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Validation Summary

Mike edited this page Jun 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Validation Summary

Gives an overall summary of the state of the decision image

  • Shows the version of validator that was executed along with a summary of the latest features
  • Shows the decision name
  • Shows the date and time that validation was performed


  • Shows if the decision is potentially executable (i.e. contains no fundamental errors that would prevent execution)
  • Shows if the decision is complete. If it is not complete then some combinations of input values may produce no results
  • Shows the number of errors that are preventing execution
  • Shows the number of warnings


  • Shows the actual number of rules in the model
  • Shows the number of rules that are missing from the model


  • Shows the number of test cases that were generated. Test cases are only generated for declared inputs based on the values tested in the rules.
  • Shows the number of declared decision inputs that were never referenced in any rule (possibly because of misspelling - VV will suggest possible matches)
  • Shows number declared outputs that were never set by any rule
  • Shows the number of redundant rules and gives details on how redundant rules may be merged
  • Shows the number of gaps in values tested
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