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React + TypeScript + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

Expanding the ESLint configuration

If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules:

  • Configure the top-level parserOptions property like this:
   parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 'latest',
    sourceType: 'module',
    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.node.json'],
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
  • Replace plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended to plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-type-checked or plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked
  • Optionally add plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked
  • Install eslint-plugin-react and add plugin:react/recommended & plugin:react/jsx-runtime to the extends list


simple news website that use NYT-API


Three-paged app with actual news

Table of content

  • Technologies;
  • Pre-requisites;
  • Getting started;
  • Project content;
  • Project structure;


- Axios 1.6.2;
- React 18.2.0;
- Redux 8.1.3;
- Tailwindcss 3.3.3;
- Typescript 5.0.2;
- Vite 4.5.3


Install Node.js LTS

Getting started

Clone repository

git clone

Install dependencies

cd<project name> => npm install

Run the project

npm run dev

Navigate to


Project content

  1. Pages
    • Home page;
    • Favourite page;
    • Read page;
    • Archive page;
    • User page;
  2. Hero
  3. Weather block
  4. News processing
    • Search processing;
    • Filter processing;
  5. Calendar block
  6. Theme switcher
  7. Page pagination
  8. Adaptive layout
    • Mobile;
    • Tablets;
    • PC;
  9. Skeleton
  10. User actions
    • User authorization;
    • Google link;
    • Google authorization;
    • Save news to Favorites;
    • Store all read news;
    • News archive;
    • Clear the archive;
    • Change user email;
    • Change user password;
  11. Useful social links
    • NYT youtube chanel;
    • NYT Linkedin page;
    • NYT twitter page;
    • NYT facebook page;
  12. Error handlings
  13. Data encryption

Project structure

all graphs will begin with “contains”

  1. node_modulescontains all npm dependencies;
  2. public – the app tab icon png;
  3. scr – source code;
    • assets – all project stored fonts, images and svg icons;
      • fonts – project stored fonts;
      • images – project stored images in .png format;
      • icons.svg – shortcuts to all project icons;
    • components – project general components;
      • authModal – logic to open the modal window; returns a .jsx markup
        • assistants - auxiliary data to authModal;
        • hooks - authModal exclusive hooks;
        • subComponents - specific modal windows' components of the project;
      • deleteModal – close the modal window;
        • assistants - auxiliary data to deleteModal;
      • linkedAccounts – logic to link an social account
        • assistants - auxiliary data to linkedAccounts;
        • hooks - linkedAccounts exclusive hooks;
      • navigationErrorButtons – button to return to Home page in a case of error cause
      • newsFilterManager – markup for filtering and searching logic
        • subComponents - auxiliary components to newsFilterManager
          • calendar - all logic and markup that response for calendar features;
          • filtersBlock - all logic and markup that response for news filter processing;
          • hooks - newsFilterManager exclusive hooks;
      • newsList – news table markup
        • assistants - auxiliary data to newsList;
        • subComponents - logic and markup for a single news card;
      • toast – markup for a tost notification
        • assistants - auxiliary data to toast;
        • hooks - toast exclusive hooks;
      • weatherBlock – markup for a weather block features
        • assistants - auxiliary data to weatherBlock;
        • hooks - weatherBlock exclusive hooks;
        • subComponents - some specific components for weatherBlock proper function;
    • config - env. validation setups;
    • constants - auxiliary constant data;
      • dropdownArrays.ts - lits of news material types;
      • images.ts - general image data objects;
    • context – all global project constants;
    • helpers – useful external functions;
    • hooks - all general custom project custom hooks;
    • layouts - all project layouts;
      • assistants - function to determinate a serverError. Return a boolean;
      • hooks - layouts exclusive hooks;
      • subComponents - general layout components;
        • commonMenu - mobile only main menu;
        • footer - project footer component;
        • header - project header component;
        • hero - project hero component;
        • pageScrollController - main page screen viewport controller;
        • container.tsx - project main style container;
    • pages – list of project pages
      • aboutUs - project developers info;
      • accountManagePage - user data settings;
      • accountPage - user general page;
      • archivePage - list of all news that has been read at least two weeks ago;
      • developmentPage - auxiliary error page, in a case of some sudden malfunctions;
      • errorPage - general project error page, in a case of 400+ error happened;
      • favouritePage - page with all user saved news;
      • homePage - project main page with all useful info and features;
      • readPage - page with all news that has been read at least one time;
      • serverErrorPage - project error page, in a case of 500+ error happened;
      • template - main project page template; wrapper;
    • redux - API logic and data processing;
      • auth - user register and authorize logic; sending and retrieving data to project backend;
      • hooks - redux exclusive custom hooks;
      • newsAPI - NYT-API news fetch and retrieve logic;
      • newsDatabase - data, saved on backend; user personal stored and read news data;
      • services - useful functions for a proper API data processing;
      • weather - Weather API news fetch and retrieve logic;
      • filterSlice.ts - main filter logic processing;
      • reducers - general redux reducer data collector;
      • store - redux store data;
    • routes – logic to determine if curren route are available or not;
    • types – all project TypeScript types;
    • ui – all general project reused interface components;
    • App.ts – application routes hub file;
    • AppProvider – application wrapper hub file;
    • main.ts - main application file