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philbull committed Jul 19, 2018
2 parents ac062da + 443fe45 commit ca70f5d
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Showing 3 changed files with 354 additions and 51 deletions.
270 changes: 267 additions & 3 deletions hera_pspec/
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@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np
import pyuvdata
from hera_pspec import conversions
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

def delay_spectrum(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, average_blpairs=False,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +57,8 @@ def delay_spectrum(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, average_blpairs=False,
ax : matplotlib.axes
Matplotlib Axes instance.
fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
Matplotlib Figure instance.
# Create new Axes if none specified
new_plot = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,6 +145,268 @@ def delay_spectrum(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, average_blpairs=False,
ax.set_ylabel("$P(k_\parallel)$ $[%s]$" % psunits, fontsize=16)

# Return Figure: the axis is an attribute of figure
if new_plot:
return fig

def delay_waterfall(uvp, blpairs, spw, pol, component='real', average_blpairs=False,
fold=False, delay=True, deltasq=False, log=True, lst_in_hrs=True,
vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='YlGnBu', axes=None, figsize=(14, 6)):
Plot a 1D delay spectrum waterfall (or spectra) for a group of baselines.
uvp : UVPspec
UVPSpec object, containing delay spectra for a set of baseline-pairs,
times, polarizations, and spectral windows.
blpairs : list of tuples or lists of tuples
List of baseline-pair tuples, or groups of baseline-pair tuples.
spw, pol : int or str
Which spectral window and polarization to plot.
component : str
Component of complex spectra to plot, options=['abs', 'real', 'imag'].
Default: 'real'.
average_blpairs : bool, optional
If True, average over the baseline pairs within each group.
fold : bool, optional
Whether to fold the power spectrum in :math:`|k_\parallel|`.
Default: False.
delay : bool, optional
Whether to plot the power spectrum in delay units (ns) or cosmological
units (h/Mpc). Default: True.
deltasq : bool, optional
If True, plot dimensionless power spectra, Delta^2. This is ignored if
delay=True. Default: False.
log : bool, optional
Whether to plot the log10 of the data. Default: True.
lst_in_hrs : bool, optional
If True, LST is plotted in hours, otherwise its plotted in radians.
vmin, vmax : float, optional
Clip the color scale of the delay spectrum to these min./max. values.
If None, use the natural range of the data. Default: None.
cmap : str, optional
Matplotlib colormap to use. Default: 'YlGnBu'.
axes : array of matplotlib.axes, optional
Use this to pass in an existing Axes object or array of axes, which
the power spectra will be added to. (Warning: Labels and legends will
not be altered in this case, even if the existing plot has completely different axis
labels etc.) If None, a new Axes object will be created. Default: None.
figsize : tuple
len-2 integer tuple specifying figure size if axes is None
fig : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
Matplotlib Figure instance if input ax is None.
# assert component
assert component in ['real', 'abs', 'imag'], "Can't parse specified component {}".format(component)

# Add ungrouped baseline-pairs into a group of their own (expected by the
# averaging routines)
blpairs_in = blpairs
blpairs = [] # Must be a list, not an array
for i, blpgrp in enumerate(blpairs_in):
if not isinstance(blpgrp, list):

# iterate through and make sure they are blpair integers
_blpairs = []
for blpgrp in blpairs:
_blpgrp = []
for blp in blpgrp:
if isinstance(blp, tuple):
blp_int = uvp.antnums_to_blpair(blp)
blp_int = blp
blpairs = _blpairs

# Average over blpairs or times if requested
blpairs_in = copy.deepcopy(blpairs) # Save input blpair list
if average_blpairs:
uvp_plt = uvp.average_spectra(blpair_groups=blpairs,
time_avg=False, inplace=False)
uvp_plt = copy.deepcopy(uvp)

# Fold the power spectra if requested
if fold:

# Convert to Delta^2 units if requested
if deltasq and not delay:

# Get x-axis units (delays in ns, or k_parallel in Mpc^-1 or h Mpc^-1)
if delay:
dlys = uvp_plt.get_dlys(spw) * 1e9 # ns
x = dlys
k_para = uvp_plt.get_kparas(spw)
x = k_para

# Extract power spectra into array
waterfall = odict()
for blgrp in blpairs:
# Loop over blpairs in group and plot power spectrum for each one
for blp in blgrp:
# make key
key = (spw, blp, pol)
# get power data
power = uvp_plt.get_data(key, omit_flags=False)
# set flagged power data to nan
flags = np.isclose(uvp_plt.get_integrations(key), 0.0)
power[flags, :] = np.nan
# get component
if component == 'abs':
waterfall[key] = np.abs(power)
elif component == 'real':
waterfall[key] = np.real(power)
elif component == 'imag':
waterfall[key] = np.imag(power)

# If blpairs were averaged, only the first blpair in the group
# exists any more (so skip the rest)
if average_blpairs: break

# Take logarithm of data if requested
if log:
for k in waterfall:
waterfall[k] = np.log10(np.abs(waterfall[k]))
logunits = "\log_{10}"
logunits = ""

# Create new Axes if none specified
new_plot = False
if axes is None:
new_plot = True
# figure out how many subplots to make
Nkeys = len(waterfall)
Nside = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(Nkeys)))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(Nside, Nside, figsize=figsize)
# Ensure axes is an ndarray
if isinstance(axes, matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes):
axes = np.array([[axes]])
if isinstance(axes, list):
axes = np.array(axes)
# ensure its 2D and get side lengths
if axes.ndim == 1:
axes = axes[:, None]
assert axes.ndim == 2, "input axes must have ndim == 2"
Nvert, Nhorz = axes.shape

# get LST range: setting y-ticks is tricky due to LST wrapping...
y = uvp_plt.lst_avg_array[uvp_plt.key_to_indices(waterfall.keys()[0])[1]]
if lst_in_hrs:
lst_units = "Hr"
y = np.around(y * 24 / (2*np.pi), 2)
lst_units = "rad"
y = np.around(y, 3)
Ny = len(y)
if Ny <= 10:
Ny_thin = 1
Ny_thin = int(round(Ny / 10.0))
Nx = len(x)

# Sanitize power spectrum units
psunits = uvp_plt.units
if "h^-1" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-1", "h^{-1}")
if "h^-3" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("h^-3", "h^{-3}")
if "Hz" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("Hz", r"{\rm Hz}")
if "str" in psunits: psunits = psunits.replace("str", r"\,{\rm str}")
if "Mpc" in psunits and "\\rm" not in psunits:
psunits = psunits.replace("Mpc", r"{\rm Mpc}")
if "pi" in psunits and "\\pi" not in psunits:
psunits = psunits.replace("pi", r"\pi")
if "beam normalization not specified" in psunits:
psunits = psunits.replace("beam normalization not specified",
r"{\rm unnormed}")

# iterate over waterfall keys
keys = waterfall.keys()
Nkeys = len(waterfall)
k = 0
for i in range(Nvert):
for j in range(Nhorz):
# set ax
ax = axes[i, j]

# turn off subplot if no more plots to make
if k >= Nkeys:

# get blpair key for this subplot
key = keys[k]

# plot waterfall
cax = ax.matshow(waterfall[key], cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
extent=[np.min(x), np.max(x), Ny, 0])

# ax config
if ax.get_title() == '':
ax.set_title("bls: {} x {}".format(*uvp_plt.blpair_to_antnums(key[1])), y=1)

# set colorbar
cbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(cax, ax=ax)

# configure left-column plots
if j == 0:
# set yticks
ax.set_ylabel(r"LST [{}]".format(lst_units), fontsize=16)

# configure bottom-row plots
if k + Nhorz >= Nkeys:
if ax.get_xlabel() == "":
if delay:
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\tau$ $[{\rm ns}]$", fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel("$k_{\parallel}\ h\ Mpc^{-1}$", fontsize=16)

k += 1

# make suptitle
if axes[0][0].get_figure()._suptitle is None:
if deltasq:
units = "$%s\Delta^2$ $[%s]$" % (logunits, psunits)
units = "$%sP(k_\parallel)$ $[%s]$" % (logunits, psunits)

spwrange = np.around(np.array(uvp_plt.get_spw_ranges()[spw][:2]) / 1e6, 2)
axes[0][0].get_figure().suptitle("{}\n{} polarization | {} -- {} MHz".format(units, pol, *spwrange), y=1.03, fontsize=14)

# Return Axes
return ax
if new_plot:
return fig


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