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Rework new Q tests to not depend on arithmetic
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Q is tested before numbers exist.

Also report each test-case individually, making it easier to know
what's failed when and if things fail.
  • Loading branch information
mn200 committed Dec 12, 2022
1 parent 674a36d commit bc644bd
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 39 deletions.
89 changes: 50 additions & 39 deletions src/q/selftest.sml
Expand Up @@ -28,20 +28,32 @@ in
else die "FAILED!"
end handle InternalDie s => die s

val _ = tprint "Testing Q.LIST_REFINE_EXISTS_TAC"
(* fake arithmetic *)
val _ = new_type ("num", 0)
val _ = new_constant ("*", ``:num -> num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("+", ``:num -> num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("<", ``:num -> num -> bool``)
val _ = new_constant ("SUC", ``:num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("zero", ``:num``)
val _ = new_constant ("three", ``:num``)
val _ = new_constant ("five", ``:num``)
val _ = set_fixity "+" (Infixl 500)
val _ = set_fixity "*" (Infixl 600)
val _ = set_fixity "<" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450))

val _ = let
val tests = [ (* triples of: (goal, quotations, expected (single) subgoal) *)
(* Simple test *)
([], ``∃n m. n + m = 0``),
([], ``∃n m. n + m = zero``),
[`_`, `SUC l`] : term frag list list,
``∃l n. n + SUC l = 0``
``∃l n. n + SUC l = zero``
(* Use variable in assumption *)
([``l = 0``], ``∃n m. n + m = 0``),
([``l = zero``], ``∃n m. n + m = zero``),
[`_`, `SUC l`],
``∃n. n + SUC l = 0``
``∃n. n + SUC l = zero``
(* Witness var shadowing boundvar *)
Expand All @@ -51,7 +63,7 @@ val _ = let
(* Boundvar `c` shadowing freevar *)
([``c = 5``], ``∃n m c. n + m = c``),
([``c = five``], ``∃n m c. n + m = c``),
[`_`,`SUC c`],
``∃n c'. n + SUC c = c'``
Expand All @@ -63,13 +75,13 @@ val _ = let
(* Re-use term across quotations *)
([], ``∃n m l. n + m + l = 0``),
([], ``∃n m l. n + m + l = zero``),
[`_`,`k`,`SUC k`],
``∃k n. n + k + SUC k = 0``
``∃k n. n + k + SUC k = zero``
(* Slightly more involved tests *)
([``n = 2``,``c = 5``], ``∃a b c d. a + b = c + d``),
([``n = three``,``c = five``], ``∃a b c d. a + b = c + d``),
[`_`,`SUC c`, `_`, `n + m`],
``∃m a c'. a + SUC c = c' + (n + m)``
Expand All @@ -88,48 +100,47 @@ val _ = let
P x'' (Q x x' x'³') x'⁴'``
fun checkSubgoals (sgs, vld:validation) (expected_asms, expected_goal) =
fun checkSubgoals (expected_asms, expected_goal) (sgs, vld:validation) =
case sgs of
[(asms,sg)] =>
if (ListPair.allEq (uncurry aconv) (asms, expected_asms)) andalso
aconv sg expected_goal
then vld (map mk_thm sgs)
handle _ => raise InternalDie "FAILED! Bad validation"
else raise InternalDie "FAILED! Does not match expected result"
| _ => raise InternalDie "FAILED! Too many subgoals produced"
fun test_single (input, qs, expected) = let
val result = Q.LIST_REFINE_EXISTS_TAC qs input
handle _ => raise InternalDie "FAILED! Tactic failed"
in checkSubgoals result (fst input, expected) end
val _ = test_single tests
in OK () end
handle InternalDie s => die s
ListPair.allEq (uncurry aconv) (asms, expected_asms) andalso
aconv sg expected_goal andalso
(can vld (map mk_thm sgs) orelse
(die "FAILED! Bad validation"; false))
| _ => (die "FAILED! Too many subgoals produced"; false)
fun test_single (input, qs, expected) =
val _ = tprint ("Q.LIST_REFINE_EXISTS_TAC: " ^
term_to_string (#2 input))
open HOLPP
require_pretty_msg (check_result $ checkSubgoals (#1 input, expected))
(block CONSISTENT 0 o
pr_list goalStack.pp_goal
[add_string ",", add_break(1,0)] o
in test_single tests

(* combinator *)
val _ = new_definition("I_DEF", ``I = \x:'a. x``);

(* fake arithmetic *)
val _ = new_type ("num", 0)
val _ = new_constant ("*", ``:num -> num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("+", ``:num -> num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("<", ``:num -> num -> bool``)
val _ = new_constant ("SUC", ``:num -> num``)
val _ = new_constant ("zero", ``:num``)
val _ = set_fixity "+" (Infixl 500)
val _ = set_fixity "*" (Infixl 600)
val _ = set_fixity "<" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450))

fun aconvdie m t1 t2 =
aconv t1 t2 orelse raise InternalDie ("FAILED! (" ^ m ^ " wrong)")

val _ = tprint "Q.MATCH_RENAME_TAC 1"
val gl0 = ([``x < y``], ``x = z:num``)
val expected_a0 = ``a < y``
val expected_c0 = ``a = b:num``
val (sgs, _) = Q.MATCH_RENAME_TAC `a = b` gl0
val glZ = ([``x < y``], ``x = z:num``)
val expected_aZ = ``a < y``
val expected_cZ = ``a = b:num``
val (sgs, _) = Q.MATCH_RENAME_TAC `a = b` glZ
val _ = (case sgs of
[([a], c)] => (aconvdie "assumption" a expected_a0;
aconvdie "goal" c expected_c0;
[([a], c)] => (aconvdie "assumption" a expected_aZ;
aconvdie "goal" c expected_cZ;
| _ => die "FAILED!")
handle InternalDie s => die s
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