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AluminiumDB is an embeddable append-log written in Rust


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AluminiumDB (AlumDB) is an embeddable append-log written in Rust that can optionally be used via a server as well. However database is designed for client-only use cases, with the possibility of a client syncing its Database between different platforms P2P.

If you want a client->server DB there are plenty of better options available. If you look for a (Rust) embeddable DB however that can be used as the storage for your Application, than AlumDB might be what exactly what you need.

WARNING: this database is highly experimental, and while we do plan to dogfeed on it as soon as we can for some of our own applications, it is not advised to use it in a production environment already.

Please e-mail in case you want to contribute to AlumDB, you have feedback or are interested in using it for your application.

Progress towards a first alpha-release of AlumDB is tracked in the Roadmap section.


AlumDB Design image (architecture)


The data is stored in files, called blobs. Each blob can have an index file. It is however only the blob which is critical as an index can always be created (again) from a blob file). All files are to be used in append/read only mode. Never-ever should existing data within a file be deleted or modified. The index contains entries, where each entry stores the start position and length of the record it points too. The entry itself is always fixed size, allowing for efficient key scanning.

All numbers are to be encoded and decoded as LittleEndian.


File Path: "<db_dir>/blob_<n>.log"


  • n is the ordered sequential blob index, starting from 0;
  • prefix an optional constant that can be configured for an alumdb instance;
  • db_dir being the directory used to store the alumdb instance;

A blob can have an unlimited amount of records (your data) or a fixed amount of data based on record count or total data size. By default a blob grows unlimited unless specified in its header otherwise.

A blob can also be safely removed without corrupting the rest of the database, but best to only do so once all users of those files have been put offline.

blob_header blob_meta record#1 record#2 ... record#n
min 32 B, max 132 B n B x B y B ... z B
Blob Header
magic version flags blob_meta_size record_key_size record_meta_size record_data_size max_records public_key iv_len header_checksum
8 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 4 B 0 or 4 B 0 or 32 B 0 or 1 B 8 or 64 B
  • magic is an opaque constant to identify the file type: 0x616C6462626C6230 (7020096292884603440);
  • version consist of the year (first 2 byes, e.g. 2022), the revision number (third byte) and the patch number (last byte):
    • a year bump can contain backwards incompatible changes;
    • revision bumps are to be considered backwards-incompatible within the same year, but are usually introducing new features / major changes;
    • a revision number of 0 is to be considered a pre-release and can break on a frequent basis;
    • patch numbers ae bumped for small fixes / updates;
    • older revision versions receive no updates;
    • older year versions receive only patches for their last revision for critical issues and require a motivational request or patch contribution from a community member;
  • optional header parts:
    • max_records: part of header only if limit_records flag is set to 1;
    • public_key and iv_len: part of header only if ed25519_crypto flag is set to 1;
    • iv_len defines the length in bytes of the crypto random input used to prefix the plain- key and data prior to encryption, its only meaning is to make the ciphers unique for different crypto sessions of the same record storage;
  • dynamic size header parts:
    • header_checksum: 64 bytes if ed25519_crypto flag is set to 1 as to be able to contain the crypto signature. Otherwise it will contain CRC-64 with a size of 8 bytes;

The current version is 2022.0.0, which is 132513792 in decimal and 07 E6 00 00 in hex.

Blob Header Flags (starting from the lift, one column per bit, omitting unused bits):

bit name description
0 allow_duplicate_keys If set duplicate keys are allowed, otherwise it is the key on the smallest offset which is to be used
1 deduplicate_as_last This flag can be only set if allow_duplicate_keys is not set. When this flag is set the DB engine is instructed to use the key with the largest offset when multiple positions of the same key are found.
2 fixed_size_records If set all records are the same size and the record_data_size in the header will define the fixed size of each record in bytes (not including its header and meta-data). By default this flag is not set and instead records can have dynamic size in which case the record_size defines the max allowed record size (in bytes) instead.
3 limit_records Limit amount of records stored in one (this) blob, by default there is no limit. max_records will be part of the blob header if the flag is set and is expected to be 1 or greater.
4 max_records_as_bytes Interpret max_records as bytes rather than as a "count of records". Can only be set if limit_records is set.
8 ed25519_crypto Use Ed25519 for encryption of records and signing of header (used as checksum), otherwise CRC-64 is used for the checksum (remaining bytes are 0-filled). When this flag is set both the record_key_size, record_meta_size and record_data_size refer to the cipher version of the key and record data.
9 plain_key Can be set only if ed25519_crypto is set and indicates if the keys should be stored as plain text and thus not be encrypted. This makes it cheaper to read but does mean the key data is to be considered public and is also no longer tamper proof. Corruption errors are however still detected via the regular checksum. If this flag is set it also means the record_key_size is in fact the actual byte size of the plain bytes of the encoded key
Blob Record
record_header record_meta record_data
9+record_key_size B record_meta_size B m B

The size of record data (m) is a constant in case the fixed_size_records (blob) flag is used.

  • record_meta content is optional and if defined it is of a fixed size with its content opaque to alumbdb and used as raw binary data;
  • record_data content is also opaque to alumbdb and used as raw binary data;
  • both record_meta and record_data have to be decrypted prior to reading in case the blob ed25519_crypto is set;
    • also ensure to drop the iv prefixed to both the meta and data prior to reading in case iv_len (found in the blob header) is > 0;
Blob Record Header
checksum record_key data_size record_flags
4 B record_key_size B 4 B 1 B
  • CRC-32 is used for the checksum, no signature alternative available, instead when ed25519_crypto is used both the record_key and record_data are encrypted;
    • ensure to decrypt the record_key prior to usage in case ed25519_crypto is used;
    • also ensure to drop the iv prefixed to the key prior to reading in case iv_len (found in the blob header) is > 0;
  • record flags aren't yet used, but are reserved for future usage, for now it is expected to be 0;


File Path: "<db_dir>/<prefix>_index_<n>.log"


  • n is the ordered sequential blob index;
  • prefix an optional constant that can be configured for an alumdb instance;
  • db_dir being the directory used to store the alumdb instance;

An index file is linked to a blob. It is an optimization and can be recovered from the blob should the index file be (partly) corrupted or missing. It is used for reading purposes only.

index_header index_meta entry#1 entry#2 ... entry#n
min 32 B, max 144 B n B x B y B ... z B
Index Header
magic blob_header_checksum index_meta_size entry_meta_size index_header_checksum
8 B 8 or 64 B 4 B 4 B 8 or 64 B
  • magic is an opaque constant to identify the file type, it is different from the constant used for blobs: 0x616C646269647830 (7020096293001525296);
  • blob_header_checksum is a copy of the checksum found in the linked blob's header;
  • index_meta_size defines the size of the opaque optional (index) meta data following the index header, and is not used by alumdb for any purposes;
    • Note that both the index_meta_size and entry_meta_size defines the size of the cipher version (of the index meta encoded data) in case the blob ed25519_crypto flag is used;
  • Uses Ed25519 for encryption for signing of (index) header (used as checksum) in case the the blob ed25519_crypto flag, otherwise CRC-64 is used for the checksum (remaining bytes are 0-filled);
  • dynamic size header parts:
    • blob_header_checksum and index_header_checksum: 64 bytes if ed25519_crypto flag (found in the blob header) is set to 1 as to be able to contain the crypto signature. Otherwise it will contain CRC-64 with a size of 8 bytes;
Index Entry
checksum record_key record_checksum record_data_offset record_data_size
4 B record_key_size B 4 B 4 B 4 B
  • CRC-32 is used for the checksum of the entire entry (minus the checksum), no signature alternative available, crypto verification is achieved because record_key, record_meta, index_meta and record_data is all encrypted and thus is to be decrypted prior to be able to use it;
    • ensure to decrypt the record_key prior to usage in case ed25519_crypto is used;
    • also ensure to drop the iv prefixed to the key prior to reading in case iv_len (found in the blob header) is > 0;
  • if entry_meta_size is greater than 0 you are to interpret the index_meta_size bytes following an entry as meta attached to that entry;
  • record_checksum must match the checksum of the record as fund in the record_header;


Please consult the Projects page at GitHub for a detailed and up to date planning of all the different milestones.

However, here is more or less the traject —in order— that AlumDB's development is following:

  • AlumDB PoC in Rust only, with unit- and integration tests;
  • Python example up and running for the "C" ABI;
  • iOS Swift App Example;
  • WASM+JS Library + WebApp example;
  • Initial version of the AlumDB server;
    • RESP2 Rust Module;
    • (Hyper) REST API Rust Module;
  • Documentation, Iteration & Improvements;
  • Benchmarks;
  • Website (built using TSG);
  • 2022.0.1, the first alpha release, ready to dogfeed;
  • ...
  • 2022.1.0, first stable release (Q4 of 2022);


AluminiumDB is an embeddable append-log written in Rust








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