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Added in and to hera_pspec because I need them.
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HERA-Observer committed Nov 14, 2017
1 parent 68f9dd8 commit 6341d87
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Showing 2 changed files with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hera_pspec/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
import pspec
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions hera_pspec/
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
'''Units in mK, GHz, Mpc unless stated otherwise'''
import numpy as n, aipy as a
#from binning import LST_RES, UV_RES, uv2bin, bin2uv, rebin_log

F21 = 1.42040575177 # GHz

# Temperature conversion
PAPER_BEAM_POLY = [ -1.55740671e+09, 1.14162351e+09, -2.80887022e+08, 9.86929340e+06, 7.80672834e+06, -1.55085596e+06, 1.20087809e+05, -3.47520109e+03]

HERA_BEAM_POLY = n.array([ 8.07774113e+08, -1.02194430e+09,
5.59397878e+08, -1.72970713e+08, 3.30317669e+07, -3.98798031e+06,
2.97189690e+05, -1.24980700e+04, 2.27220000e+02]) # See HERA Memo #27

HERA_OP_OPP = 2.175 # See HERA Memo #27

# Cosmological conversions
def f2z(fq):
'''Convert frequency (GHz) to redshift for 21cm line.'''
return (F21 / fq - 1)
def z2f(z):
'''Convert redshift to frequency (GHz) for 21cm line.'''
return F21 / (z+1)
def dL_df(z, omega_m=0.266):
'''[h^-1 Mpc]/GHz, from Furlanetto et al. (2006)'''
return (1.7 / 0.1) * ((1+z) / 10.)**.5 * (omega_m/0.15)**-0.5 * 1e3
def dL_dth(z):
'''[h^-1 Mpc]/radian, from Furlanetto et al. (2006)'''
return 1.9 * (1./a.const.arcmin) * ((1+z) / 10.)**.2
def dk_deta(z):
'''2pi * [h Mpc^-1] / [GHz^-1]'''
return 2*n.pi / dL_df(z)
def dk_du(z):
'''2pi * [h Mpc^-1] / [wavelengths], valid for u >> 1.'''
#return 2*n.pi / (dL_dth(z) * (n.pi / 2)) # this expression works only for u ~ 0.5
return 2*n.pi / dL_dth(z) # from du = 1/dth, which derives from du = d(sin(th)) using the small-angle approx
def X2Y(z):
'''[h^-3 Mpc^3] / [str * GHz] scalar conversion between observing and cosmological coordinates'''
return dL_dth(z)**2 * dL_df(z)

# Reionization models
def k3pk_21cm(k):
'''Return peak \Delta_{21}^2(k), in mK**2, approximation to Furlanetto et al. (2006)'''
return n.where(k < 0.1, 1e4 * k**2, 1e2)
def dk3pk_21cm(k, dk3):
'''Return peak 21cm pspec, in mK**2, integrated over dk**3 box size'''
return k3pk_21cm(k) / (2*n.pi * k**3) * dk3
def Vhat2_21cm(umag, eta, B, fq0, bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY):
'''Return \hat V_{21}^2, the (Jy*BW)^2 magnitude of the peak 21cm pspec.'''
z0 = f2z(fq0)
Omega = n.polyval(bm_poly, fq0)
dk3 = Omega * B*1e9 / X2Y(z0)
kmag = n.sqrt((umag*dk_du(z0))**2 + (eta*dk_deta(z0))**2)
return dk3pk_21cm(kmag, dk3) / jy2T(fq0, bm_poly=bm_poly)**2
def V_21cm(fqs, umag, bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY):
etas = n.fft.fftfreq(fqs.size, fqs[1]-fqs[0])
B = fqs[-1] - fqs[0]
fq0 = n.average(fqs)
Vhat2 = Vhat2_21cm(umag, etas, B, fq0, bm_poly=bm_poly)
return n.sqrt(Vhat2) * n.exp(2j*n.pi*n.random.uniform(0,2*n.pi,size=Vhat2.size))

def jy2T(f, bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY):
'''Return [mK] / [Jy] for a beam size vs. frequency (in GHz) defined by the
polynomial bm_poly. Default is a poly fit to the PAPER primary beam.'''
lam = a.const.c / (f * 1e9)
bm = n.polyval(bm_poly, f)
return 1e-23 * lam**2 / (2 * a.const.k * bm) * 1e3
def k3pk_from_Trms(list_of_Trms, list_of_Twgt, k=.3, fq=.150, B=.001, bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY):
z = f2z(fq)
bm = n.polyval(bm_poly, fq)
scalar = X2Y(z) * bm * B * k**3 / (2*n.pi**2)
Trms2_sum, Trms2_wgt = 0, 0
if len(list_of_Trms) == 1: Trms2_sum,Trms2_wgt = n.abs(list_of_Trms[0])**2, n.abs(list_of_Twgt[0])**2
for i,(Ta,Wa) in enumerate(zip(list_of_Trms, list_of_Twgt)):
for Tb,Wb in zip(list_of_Trms[i+1:], list_of_Twgt[i+1:]):
Trms2_sum += Ta * n.conj(Tb)
Trms2_wgt += Wa * n.conj(Wb)
return scalar * Trms2_sum / Trms2_wgt, Trms2_wgt
def k3pk_sense_vs_t(t, k=.3, fq=.150, B=.001, bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY, Tsys=500e3):
Trms = Tsys / n.sqrt(2*(B*1e9)*t) # This is the correct equation for a single-pol, cross-correlation measurement
#Trms = Tsys / n.sqrt((B*1e9)*t)
return k3pk_from_Trms([Trms], [1.], k=k, fq=fq, B=B, bm_poly=bm_poly)[0]

# Misc helper functions
def f2eta(f):
'''Convert an array of frequencies to an array of etas (freq^-1)
corresponding to the bins that an FFT generates.'''
return n.fft.fftfreq(f.shape[-1], f[1]-f[0])

# Tools for angular power spectra
def umag2l(umag): return 2*n.pi*umag - .5
def l2umag(ell): return (ell + .5) / (2*n.pi)
def Cl_from_Trms(Trms, ell):
return ell*(ell+1)/(2*n.pi) * Trms**2
sqrt2 = n.sqrt(2)
def circ(dim, r, thresh=.4):
'''Generate a circle of specified radius (r) in pixel
units. Determines sub-pixel weighting using adaptive mesh refinement.
Mesh refinement terminates at pixels whose side length is <= the specified
threshold (thresh).'''
x,y = n.indices((dim,dim), dtype=n.float)
x -= dim/2 ; y -= dim/2
return n.where(x**2 + y**2 > r**2, 0, 1.)
rin,rout = int(r/sqrt2)-1, int(r)+1
d1,d2,d3,d4 = dim/2-rout,dim/2-rin,dim/2+rin,dim/2+rout
# If big circle, start as 1 and set a bounding box to 0.
# If small, start as 0 and set a bounded box to 1.
if r > dim/2:
rv = n.ones((dim,dim), dtype=n.float)
rv[d1:d4,d1:d4] = 0
rv = n.zeros((dim,dim), dtype=n.float)
rv[d2:d3,d2:d3] = 1
# Select 4 rects that contain boundary areas and evaluate them in detail
for a1,a2,a3,a4 in ((d1,d2,d1,d4), (d3,d4,d1,d4),
(d2,d3,d1,d2), (d2,d3,d3,d4)):
x_, y_ = x[a1:a2,a3:a4], y[a1:a2,a3:a4]
rs = n.sqrt(x_**2 + y_**2)
# Get rough answer
rv_ = (rs <= r).astype(n.float)
# Fine-tune the answer
brd = n.argwhere(n.abs(rs.flatten() - r) < 1 / sqrt2).flatten()
rv_.flat[brd] = _circ(x_.flat[brd], y_.flat[brd], r, 1., thresh)
# Set rectangle in the actual matrix
rv[a1:a2,a3:a4] = rv_
return rv
def _circ(x, y, r, p, thresh):
# Subdivide into 9 pixels
p /= 3.
x0,x1,x2 = x, x+p, x-p
y0,y1,y2 = y, y+p, y-p
x = n.array([x0,x0,x0,x1,x1,x1,x2,x2,x2]).flatten()
y = n.array([y0,y1,y2,y0,y1,y2,y0,y1,y2]).flatten()
r2 = x**2 + y**2
# Get the rough answer
rv = (r2 <= r**2).astype(n.float) * p**2
# Fine-tune the answer
if p > thresh:
brd = n.argwhere(n.abs(n.sqrt(r2) - r) < p / sqrt2).flatten()
rv[brd] = _circ(x[brd], y[brd], r, p, thresh)
rv.shape = (9, rv.size / 9)
rv = rv.sum(axis=0)
return rv
def ring(dim, r_inner, r_outer, thresh=.4):
return circ(dim, r_outer, thresh=thresh) - circ(dim, r_inner, thresh=thresh)

def Trms_vs_fq(fqs, jy_spec, umag150=20., B=.008, cen_fqs=None, ntaps=3,
window='kaiser3', bm_poly=PAPER_BEAM_POLY, bm_fqs=None):
if bm_fqs is None: bm_fqs = fqs
dfq = fqs[1] - fqs[0]
dCH = int(n.around(B / dfq))
if cen_fqs is None: cen_fqs = n.arange(fqs[0]+dCH*dfq*ntaps/2, fqs[-1]-dCH*dfq, dCH*dfq)
Tspec = jy_spec * jy2T(bm_fqs, bm_poly=bm_poly)
Trms, ks = {}, {}
for fq0 in cen_fqs:
z = f2z(fq0)
umag_fq0 = umag150 * (fq0 / .150)
k_pr = dk_du(z) * umag_fq0
ch0 = n.argmin(n.abs(fqs-fq0))
ch1,ch2 = ch0-dCH/2, ch0+dCH/2
_fqs = fqs[ch1:ch2]
etas = f2eta(_fqs)
k_pl = dk_deta(z) * etas
_ks = n.sqrt(k_pr**2 + k_pl**2)
V = Tspec[ch1-ntaps/2*(ch2-ch1):ch2+(ntaps-1)/2*(ch2-ch1)]
w = a.dsp.gen_window(V.size, window=window)
_Trms = n.fft.ifft(V*w)
# Trms has both the primary beam and bandwidth divided out, matching Trms in Parsons et al. (2012).
Trms[fq0], ks[fq0] = _Trms, (_ks, k_pl, k_pr)
return Trms, ks

def Trms2_vs_umag(uvs, bms, umag_px, uv_bm_area=2., umin=4., umax=200., logstep=.1):
ubins = 10**n.arange(n.log10(umin), n.log10(umax), logstep)
errs, Trms2, wgts = [], [], []
ratio = n.abs(uvs)**2 / n.abs(bms)**2
for u in ubins:
r_px_inner = u * 10**(-logstep/2) / umag_px
r_px_outer = u * 10**(logstep/2) / umag_px
rng = ring(uvs.shape[0], r_px_inner, r_px_outer)
uvs2_r = n.abs(uvs)**2 * rng
bms2_r = n.abs(bms)**2 * rng
uvs2_r_avg = uvs2_r.sum() / wgts[-1]
print '-'*20
print u / umag_px, uvs2_r_avg,
print n.sum(ratio*rng) / n.sum(rng)
# Estimate average variance of samples around the ring
sig2_r = n.abs(uvs2_r - uvs2_r_avg * bms2_r)**2
sig = n.sqrt(sig2_r.sum() / bms2_r.sum())
# Estimate number of independent samples around ring
#nsamples = rng.sum() * umag_px**2 / uv_bm_area / 2
#err = n.sqrt(var) / n.sqrt(nsamples)
print u, Trms2[-1], errs[-1]
Trms2 = n.array(Trms2); errs = n.array(errs); wgts = n.array(wgts)
#Cls = Cl_from_Trms(Trms, ells)
#errs = Cl_from_Trms(errs, ells)
return ubins, Trms2, errs, wgts

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