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Ray tracing is a powerful technique used to generate realistic digital images by simulating the inverse path of light. This project aims to develop a ray tracer program that can generate high-quality images based on a scene configuration file.


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Ray tracing is a powerful technique used to generate realistic digital images by simulating the inverse path of light. This project aims to develop a ray tracer program that can generate high-quality images based on a scene configuration file.

We had the following objectives:

  • have multiple types of primitives (Spheres, Planes, Cylinders, ...)
  • have multiple types of lights (Point, Directionnal, ...)
  • have at least an output to a ppm file
  • load the elements from a json configutation file, using nlohmann-json3 library

Before continuing...

This project is an EPITECH Project. If you are an EPITECH student, move out the way !

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If you're not, no worries! You're welcome here!


To use this project, you'll need a compiler that supports C++ 20.

This project can generate images in a SFML window.


Building program

RayTracer is a B-OOP-400 EPITECH module project. It is build with CMake.

You can use this program as it follows:

# Compile the project with flags required to close properly shared libraries, only available with g++

./ --gcc

Once the project is build, the raytracer executable is built at the root, and the plugins in the plugins directories:

├── plugins
│   ├── encoder
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── lights
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── primitives
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── renderer
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
└── raytracer

Configuration file format

Here is the strucuture of the configuration file for the program

  "global": {
    "encoder_name": Name (whithout .so extension) of the encoder located in the folder plugins/encoder,
    "renderer_name": Name (whithout .so extension) of the renderer located in the folder plugins/renderer,
    "output_file": Path of the generated image,
    "faster_render": OPTIONNAL name (whithout .so extension) of the renderer used to preview the generated image located in the folder plugins/renderer,
    "recursion_depth" : Value of the reflection reccursion (0 mean no reflection),
    "background_color": {
      "r": R value [0; 255],
      "g": G value [0; 255],
      "b": B value [0; 255]
    "scene": OPTIONNAL Path of a scene to load in addtion with this one
  "camera": {
    "resolution": {
      "width": Width in pixel of the generated image,
      "height": Height in pixel of the generated image
    "origin": {
      "x": X value of the camera position,
      "y": Y value of the camera position,
      "z": Z value of the camera position
    "rotation": {
      "x": Rotation angle of the camera on X axis,
      "y": Rotation angle of the camera on Y axis,
      "z": Rotation angle of the camera on Z axis
    "screen": {
      "distance_with_camera": Distance beetween the screen and the camera (1 is a good value). The higher is the value, the higher is FOV,
      "height": Height of the screen in the raytracer 3D environnement (1 is a good value for a square image),
      "width": Width of the screen in the raytracer 3D environnement (1 is a good value for a square image)
  "primitives": {

    For each primitives type you can put an array with one element corrsponding to one primitive of the corresponding type.

    "sphere": [
        "center": {
          "x": X value of the sphere position,
          "y": Y value of the sphere position,
          "z": Z value of the sphere position
        "radius": Radius of the sphere,
        "color": {
           "r": R value [0; 255],
           "g": G value [0; 255],
           "b": B value [0; 255]
        "reflection": Reflection index of the primitive [0; 1],
        "spec": Specularity index of the primitive can be -1 or > 0,
        "transparency": Transparency index of the primitive [0; 1]
    "plane": [
        "normal": {
          "x": X value of the plan normal vector,
          "y": Y value of the plan normal vector,
          "z": Z value of the plan normal vector
        "translation": Translation of the plan following the normal vector,
        "color": {
           "r": R value [0; 255],
           "g": G value [0; 255],
           "b": B value [0; 255]
        "rotation": {
          "x": Rotation of the plan on the X axis,
          "y": Rotation of the plan on the Y axis,
          "z": Rotation of the plan on the Z axis
        "reflection": Reflection index of the primitive [0; 1],
        "spec": Specularity index of the primitive can be -1 or > 0,
        "transparency": Transparency index of the primitive [0; 1]
    "cylinder" : [
        "color": {
           "r": R value [0; 255],
           "g": G value [0; 255],
           "b": B value [0; 255]
        "rotation": {
          "x": Rotation of the cylinder on the X axis,
          "y": Rotation of the cylinder on the Y axis,
          "z": Rotation of the cylinder on the Z axis
        "crossing_point": {
          "x": X coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis,
          "y": Y coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis,
          "z": Z coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis
        "radius": Radius of the cylinder,
        "reflection": Reflection index of the primitive [0; 1],
        "spec": Specularity index of the primitive can be -1 or > 0,
        "transparency": Transparency index of the primitive [0; 1]
    "cone" : [
        "color": {
           "r": R value [0; 255],
           "g": G value [0; 255],
           "b": B value [0; 255]
        "rotation": {
          "x": Rotation of the cylinder on the X axis,
          "y": Rotation of the cylinder on the Y axis,
          "z": Rotation of the cylinder on the Z axis
        "crossing_point": {
          "x": X coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis,
          "y": Y coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis,
          "z": Z coordinate of a point crossed by the cylinder main axis
        "angle": Angle between the axis and the side of the cone,
        "reflection": Reflection index of the primitive [0; 1],
        "spec": Specularity index of the primitive can be -1 or > 0,
        "transparency": Transparency index of the primitive [0; 1]
  "lights": {
    "ambient": [
        "color": {
          "r": R value [0; 255],
          "g": G value [0; 255],
          "b": B value [0; 255]
        "intensity": [0; 1] where 0 mean no light and 1 mean full light power
    "point": [
        "color": {
          "r": R value [0; 255],
          "g": G value [0; 255],
          "b": B value [0; 255]
        "x": X coordinate of the light position,
        "y": Y coordinate of the light position,
        "z": Z coordinate of the light position,
        "intensity": [0; 1] where 0 mean no light and 1 mean full light power
    "directional": [
        "color": {
          "r": R value [0; 255],
          "g": G value [0; 255],
          "b": B value [0; 255]
        "x": X parameter of the light direction,
        "y": Y parameter of the light direction,
        "z": Z parameter of the light direction,
        "intensity": [0; 1] where 0 mean no light and 1 mean full light power

Launch program

After building project, here is the output of the help:

$> ./raytracer -h
USAGE: ./raytracer <SCENE_FILE>
	SCENE_FILE: scene configuration

Launch the program:

$> ./raytracer scenes/duck.json

Output examples

Here are some output from our RayTracer:

Commit norm

The commits are normed thanks to a program made by Adrien Ricou.

Commit type Description
[ADD] 🚀 Deploying new code
[MODIFY] ✨ Modifying code
[COD.STY] ⚡ Improving performance
[FIX] 🐛 Fixing a bug
[HANDLE] ✨ Handling new features
[INCLUDE] 🔧 Modifying user defined headers
[LIB] 🔧 Modifying libraries files
[REMOVE] 🔥 Removing code or files
[UNIT.TESTS] ✅ Added tests
[MERGE] 🔀 Merging branches
[DOCS] 📝 Added documentation
[CI/CD] 💚 CI/CD related push
[FIRST.PUSH] 🎉 First push hoorah
[HOTFIX] 🚑 Big problem, quick fix
[CODE.STRUCT] 🎨 Code structure related push
[RESSOURCES] 🚚 New ressources added
[COMMENTS] 💡 Added commentaries

**Emoji are available thanks to the Gitmoji tool



Ray tracing is a powerful technique used to generate realistic digital images by simulating the inverse path of light. This project aims to develop a ray tracer program that can generate high-quality images based on a scene configuration file.







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