier updating. As a result of this, strings in the Doom 1.9 and Ultimate Doom 1.9 tables are now keyed by their index.
  • Changed: engine table files list only fields used by that engine to reduce their size and improve maintainability. Default entries for things, states, weapons, ammo and sounds are provided for tables that extend existing ones.
  • Changed: string editing for vanilla patches will allow any number of characters to be entered, but disallow using the new string if it is too long.
  • Changed: thing editor properties, states, sounds and flags are now tabbed to save on screen real estate. Especially useful if an engine has many thing properties.
  • Changed: WhackEd4 is now a 64 bit application.
  • Fixed: the state animation preview now displays action names instead of code pointers for non-extended patches.
  • Fixed: a weapon's FireCGun and FirePlasma actions would only mark the extra muzzle flash state as used if the action was used on the first fire state.
  • Fixed: loading non-extended patches that try to set a codepointer on a state that originally had none will now display a warning. Thanks to Zodomaniac.
  • Fixed: saving a yet unsaved patch while exiting caused a crash. Thanks to TheStupidestBeing.
  • Fixed: BEX strings that do not appear in the engine selected for a patch will now not be visible in the strings editor, but will remain in the saved patch.
  • Fixed: fixed a wrong next state value in the MBF tables for S_GRENADE (968). Thanks to hawkwind3.
  • Fixed: crash on startup in some rare cases where no patch was loaded yet. Thanks to Endy McGufin.
  • Fixed: maximum string length calculation for non-extended patches did not take the terminating NULL character into account. Thanks to Altazimuth.
  • Fixed: sprite frame selection up\down button did not work correctly.
  • Fixed: sound priority values can now be in the full signed integer range (though anything above 127 is useless). #12

Version 1.2.4

04 Jan 08:28
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Fixed: invalid sprite names no longer cause a crash when loading\creating a patch, but are ignored instead.
Fixed: changing miscellaneous values would result in a crash. Thanks to Xyzzy01.

WhackEd4 version 1.2.3

08 Sep 07:58
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Fixed: no longer allow a state's action to be removed in non-extended patches. Thanks to Mechadon.
Fixed: Boom configurations now properly refer to the red skullcard pickup string key as REDSKULL instead of REDSKUL. Thanks to EarthQuake.
Fixed: a crash on startup if the program settings became empty or corrupted somehow. Default settings will now be loaded if this is the case.
Changed: doubled size of sprite previews in the state editor.
Changed: updated wxPython to 4.0.6.
Changed: updated to Python 3.7.
Changed: enabled high DPI support.
Changed: reduced size of installed files.

WhackEd4 version 1.2.1

23 Jul 14:26
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Added: support the RandomJump action in state previews.
Added: Extended DehackEd configuration with the extra things and empty states from Doom Retro. Crispy Doom also supports these.
Added: state actions that spawn things (like missiles from monster attacks) will now play that thing's sound during a preview.
Fixed: unused state parameter descriptions would not be updated when an action using them was selected.
Fixed: added missing things to the Doom Retro configuration. Thanks to VGA.
Changed: WAD reloading is now faster and doesn't reset the UI state.

WhackEd4 version 1.2.0

22 Jul 16:44
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Added: state animation preview (with sounds) by pressing ~ on a state or using the new state context menu. Pressing ~ again inside the animation preview will restart it. Right-clicking a thing or weapon state from their respective dialogs will preview it directly.
Added: linking states together can now be done by selecting them, right-clicking and selecting a link option (or use the respective shortcut key). Linking is done in the order of selection.
Added: an option to clear out all selected states from the state context menu.
Added: an option to clear out a thing's properties from a thing's context menu.
Added: DOOM Retro "Gib health" thing property.
Added: barebones patch merging feature by loading a patch 'over' the current one.
Fixed: state and thing copy and paste operations were much slower than they should to be.
Changed: sprite selection dialog now shows sprites at 2x scale.
Changed: always display a state's "unused" parameters since these actually affect a weapon sprite's offset even in vanilla Doom.
Changed: updated to PyAudio 0.2.11.
Changed: monospace font is now the more modern DejaVu Sans Mono.

WhackEd4 version 1.1.2

01 Nov 12:00
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Fixed: Doom Retro's PlaySound action was missing a parameter name, causing a crash when it was selected. Thanks to AnotherLife.
Fixed: rewrote sprite name, frame and rotation handling to better emulate Doom's behaviour. As a result, zero-rotation sprites can now replace sprites with multiple rotations. Thanks to VGA, AnotherLife.
Fixed: when selecting a new sprite for a state, all selected state's frames were set to 0 when no specific frame was selected. Thanks to VGA.

WhackEd4 version 1.1.1

01 Nov 11:59
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Added: A Doom Retro engine configuration. Thanks to VGA.
Added: Unknown Dehacked fields are now ignored, but also saved unaltered.
Fixed: missing parameter names for the PlaySound and PlayWeaponSound state actions.
Fixed: the sprite label property not updating after selecting a sprite in the state editor.
Fixed: a crash when jumping to a state with the RandomJump action.
Fixed: choosing a 30th sprite frame.
Fixed: state parameters disappearing when selecting a state.
Fixed: state action editing was possible in non-extended patches.
Fixed: patch states with extra text in their headers being ignored.
Fixed: calculation of maximum string length.

WhackEd4 version 1.1.0

08 Nov 11:21
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Added: the ability to change the rotation in a sprite preview by dragging the mouse over it with the left button held down.
Added: a number of new state, thing, weapon and miscellaneous options for advanced ZDaemon\ZDoom support.
Added: better defined state action parameter support, including support for arguments.
Added: a new miscellaneous editor UI that supports an arbitrary number of options. Double click items to quickly edit them.
Added: clicking an active editor window toolbar button will bring it to the front if it is not already, otherwise it will close it.
Added: closing dialogs is now possible with the ESC and a window close button.
Added: a ZDaemon engine configuration file supporting some of ZDaemon's Dehacked extensions.
Fixed: sound numbering and sound assignment used sound 1 as the dummy sound erroneously.
Fixed: missing ampersands in thing flags.
Fixed: thing names not being updated in the state filter list when a thing is renamed.
Fixed: misspelling of ReFire and BFGSound actions.
Fixed: monster infighting flag used the wrong value when enabled.
Fixed: loading a patch through explorer no longer causes a crash on startup.
Fixed: weapon editor undo functionality did not work properly.
Changed: removed the MBF Beta configuration. The regular MBF configuration now also contains the beta functionality.
Changed: editing action parameters is now made easier by only displaying parameters for actions that support them, complete with name labels and descriptions in tooltips.
Changed: thing list indices start at 1 to make using state actions like MBF's Spawn easier.
Changed: some control and window sizes have been altered to better fit with larger fonts.
Changed: the string editor window will focus on the text to edit when activated, so the user can often begin typing immediately.
Changed: reduced flickering when resizing editor windows.
Changed: tab traversal between controls is now possible in most cases.
Changed: the sprite selector will now not hide when pressing enter or clicking Ok if no sprite is selected.
Changed: the sprite selector puts focus on the filter field for faster filtering.