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OPP Project: TIC TAC TOE game

This project is a TIC TAC TOE game in Ruby.

Live link

You can play the game on platform, skip enviroment set up section and follow how to play section

  • Run on

Enviroment set up requirements

To run this game, you need ruby installed in your enviroment. Run the following commend:

$ ruby -v

You should a have a result similar to this:

ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]

If you don't get that result, follow this link and install Ruby in your local enviroment.

How to play:

Tic Tac Toe game rules:


  • The game start with an empty board (image on the left).
  • Player 1 start by one case using X and Player 2 continue by filling the next case using O symbol.
  • The game continue until we have a winning combination (check images below) or the grid is full and it is a draw. Winning combinaison
  • Winning combinaison are full row, full column or full diagonal.

Play the game:

  • Use the live version on plateform above or clone this repository into your local enviroment and CD to the folder.
  • Run this command:
$ ./bin/main.rb
  • You have two option: 1 start new game or 2 quit the game.
  • First image
  • The game start with an emty board and a score of player 1: 0 and player 2: 0
  • Second image
  • The game show the board status, whose player turn is and the possible moves. The player should choose x an y (x and y is the coordinate of the case the player want to fill). x: 1 and y: 1 is the top left case, x: 3 and y: 3 if the bottom right case.
  • third image
  • The game continue until we get a winning combinaison or a draw.
  • fourth image
  • If a player win, the score get increased and you have two options: Continue the game or Quit.
  • fifth image

Built With

  • Ruby



👤 Jabiro Christian

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


This project is a TIC TAC TOE game in Ruby.






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