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James Shen edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 1 revision

Guidebee Game Engine comprises several packages that provide useful features for most of the game architectures. Following is a diagram of major packages included in the Android Game Engine: Packages

Here I used 4 different colors to denote the important level for a typical games. Most of games will use features defined in the Green Packages:

Package Descriptions
Activity This package defines Game Activity for Android game application.
Scene The scene package define game scene classes (actor, stage ,scenery etc.)
Graphics The package defines class relate to graphics like sprite, animation, SVG etc.
Input Provides a unified input model and handler for all platforms. Supports keyboard, touchscreen, accelerometer and mouse where available.
Audio Facilitates sound recording and playback on all platforms.
Files Abstracts file access on all platforms by providing convenient methods for read/write operations regardless of the media.

The next three packages are Cameras, Map, UI. Cameras can be used to track actor movement , coordinate conversion between screen and world. and If you have tiled map or other maps ,there are a lot of classes will help you use maps for your games. UI provides high level UI compoments, such as buttons, menus ,Dialog, Labels ,Textbox etc.

Package Descriptions
Camera This package defines two common cameras: OrthographicCamera and PerspectiveCamera.
Maps The maps package provides class for using game maps (like tile map).
UI The package defines high level UI components

Packages in dark blue are Net, Math, Utils, Net package support networking ,online games. Math and Utils package defines some Math and Utility help classes.

Package Descriptions
Net Provides methods to perform networking operations, such as simple HTTP get and post requests, and TCP server/client socket communication.
Math This package define math and math algorithms.
Utils This package define utility classes.

For more advanced game design, the following four packages: Drawing package provides functions for advance vector 2D drawing ,include SVG image. Physics package supports Box2D physical engine. Entity package defines Entity System Framework (will discuss in later blogs) ,Tween for animations.

Package Descriptions
Drawing The Drawing package provides access to basic 2D graphics functionality.
Entity This package defines entity system framework main classes.
Physics The physics package provides wrapper classes for native Box2D library.
Tween The tween package defines Universal Tween Engine enables the interpolation of every attribute from any object in any Java project.