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skier233 edited this page Apr 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

Themes are a feature added to Tease AI Java in version 1.1.

Themes allow for customization of the look of Tease AI Java

By default, Tease AI Java comes with the Twilight theme. You can modify this theme as well as create your own themes. To access themes, go to the Appearance tab of the settings menu. From this window, the active theme can be chosen, a new theme can be created, and the active theme's name can be changed.

Below the theme selection and modification buttons, there are a series of color pickers. These allow for the customization of a theme.

Primary Color: This is the main background color for the theme.

Chat Window Color: This is the border color for the chat window. In twilight, for example, this is set to the same color as the primary color and chat background so the chat has no hard edges.

Chat Background Color: This is the background color of the chat window. IMPORTANT: Be sure to make sure that this color has good contrast with chat color, date color, sub color, dom color, and friends colors otherwise the text in the chat window will blend in or be invisible.

Date Color: This is the color of the date/time shown in the chat window before messages.

Chat Color: This is the default color of the written text in the chat window. This will still be overridden if a personality sends its own custom colors using a custom message.

Sub Name Color: This is the color of the Sub's name in the chat window.

Dom Name Color: This is the color of the Dom's name in the chat window.

Friend 1-3 Color: These are the colors of friend 1-3's names in the chat window.

Button Color: This is the color of the background of the buttons in Tease AI Java.

Further Customization: While themes can easily be created and modified using the built in theme editor, it is also possible to customize themes even more. Every theme has a css file (a type of file that controls formatting and colors) in the Themes folder. It is possible to modify a css file for a theme to be able to customize any aspect of how the gui looks for Tease AI Java. For example, by modifying the css file, one could make every button have a unique color.