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Dude, Where's My Class?

...where's my code?

GrizSpace is a cloud-based, class scheduling, social photo sharing, navigation, and productivity iPhone app. We developed it as our final projects in our human-computer interaction and mobile application development courses at the University of Montana-Missoula.



  1. git clone ...
  2. cd GrizSpace
  3. rake db:setup


Please see the Pro Git (free) for an overview, or GitHub's excellent help.

XCode's Git integration is great, unless you're collaborating with anyone. Thus, you'll need to use the shell (or try it with GitHub app).


  • master -- this is stable. Do not push directly to this unless you know your commits do not break the build.

  • fix-34-arrow-is-inverted -- this is an example of a topic branch. These are short-lived branches that are for bugs or features. The reason behind a short, topic branch is they're easier to merge into master than a long-lived, user-specific branch.

Pulling Changes

  1. If you have a "dirty" repo, run git stash save "My WIP" to set your changes aside
  2. git pull --rebase to pull changes
  3. git log to view a log of recent commits
  4. git show <some SHA1 hash> (or git show with no arguments to view a diff of the last commit)
  5. git stash pop to pop your stashed changes off (i.e., make them current and visible)

Committing Changes

A visual tool like GitHub app or GitX is recommended for staging changes (these let you stage hunks of code instead of whole files).

  1. git status to see what files are modified or untracked. If it's untracked, then Git doesn't know about it. This is important: Committing modified files that depend on untracked files does not add the untracked files.

  2. git diff will show your modifications to tracked files. By default, this will open it up in a pager program (less). If you'd prefer a GUI, Google "git diff opendiff|Filemerge".

  3. git add <filename>, regardless of whether it's modified or untracked. This is referred to as "staging" the commit.

  4. git commit will open whatever your default $EDITOR is (probably nano -- ^ means press Control). Keep the first line of your commit to 50 characters or less, otherwise your message will be garbled on GitHub and in the CLI. Leave a blank line, and then make your next line as long as 72 characters.

     My descriptive commit SUBJECT
     This explains more about my commit. You do not need to specify your name
     or date since that is metadata associated with the commit.
     If you are having a hard time writing a succinct subject line (50
     chars), chances are your commit is doing too much. Break it into smaller

Pushing Changes

You do not have to push after every commit. In fact, it is probably best if you do not so you can fix typos and not break builds (look into git commit --amend for fixing commit typos or adding skipped files).

  1. git status shows you your current repo status
  2. git pull --rebase to check
  3. git push

Creating Branches

  1. git checkout master ensures you are on the master branch
  2. git checkout -b my-new-branch-with-descriptive-name will create a new branch and check it out (switch to it).
  3. git push origin my-new-branch-with-descriptive-name will push the branch up to GitHub. This is not necessary unless you want to share your changes with us.

Merging Branches

Try to merge commits into master sooner rather than later to avoid hairy merges. Here's how you do it from shell:

  1. git checkout master
  2. git merge --no-ff my-new-branch-with-descriptive-name will merge your branch into master.
  3. git branch -d my-new-branch-with-descriptive-name will delete your topic branch.


We are storing just the text SQL in data/*.sql instead of the binary .sqlite file. This allows us to do text-diffs between schema and data, and as a result, we have more control.

  • rake db:schema if you want to commit schema changes
  • rake db:data if you want to commit data changes
  • rake db:dump for both schema and data
  • rake db:setup to load the schema and data

If you'd like to run the import, you need to install two gems first:

sudo gem install sqlite3 sequel --no-ri --no-rdoc

Then run rake -rrubygems import_courses.


Dude, Where's my class? for iPhone







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Contributors 4
