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Merge pull request #174 from HERA-Team/noise_sim_validation
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Noise sim validation
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nkern committed Nov 10, 2018
2 parents 9bd45f6 + 4f2eceb commit c501391
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Showing 7 changed files with 306 additions and 23 deletions.
49 changes: 42 additions & 7 deletions hera_pspec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -593,7 +593,9 @@ def delay_wedge(uvp, spw, pol, blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=True,
red_tol=1.0, center_line=False, horizon_lines=False,
title=None, ax=None, cmap='viridis', figsize=(8, 6),
deltasq=False, colorbar=False, cbax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None,
edgecolor='none', flip_xax=False, flip_yax=False, lw=2, **kwargs):
edgecolor='none', flip_xax=False, flip_yax=False, lw=2, set_bl_tick_major=False,
set_bl_tick_minor=False, xtick_size=10, xtick_rot=0, ytick_size=10, ytick_rot=0,
Plot a 2D delay spectrum (or spectra) from a UVPSpec object. Note that
all integrations and redundant baselines are averaged (unless specifying times)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -693,6 +695,13 @@ def delay_wedge(uvp, spw, pol, blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=True,
lw : int, optional
Line-width of horizon and center lines if plotted. Default: 2.
set_bl_tick_major : bool, optional
If True, use the baseline lengths as major ticks, rather than default uniform
set_bl_tick_minor : bool, optional
If True, use the baseline lengths as minor ticks, which have no labels.
kwargs : dictionary
Additional keyword arguments to pass to pcolormesh() call.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,10 +812,16 @@ def delay_wedge(uvp, spw, pol, blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=True,
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs)

# Configure ticks
if rotate:
ax.set_xticks(np.around(x_axis, 4))
ax.set_yticks(np.around(y_axis, 4))
if set_bl_tick_major:
if rotate:
ax.set_xticks(map(lambda x: np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2), x_axis))
ax.set_yticks(map(lambda x: np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2), y_axis))
if set_bl_tick_minor:
if rotate:
ax.set_xticks(map(lambda x: np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2), x_axis), minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(map(lambda x: np.around(x, _get_sigfig(x)+2), y_axis), minor=True)

# Add colorbar
if colorbar:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -878,14 +893,22 @@ def delay_wedge(uvp, spw, pol, blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=True,

# flip axes
if flip_xax:
if flip_yax:

# add title
if title is not None:
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=12)

# Configure tick sizes and rotation
[tl.set_size(xtick_size) for tl in ax.get_xticklabels()]
[tl.set_rotation(xtick_rot) for tl in ax.get_xticklabels()]
[tl.set_size(ytick_size) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels()]
[tl.set_rotation(ytick_rot) for tl in ax.get_yticklabels()]

# return figure
if new_plot:
return fig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,3 +997,15 @@ def plot_uvdata_waterfalls(uvd, basename, data='data', plot_mode='log',
fig.savefig(outfile, format=format)

def _get_sigfig(x):
return -int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x))))

def _round_sigfig(x, up=True):
sigfigs = get_sigfig(x)
if up:
return np.ceil(10**sigfigs * x) / 10**sigfigs
return np.floor(10**sigfigs * x) / 10**sigfigs

122 changes: 121 additions & 1 deletion hera_pspec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from hera_pspec import uvpspec, pspecdata, conversions, pspecbeam, utils
from pyuvdata import UVData
from hera_cal.utils import JD2LST
from scipy import stats

def build_vanilla_uvpspec(beam=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ def build_vanilla_uvpspec(beam=None):

store_cov = True
cosmo = conversions.Cosmo_Conversions()

data_array, wgt_array = {}, {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,3 +221,122 @@ def uvpspec_from_data(data, bl_grps, data_std=None, spw_ranges=None,
spw_ranges=spw_ranges, taper=taper, verbose=verbose,
store_cov=store_cov, n_dlys=n_dlys)
return uvp

def noise_sim(data, Tsys, beam=None, Nextend=0, seed=None, inplace=False,
whiten=False, run_check=True):
Generate a simulated Gaussian noise (visibility) realization given
a system temperature Tsys. If a primary beam model is not provided,
this is in units of Kelvin-steradians
Trms = Tsys / sqrt(channel_width * integration_time)
where Trms is divided by an additional sqrt(2) if the polarization
in data is a pseudo-Stokes polarization. If a primary beam model is
provided, the output is converted to Jansky.
data : str or UVData object
A UVData object or path to miriad file.
Tsys : float
System temperature in Kelvin.
beam : str or PSpecBeam object, optional
A PSpecBeam object or path to beamfits file.
Nextend : int, optional
Number of times to extend time axis by default length
before creating noise sim. Can be used to increase
number statistics before forming noise realization.
seed : int, optional
Seed to set before forming noise realization.
inplace : bool, optional
If True, overwrite input data and return None, else
make a copy and return copy.
whiten : bool, optional
If True, clear input data of flags if they exist and
set all nsamples to 1.
run_check : bool, optional
If True, run UVData check before return.
data : UVData with noise realizations.
# Read data files
if isinstance(data, (str, np.str)):
_data = UVData()
data = _data
elif isinstance(data, UVData):
if not inplace:
data = copy.deepcopy(data)
assert isinstance(data, UVData)

# whiten input data
if whiten:
data.flag_array[:] = False
data.nsample_array[:] = 1.0

# Configure beam
if beam is not None:
if isinstance(beam, (str, np.str)):
beam = pspecbeam.PSpecBeamUV(beam)
assert isinstance(beam, pspecbeam.PSpecBeamBase)

# Extend times
Nextend = int(Nextend)
if Nextend > 0:
assert data.phase_type == 'drift', "data must be drift phased in order to extend along time axis"
data = copy.deepcopy(data)
_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
dt = np.median(np.diff(np.unique(_data.time_array)))
dl = np.median(np.diff(np.unique(_data.lst_array)))
for i in range(Nextend):
_data.time_array += dt * _data.Ntimes * (i+1)
_data.lst_array += dl * _data.Ntimes * (i+1)
_data.lst_array %= 2*np.pi
data += _data

# Get Trms
int_time = data.integration_time
if not isinstance(int_time, np.ndarray):
int_time = np.array([int_time])
Trms = Tsys / np.sqrt(int_time[:, None, None, None] * data.nsample_array * data.channel_width)

# if a pol is pStokes pol, divide by extra sqrt(2)
polcorr = np.array([np.sqrt(2) if p in [1, 2, 3, 4] else 1.0 for p in data.polarization_array])
Trms /= polcorr

# Get Vrms in Jy using beam
if beam is not None:
freqs = np.unique(data.freq_array)[None, None, :, None]
K_to_Jy = [1e3 / (beam.Jy_to_mK(freqs.squeeze(), pol=p)) for p in data.polarization_array]
K_to_Jy = np.array(K_to_Jy).T[None, None, :, :]
K_to_Jy /= np.array([np.sqrt(2) if p in [1, 2, 3, 4] else 1.0 for p in data.polarization_array])
rms = K_to_Jy * Trms
rms = Trms

# Generate noise
if seed is not None:
data.data_array = (stats.norm.rvs(0, 1./np.sqrt(2), size=rms.size).reshape(rms.shape) \
+ 1j * stats.norm.rvs(0, 1./np.sqrt(2), size=rms.size).reshape(rms.shape) ) * rms
f = np.isnan(data.data_array) + np.isinf(data.data_array)
data.data_array[f] = np.nan
data.flag_array[f] = True

if run_check:

if not inplace:
return data

49 changes: 46 additions & 3 deletions hera_pspec/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
import numpy as np
import os
from import DATA_PATH
from hera_pspec import uvpspec, conversions, parameter, pspecbeam, pspecdata, testing
from hera_pspec import uvpspec, conversions, parameter, pspecbeam, pspecdata, testing, utils
from hera_pspec import uvpspec_utils as uvputils
from hera_pspec import grouping, container
from pyuvdata import UVData
from hera_cal import redcal
import copy

class Test_grouping(unittest.TestCase):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ def test_sample_baselines(self):
# Check that returned length is the same for groups too
samp = grouping.sample_baselines(g1)
self.assertEqual(len(g1), len(samp))

def test_bootstrap_average_blpairs(self):
Test bootstrap averaging over power spectra.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ def test_bootstrap_average_blpairs(self):
ps_avg = uvp_avg.get_data((0, blpair, 'xx'))
ps_boot = uvp4[0].get_data((0, blpair, 'xx'))
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ps_avg, ps_boot)

def test_bootstrap_resampled_error():
# generate a UVPSpec
visfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.even.xx.LST.1.28828.uvOCRSA")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,6 +182,48 @@ def test_bootstrap_resampled_error():
if os.path.exists("uvp.h5"):

def test_validate_bootstrap_errorbar():
""" This is used to test the bootstrapping code
against the gaussian noise visibility simulator.
The basic premise is that, if working properly,
gaussian noise pspectra divided by their bootstrapped
errorbars should have a standard deviation that
converges to 1. """
# get simulated noise in K-str
uvfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.even.xx.LST.1.28828.uvOCRSA")
Tsys = 300.0 # Kelvin

# generate complex gaussian noise
seed = 4
uvd1 = testing.noise_sim(uvfile, Tsys, seed=seed, whiten=True, inplace=False, Nextend=0)
seed = 5
uvd2 = testing.noise_sim(uvfile, Tsys, seed=seed, whiten=True, inplace=False, Nextend=0)

# form (auto) baseline-pairs from only 14.6m bls
reds, lens, angs = utils.get_reds(uvd1, pick_data_ants=True, bl_len_range=(10, 50),
bl_deg_range=(0, 180))
bls1, bls2 = utils.flatten(reds), utils.flatten(reds)

# setup PSpecData and form power psectra
ds = pspecdata.PSpecData(dsets=[copy.deepcopy(uvd1), copy.deepcopy(uvd2)], wgts=[None, None])
uvp = ds.pspec(bls1, bls2, (0, 1), [('xx', 'xx')], input_data_weight='identity', norm='I',
taper='none', sampling=False, little_h=False, spw_ranges=[(0, 50)], verbose=False)

# bootstrap resample
seed = 0
Nsamples = 200
uvp_avg, uvp_boots, uvp_wgts = grouping.bootstrap_resampled_error(uvp, time_avg=False, Nsamples=Nsamples,
seed=seed, normal_std=True,

# assert z-score has std of ~1.0 along time ax to within 1/sqrt(Nsamples)
bs_std_zscr_real = np.std(uvp_avg.data_array[0].real) / np.mean(uvp_avg.stats_array['bs_std'][0].real)
nt.assert_true(np.abs(1.0 - bs_std_zscr_real) < 1/np.sqrt(Nsamples))
bs_std_zscr_imag = np.std(uvp_avg.data_array[0].imag) / np.mean(uvp_avg.stats_array['bs_std'][0].imag)
nt.assert_true(np.abs(1.0 - bs_std_zscr_imag) < 1/np.sqrt(Nsamples))

def test_bootstrap_run():
# generate a UVPSpec and container
visfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.even.xx.LST.1.28828.uvOCRSA")
Expand Down
48 changes: 47 additions & 1 deletion hera_pspec/tests/
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import os
import sys
from import DATA_PATH
from hera_pspec import uvpspec, conversions, parameter, pspecbeam, noise
from hera_pspec import uvpspec, conversions, pspecdata, pspecbeam, noise, testing, utils
import copy
import h5py
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,4 +64,50 @@ def test_calc_P_N(self):
nt.assert_true(Dsq[1] < P_N)

def test_noise_validation():
make sure that the code produces
correct noise 1-sigma amplitude using a
noise simulation.
# get simulated noise in Jy
bfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'HERA_NF_dipole_power.beamfits')
beam = pspecbeam.PSpecBeamUV(bfile)
uvfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.even.xx.LST.1.28828.uvOCRSA")
Tsys = 300.0 # Kelvin

# generate noise
seed = 0
uvd = testing.noise_sim(uvfile, Tsys, beam, seed=seed, whiten=True, inplace=False, Nextend=9)

# get redundant baseline group
reds, lens, angs = utils.get_reds(uvd, pick_data_ants=True, bl_len_range=(10, 20),
bl_deg_range=(0, 1))
bls1, bls2, blps = utils.construct_blpairs(reds[0], exclude_auto_bls=True, exclude_permutations=True)

# setup PSpecData
ds = pspecdata.PSpecData(dsets=[copy.deepcopy(uvd), copy.deepcopy(uvd)], wgts=[None, None], beam=beam)

# get pspec
uvp = ds.pspec(bls1, bls2, (0, 1), [('xx', 'xx')], input_data_weight='identity', norm='I',
taper='none', sampling=False, little_h=True, spw_ranges=[(0, 50)], verbose=False)

# get noise spectra from one of the blpairs
P_N = uvp.generate_noise_spectra(0, 'xx', Tsys, blpairs=uvp.get_blpairs()[:1], num_steps=2000).values()[0][0, 0]

# get P_std of real spectra for each baseline across time axis
P_stds = np.array([np.std(uvp.get_data((0, bl, 'xx')).real, axis=1) for bl in uvp.get_blpairs()])

# get average P_std_avg and its standard error
P_std_avg = np.mean(P_stds)

# assert close to P_N: 2%
# This should be updated to be within standard error on P_std_avg
# when the spw_range-variable pspec amplitude bug is resolved
nt.assert_true(np.abs(P_std_avg - P_N) / P_N < 0.02)

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions hera_pspec/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ def test_delay_wedge(self):
f4 = plot.delay_wedge(uvp, 0, 'xx', blpairs=None, times=None, fold=False, delay=False, component='abs',
rotate=False, log10=True, loglog=False, red_tol=1.0,
center_line=True, horizon_lines=True, title='hello', ax=None, cmap='viridis',
figsize=(8, 6), deltasq=False, colorbar=True, cbax=None, vmin=6, vmax=15,
edgecolor='grey', flip_xax=True, flip_yax=True, lw=2)
figsize=(8, 6), deltasq=True, colorbar=True, cbax=None, vmin=6, vmax=15,
edgecolor='grey', flip_xax=True, flip_yax=True, lw=2, set_bl_tick_minor=True)

# feed axes, red_tol
Expand All @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ def test_delay_wedge(self):
rotate=True, log10=True, loglog=False, red_tol=10.0,
center_line=False, horizon_lines=False, ax=ax, cmap='viridis',
figsize=(8, 6), deltasq=False, colorbar=True, cbax=cbax, vmin=None, vmax=None,
edgecolor='none', flip_xax=False, flip_yax=False, lw=2)
edgecolor='none', flip_xax=False, flip_yax=False, lw=2, set_bl_tick_major=True)

# test exceptions
Expand Down

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