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Test path generation

Anatoli Tsoi edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 8 revisions

Test selection step

GraphWalker supports special rules that help you select a sequence of actions and states you would like to cover by tests in your model. Those rules consists of two parts - "how to cover" and "what to cover". The pattern is illustrated here:

Selection rule pattern

And examples could look like this:
random(edge_coverage(100)) - walk through the model randomly until all (100%) edges have been reached.

All edges covered

In the model above, all elements are colored green because GraphWalker has traversed them all.

a_star(reached_vertex(v_ClientStarted)) - generate a shortest path through the model to the vertex "v_ClientStarted"

Shortest path

In the model above, only the elements in the shortest path from e_Init to v_ClientStarted has been colored green, meaning they have been traversed.

GraphWalker has plenty of ways to cover your model, both exhaustively and effectively.
The full list of path generation methods can be seen in generators and stop conditions.

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