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Merge 460dd3c into b97441c
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nkern committed Jul 9, 2018
2 parents b97441c + 460dd3c commit 2aa8c97
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Showing 4 changed files with 405 additions and 1 deletion.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions pipelines/pspec_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#PBS -q hera
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o pspec_batch.out
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l vmem=128gb, mem=128gb

# start script
echo "starting power spectrum pipeline: $(date)"

# put a lock on parameter file, run, unlock file
chmod 444 pspec_pipe.yaml pspec_pipe.yaml
chmod 775 pspec_pipe.yaml

# end script
echo "ending power spectrum pipeline: $(date)"
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions pipelines/pspec_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
Copyright (c) 2018 The HERA Collaboration
This script is used as the IDR2.1 power
spectrum pipeline.
See pspec_pipe.yaml for relevant parameter selections.
import multiprocess
import numpy as np
import hera_cal as hc
import hera_pspec as hp
import hera_qm as hq
from pyuvdata import UVData
import pyuvdata.utils as uvutils
import os
import sys
import glob
import yaml
from datetime import datetime
import uvtools as uvt
import json
import itertools
import aipy
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

# Parse YAML Configuration File
# get config and load dictionary
config = sys.argv[1]
cf = hp.utils.load_config(config)

# update globals with IO params, data and analysis params

# get common suffix
data_suffix = os.path.splitext(data_template)[1][1:]

# open logfile
logfile = os.path.join(out_dir, logfile)
if os.path.exists(logfile) and overwrite == False:
raise IOError("logfile {} exists and overwrite == False, quitting pipeline...".format(logfile))
lf = open(logfile, "w")
if joinlog:
ef = lf
ef = open(os.path.join(out_dir, errfile), "w")
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("Starting pspec pipeline on {}\n{}\n".format(time, '-'*60), f=lf, verbose=verbose)
hp.utils.log(json.dumps(cf, indent=1) + '\n', f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# Create multiprocesses
if multiproc:
pool = multiprocess.Pool(nproc)
M =
M = map

# change to working dir

# define job monitoring function
def job_monitor(run_func, iterator, action_name, maxiter=1):
Job monitoring function.
run_func : function
A worker function to run on each element in iterator
iterator : iterable
An iterable whose elements define an individual job launch
action_name : str
The name of the block in the pipeline
maxiter : int
Maximum number of job re-tries for failed jobs.
failures : list
A list of failed job indices from iterator
# run function over jobs
exit_codes = np.array(M(run_func, iterator))
time = datetime.utcnow()

# inspect for failures
if np.all(exit_codes != 0):
# everything failed, raise error
hp.utils.log("\n{}\nAll {}} jobs failed w/ exit codes\n {}: {}\n".format("-"*60, action_name, exit_codes, time), f=lf, verbose=verbose)
raise ValueError("All {}} jobs failed".format(action_name))

# if not all failed, try re-run
failures = np.where(exit_codes != 0)[0]
counter = 1
while True:
if not np.all(exit_codes == 0):
if counter >= maxiter:
# break after certain number of tries

# re-run function over jobs that failed
exit_codes = np.array(M(run_func, failures))

# update counter
counter += 1

# update failures
failures = failures[exit_codes != 0]

# all passed

return failures

# Run Jacknife Data Difference
if run_diff:
# get algorithm parameters
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\n{}\nstarting {} visibility data difference: {}\n".format("-"*60, diff_type, time), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

raise NotImplementedError

# Run OQE Pipeline
if run_pspec:
# get algorithm parameters
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\n{}\nstarting pspec OQE: {}\n".format("-"*60, time), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# configure dataset groupings
groupings = hp.utils.config_pspec_blpairs(data_template, pol_pairs, group_pairs, exclude_auto_bls=exclude_auto_bls,
exclude_permutations=exclude_permutations, bl_len_range=bl_len_range,
bl_deg_range=bl_deg_range, xants=xants)

# create dictionary of individual jobs to launch
jobs = odict()
for pair in groupings:
# make Nblps / Nblps_per_job jobs for this pair
blps = groupings[pair]
Nblps = len(blps)
Njobs = Nblps // Nblps_per_job + 1
job_blps = [blps[i*Nblps_per_job:(i+1)*Nblps_per_job] for i in range(Njobs)]
for i, _blps in enumerate(job_blps):
key = tuple(hp.utils.flatten(pair) + [i])
jobs[key] = _blps

# create pspec worker function
def pspec(i, outfile=outfname, dt=data_template, st=std_template, jobs=jobs, pol_pairs=pol_pairs, p=cf['algorithm']['pspec']):
# get key
key = jobs.keys()[i]
# parse dsets
dsets = [dt.format(group=key[0], pol=key[2]), dt.format(group=key[1], pol=key[3])]
dset_labels = [os.path.basename(d) for d in dsets]
if st is not None and st is not '' and st is not 'None':
dsets_std = [dt.format(group=key[0], pol=key[2]), dt.format(group=key[1], pol=key[3])]
dsets_std = None

# pspec_run
hp.pspecdata.pspec_run(dsets, outfile, dsets_std=dsets_std, dset_labels=dset_labels,
dset_pairs=[(0, 1)], spw_ranges=p['spw_ranges'], n_dlys=p['n_dlys'],
pol_pairs=pol_pairs, blpairs=jobs[key], input_data_weight=p['input_data_weight'],
norm=p['norm'], taper=p['taper'], beam=p['beam'], cosmo=p['cosmo'],
rephase_to_dset=p['rephase_to_dset'], trim_dset_lsts=p['trim_dset_lsts'],
broadcast_dset_flags=p['broadcast_dset_flags'], time_thresh=p['time_thresh'],
Jy2mK=p['Jy2mK'], overwrite=overwrite, psname_ext="_{}".format(key[4]),
hp.utils.log("\nPSPEC job {} errored with:".format(i), f=ef, tb=sys.exc_info(), verbose=verbose)
return 1

return 0

# launch pspec jobs
failures = job_monitor(pspec, range(len(jobs)), "PSPEC", maxiter=maxiter)

# print failures if they exist
if len(failures) > 0:
hp.utils.log("\nSome PSPEC jobs failed after {} tries:\n{}".format(maxiter, '\n'.join(["job {}: {}".format(i, str(jobs.keys()[i])) for i in failures])), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# print to log
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\nFinished PSPEC pipeline: {}\n{}".format(time, "-"*60), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# Merge power spectrum files from separate jobs
hp.utils.log("\nStarting power spectrum file merge: {}\n{}".format(time, '-'*60), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# Get all groups
groups = psc.groups()

# Define merge function
def merge(i, filename=filename, groups=groups):
psc = hp.PSpecContainer(filename, mode='rw')
grp = groups[i]
spectra = [os.path.join(grp, sp) for sp in psc.get_spectra(grp)]
hp.utils.merge_pspec(psc, spectra=spectra)
hp.utils.log("\nPSPEC MERGE job {} errored with:".format(i), f=ef, tb=sys.exc_info(), verbose=verbose)
return 1

return 0

# launch pspec merge jobs
failures = job_monitor(merge, range(len(groups)), "PSPEC MERGE", maxiter=maxiter)

# print failures if they exist
if len(failures) > 0:
hp.utils.log("\nSome PSPEC MERGE jobs failed after {} tries:\n{}".format(maxiter, '\n'.join(["group {}: {}".format(i, str(groups[i])) for i in failures])), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# print to log
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\nFinished PSPEC pipeline: {}\n{}".format(time, "-"*60), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# Run Bootstrap Pipeline
if run_bootstrap:
# get algorithm parameters
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\n{}\nStarting BOOTSTRAP resampling pipeline: {}\n".format("-"*60, time), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# open container
psc = hp.PSpecContainer(filename, mode='r')

# get groups
groups = psc.get_groups()
del psc

# define bootstrap function
def bootstrap(i, filename=filename, groups=groups, p=cf['algorithm']['bootstrap']):
# get container
psc = hp.PSpecContainer(filename, mode='rw')

# get spectra
group = groups[i]
spectra = psc.spectra(group)

# run bootstrap
hp.grouping.bootstrap_run(psc, spectra=spectra, time_avg=p['time_avg'], Nsamples=p['Nsamples'],
seed=p['seed'], normal_std=p['normal_std'], robust_std=p['robust_std'],
conf_ints=p['conf_ints'], keep_samples=p['keep_samples'],
bl_error_tol=p['bl_error_tol'], overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)

hp.utils.log("\nBOOTSTRAP job {} errored with:".format(i), f=ef, tb=sys.exc_info(), verbose=verbose)
return 1

return 0

# launch bootstrap jobs
failures = job_monitor(bootstrap, range(len(groups)), "BOOTSTRAP", maxiter=maxiter)

# print failures if they exist
if len(failures) > 0:
hp.utils.log("\nSome BOOTSTRAP jobs failed after {} tries:\n{}".format(maxiter, '\n'.join(["group {}: {}".format(i, str(groups[i])) for i in failures])), f=lf, verbose=verbose)

# print to log
time = datetime.utcnow()
hp.utils.log("\nFinished BOOTSTRAP pipeline: {}\n{}".format(time, "-"*60), f=lf, verbose=verbose)


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