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The Grid+ Agent client used to connect to our network

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Grid+ Agent Client

This was an early iteration on the now Lattice1 firmware and has been deprecated. Although the firmware is not open source, please look at our SDK for how to integrate with a Lattice1 device.

The Grid+ Agent Client is the official way to connect to the Grid+ hub and pay for your home's electricity on the agent device. The following guide allows a developer to setup the agent client.

This process is automated in production and the below guide is only relevant for the Grid+ testing environment.

1. Generate a setup key pair

The first step is set up a simulated agent device. This consists of three pieces of information:

  • Address: the agent's setup address. This is seeded with a small amount of ether and used to overwrite itself in the Registry contract with whatever address the agent generates on its own once it first boots up
  • Private key: A random string from which the setup address is derived. Used to sign the message overwriting the address.
  • Serial: The serial number. This would come printed on the agent and is assigned by Grid+. This number cannot be changed and is associated with the physical agent device.
  • Serial Hash: A keccak-256 hash of the serial number, provided for convenience. This is typically the identified needed to update the registry.

To generate this information, call the following endpoint:

:user can be any string you wish to use as an identifier. If you lose your setup information, you can call this endpoint to retrieve it at any time.


This endpoint makes a transaction to Ropsten asynchronously. If multiple people are generating keys simultaneously, it can quickly run into nonce issues. Your setup key information will also include a txhash field. Please use this on to verify the transaction was successfully mined.

Please only call this endpoint once! If it returns an error, please wait 5 minutes before calling it again. If that fails, try a different username.

2. Send your setup address some ether

The API call in part 1 registered a new address on the Registry contract. Your agent client will need to send a transaction from that new address, so it needs a small amount of ether.

If you're not familiar with Ethereum, I recommend getting set up with Metamask, switching your network to Ropsten, and requesting 1 ether from their faucet.

Once you get your ether, send 0.01 ether to the address that was returned in step 1. If you're new and using Metamask, open up the browser extension and click "Send". The recipient will be the device address you got in step 1, and the amount should be 0.01 ether.

3. Setup your agent client

Before installing the agent client, you will need to have Go (programming language) installed. If you are on OSX, you can do this with homebrew (brew install golang).

The next step is to create a file in the repo directory with the information you got from step 1: src/config/setup_keys.toml. An example setup_keys.toml file looks like this:

addr = "0x2a919a8ff288615fb1381ff1a582b826d412dab2"
pkey = "1aec3339a5388d3c165f7d0dd35e5c16acad31eb311f1526b920d410636a6028"
serial_no = "726a686c68f"

Once that file is saved, you can install the client with:


This will install the prerequisites (via go get) and then it will generate a private key for your simulated device and put it in the proper config file.

Now you can run the agent:


3. Claim ownership of your device

Once your agent is ready, it will print Waiting for agent to be claimed... to your console.

Now get the address of the Registry contract by calling the Grid+ endpoint

Next, form the data for the transaction you will send:

0xbd66528a[your serial hash]

e.g. 0xbd66528a238d80cfd0e63d9b634a914d1493d1fdacdf0099c537560d893d61858c965932

Include this in a transaction from your Ethereum wallet and send it to the registry address provided by the Grid+ API endpoint. If you're new and using Metamask, open up the browser extension and click "Send" again. This time, fill in the Registry contract address as the recipient, send 0 ether, and put your data string in the optional "Additional Data" field.

If the transaction is formed correctly, once it gets mined your agent should print the following to its console:

Setup complete. Running.

Your agent is now set up.

Grid+ API Documentation

The following is a list of endpoints that are used to connect to the Grid+ hub. The agent client makes a connection with this API.

All routes originate from


Authenticated endpoints can only be reached by registered (whitelisted) agent devices.

Once your device is registered on the Registry contract, you may request an authentication token from the Grid+ hub:

GET /AuthDatum

Query this endpoint to get the data string that needs to be signed by a registered key pair.


  "result" : <String>

POST /Authenticate

Send a decomposed ECDSA signature of the data returned from /AuthDatum and receive an authentication token. An example signature decomposition is:

var ethutil = require('ethereumjs-util')

var message = ethutil.toBuffer(auth_datum)
let datum_hash = ethutil.sha3(message);
let pkey = new Buffer(myPrivateKeyString, 'hex');
let sig = ethutil.ecsign(datum_hash, pkey);
sig.r = sig.r.toString('hex')
sig.s = sig.s.toString('hex')


  "owner": <String> # The address that made the signature
  "sig": {
    "v": <Integer> # 27 or 28
    "r": <String>
    "s": <String>
  "personal": <Boolean> # OPTIONAL, true if this signature came from metamask's signing library


  "reslt": <String> # Authentication token

Making an Authenticated Request

Once the user has an authentication token, it can be included either in the body of the request (for POST requests) or as a header with title x-access-token.

Token Expiration

If a token becomes invalid, it may have expired. A new one can be created through the same process (/AuthDatum + /Authenticate) at any time.

Address Routes

Various routes exist that return the Ethereum address of the contract in question. They are all unauthenticated GET requests that return the following data:

  "result": <String> # Address of the contract in question

The following routes exist:

  • GET /Registry # The registry contract address
  • GET /BOLT # The BOLT token contract address
  • GET /Hub # The address of the Grid+ token recipient (i.e. the counterparty on all transactions)
  • GET /Channels # The address of the payment channel contract

All addresses are currently on the Ropsten test network.

Default Constants

The Grid+ hub may make requests to the Ethereum chain on the user's behalf. There are certain default parameters that can be overwritten. The defaults can be queried from these endpoints.

GET /Gas

This returns the default gasPrice and gas for transactions.


  "gas": <Number> # Amount of gas to spend (decimal format, e.g. 100)
  "gasPrice": <Number> # Price of gas to spend (decimal format, e.g. 100)


Grid+ offers a small amount of ether to authenticated customers upon request. This endpoint is only available to whitelisted devices or registered Grid+ customers and any faucet drips are recorded by Grid+ and billed after the fact at market rate if applicable.

POST /Faucet (Authenticated)

This endpoint returns a default amount of ether (0.1 ETH right now) to the requesting party if the recieving address has below a requisite amount of ether.


  "serial_hash": <String> # A keccak-256 hash of the serial number assigned to
                          # the whitelisted agent


  "result": <String> # The transaction receipt hash.

Getting BOLT Tokens

BOLT tokens may be purchased with cryptocurrency or with a credit card.

NOTE: Because this is still an early-alpha release, only one endpoint is available that functions as a BOLT faucet.

POST /BuyBOLTCC (Authenticated)

NOTE: This may take up to a minute to process and may return an error regardless of success


  "token": <String> # Authentication token (may also be provided as x-access-token header)
  "recipient": <String> # OPTIONAL, receiving address if different from authenticated address

Billing and Usage

Once a channel is opened by the client (done automatically on the official Grid+ agent client), a number of endpoints can be used to query for bills or send signatures that pay outstanding bills.

POST /Bills

Get a list of unpaid bills based on your agents consumption.


  "serial_hash": <String> # A keccak-256 hash of your agent's serial number
  "all": <Boolean> # OPTIONAL, if true, include paid bills


  "result": [
      bill_id: <Number> # Id for reference
      amount: <Number> # Amount of USD required to pay this bill (USD === BOLT)

POST /ChannelSum

An agent may request the latest total that has been committed to the hub for a particular payment channel. For instance, if two bills worth $10 each were paid previously, the channel sum would be $20.


  token: <String> # Auth token, may also be sent as the x-access-token header
  channel_id: <String> # bytes32 string of the channel id


  result: <Number> # The amount (in units of 10^-8 BOLT) currently committed to
                   # this payment channel

POST /PayBills

Pay a set of bills (based on an array of bill_id values) with a signed message that can be checked against an open state channel. This requires a state channel to be open with the Grid+ hub.

The signed message is a keccak-256 hash of the following concatenated data:

  1. Channel Id (bytes32 value)
  2. Value (32-byte padded hex integer)

Note that value is a hex integer and it should be the sum of the bills being paid for and the previous channel sum (i.e. these bills are added to the existing "tab").

A decomposed ECDSA signature (producing v, r, s values) is required. For an example, please see the /Authenticate section.


  "bill_ids": <Array>
  "msg": <String> # Hash of the message (see above)
  "v": <Integer> # 27 or 28
  "r": <String>
  "s": <String>
  "value": <Integer> # Amount of BOLT to be committed

NOTE: The BOLT value listed above is denominated in atomic units. BOLT tokens (in their current design) have 8 decimals, which means 1 USD = 1 BOLT = 100,000,000 atomic BOLT units.


The Grid+ Agent client used to connect to our network






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