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Related Website Sets

Milind More edited this page May 27, 2024 · 4 revisions

PSAT's Related Website Sets component provides access to information about the API, and guidance on how to generate the JSON resources for registering related websites sets.

Related Web Sites Features

The component displays RWS membership information, if the top-level site currently on focus belongs to a registered RWS.

Related Web Sites Membership

THe component provides a Related Website Sets Generator, to help you create the resources needed for submitting a RWS definition request, as outline in the documentation.

Related Web Sites JSON Generator

To generate your RWS resources, define your set by providing PSAT with:

  1. Your contact information
  2. Your primary domain
  3. The specific Associated Subsets and the rationale for their inclusion.
  4. The specific Service Subsets and the rationale for their inclusion.
  5. The specific ccTLD Subsets and the rationale for their inclusion.

and then click on Generate.

Generate Resources

PSAT generates your JSON resources and displays them for your review, and it provides guidance on the steps to follow for submitting your RWS request.

Generate Resources