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Implementation of the AES in CTR mode using SystemVerilog

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SystemVerilog: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)


This project is an implementation of the AES in CTR mode using SystemVerilog.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption algorithm established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001, known for its security, efficiency, and flexibility with key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It is widely used for securing data in various applications, from government communications to everyday internet transactions.


CTR (Counter) mode is an encryption method that transforms plaintext blocks into ciphertext blocks by XORing them with a keystream generated from a block cipher. It is a stream cipher that provides parallel processing and random access capabilities, making it suitable for applications that require high throughput and low latency.

CTR encryption CTR decryption


Module hierarchy


AesCtr module

The AesCtr module is the top-level module that instantiates the AesCore module to perform the AES encryption and decryption operations in CTR mode using an FSM with the following states:

  • IDLE: The initial state where the module waits for the load or the start signal to be asserted. When load is asserted, the module stores the key and iv values and transitions to the KEY_EXPANSION state. When start is asserted, the module transitions to the RUNNING state.
  • KEY_EXPANSION: The state where the module waits for the AesCore module to generate the round keys. When the round keys are generated (i.e., AesCore's idle signal is asserted), the module returns to the IDLE state.
  • RUNNING: The state where the module passes the counter value to the AesCore module to generate the keystream. When the keystream is generated (i.e., AesCore's idle signal is asserted), the module increments the counter and returns to the IDLE state.

AesCtr FSM

You have to load the key and iv (initialization vector) before starting the encryption or decryption process. The key and iv are loaded when the load signal is asserted in 1 cycle. To make the module work correctly, you must load the key and iv when the module is in the IDLE state.

The output of the AesCtr (i.e., oBlock) is the XORed result of the input block (iBlock) and the keystream generated by the AesCore module, which is only valid when the idle signal is asserted.

AesCore module

The AesCore module is the core module that performs the AES encryption and decryption operations using KeyExpansion, Cipher, and InvCipher modules. It uses the encrypt signal to select between encryption and decryption operations. When encrypt is asserted, the module performs the encryption operation; otherwise, it performs the decryption operation. The idle signal is asserted when the operation is completed.

The AesCore module has an FSM with the following states:

  • IDLE: The initial state where the module waits for the load or the start signal to be asserted. When load is asserted, the module starts the KeyExpansion module to generate the round keys, and transitions to the KEY_EXPANSION state. When start is asserted, the module starts the Cipher and InvCipher modules to perform the encryption or decryption operation and transitions to the RUNNING state.
  • KEY_EXPANSION: The state where the module waits for the idle signal of the KeyExpansion module to be asserted. The module returns to the IDLE state when the idle of the KeyExpansion module is asserted.
  • RUNNING: The state where the module waits for the idle signal of the Cipher or InvCipher (depending on the encrypt signal) module to be asserted. When idle is asserted, the module transitions back to the IDLE state.

AesCore FSM

The output of the AesCore is multiplexed between the output of the Cipher and InvCipher modules based on the encrypt signal. Therefore, you must wait for the idle signal to be asserted and then read the output of the AesCore module without changing the encrypt signal to get the correct result.

KeyExpansion module

The KeyExpansion module generates the round keys from the input iKey. The diagram below shows the key expansion FMS:

KeyExpansion FMS

Note: You can find the Pseudocode in chapter 5.2 of the AES specification.

Cipher and InvCipher module

The Cipher and InvCipher modules perform the AES encryption and decryption operations, respectively.

The following diagram shows the FSM of the Cipher module. For more information about the AES encryption operation, refer to chapter 5.1 of the AES specification.

Cipher FSM

The following diagram shows the FSM of the InvCipher module. For more information about the AES decryption operation, refer to chapter 5.3 of the AES specification.

InvCipher FSM

SubBytes and InvSubBytes module

The SubBytes and InvSubBytes modules perform the bytes substitution operation and its inverse, respectively. These modules have a parameter n (default value is 16) to determine the bus width (in bytes) of the input and output data.

Illustration SBox

ShiftRows and InvShiftRows module

The ShiftRows and InvShiftRows modules perform the row shifting operation and its inverse, respectively.

alt text Illustration InvShiftRows

MixColumns and InvMixColumns module

The MixColumns and InvMixColumns modules transform the state matrix by multiplying it with a fixed matrix.

Illustration MixColumns

AddRoundKey module

The AddRoundKey module performs the XOR operation between the state matrix and the round key.

Illustration AddRoundKey

Synthesis results

Tool: Vivado 2020.2

Device: Arty A7-35T (xc7a35ticsg324-1L)


  • LUTs: 2189
  • FFs: 1938

