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Replace cv_sum_depth by cv_size (and delete cv_size_alt)
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myreen committed Apr 11, 2024
1 parent d2705cd commit c297f94
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Showing 8 changed files with 28 additions and 38 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions examples/bootstrap/compiler_funs_cvScript.sml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib term_tactic cv_transLib cv_stdTheory;
open arithmeticTheory listTheory pairTheory finite_mapTheory stringTheory;
open wordsTheory wordsLib automationLib printingTheory;
open wordsTheory wordsLib printingTheory codegenTheory;

val _ = new_theory "compiler_funs_cv";

Expand All @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ val res = cv_auto_trans codegenTheory.c_pops_def;

val res = cv_auto_trans_pre_rec codegenTheory.c_exp_def
(WF_REL_TAC ‘inv_image (measure I LEX measure I)
(λx. case x of INL (t,l,vs,fs,x) => (cv_sum_depth x, cv$c2n t)
| INR (l,vs,fs,xs) => (cv_sum_depth xs, 0))’
(λx. case x of INL (t,l,vs,fs,x) => (cv_size x, cv$c2n t)
| INR (l,vs,fs,xs) => (cv_size xs, 0))’
\\ rpt strip_tac
\\ (Cases_on ‘cv_z’ ORELSE Cases_on ‘cv_zs’) \\ gvs []
\\ gvs [cvTheory.c2b_def]
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Proof

val pre = cv_trans_pre_rec printingTheory.num2str_def
(WF_REL_TAC ‘measure cv_sum_depth’ \\ Cases \\ gvs [] \\ rw [] \\ gvs []);
(WF_REL_TAC ‘measure cv_size’ \\ Cases \\ gvs [] \\ rw [] \\ gvs []);

Theorem num2str_pre[cv_pre]:
∀n. num2str_pre n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ val _ = cv_trans printingTheory.dest_list_def;
Theorem cv_dest_list_size:
∀v x y.
cv_dest_list v = Pair x y ⇒
cv_sum_depth x <= cv_sum_depth v ∧
cv_sum_depth y <= cv_sum_depth v
cv_size x <= cv_size v ∧
cv_size y <= cv_size v
recInduct (fetch "-" "cv_dest_list_ind") \\ rw []
\\ cv_termination_tac \\ gvs [ADD1]
Expand All @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ val v2pretty_eq =
CONJ (printingTheory.v2pretty_def |> SRULE [GSYM vs2pretty_def]) vs2pretty_thm;

val pre = cv_auto_trans_pre_rec v2pretty_eq
(WF_REL_TAC ‘measure $ λx. case x of INL v => cv_sum_depth v
| INR v => cv_sum_depth v’
(WF_REL_TAC ‘measure $ λx. case x of INL v => cv_size v
| INR v => cv_size v’
\\ rw [] \\ cv_termination_tac
\\ qpat_x_assum ‘cv_dest_list _ = _’ mp_tac
\\ simp [Once $ fetch "-" "cv_dest_list_def"] \\ rw [] \\ gvs []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ QED

val pre = cv_auto_trans_pre_rec exp2v_def
(WF_REL_TAC ‘measure $ λx. case x of
| INL v => cv_sum_depth v + 1
| INR (INL v) => cv_sum_depth v + 1
| INR (INR v) => cv_sum_depth v’
| INL v => cv_size v + 1
| INR (INL v) => cv_size v + 1
| INR (INR v) => cv_size v’
\\ cv_termination_tac \\ cheat);

Theorem exp2v_pre[cv_pre]:
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions examples/cv_compute/examplesScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ Definition factc_def:
(Num 1)
(cv_mul n (factc (cv_sub n (Num 1))))
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_size_alt`
\\ Cases \\ simp [cv_size_alt_def, CaseEq "bool", c2b_def]
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_size`
\\ Cases \\ simp [CaseEq "bool", c2b_def]

Theorem factc_is_fact:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ Definition isprimec_aux_def:
(Num 0))
(Num 1)
WF_REL_TAC `measure (\(dvs,n). cv_size_alt (cv_sub n dvs))`
WF_REL_TAC `measure (\(dvs,n). cv_size (cv_sub n dvs))`
\\ Induct \\ simp [PULL_EXISTS, c2b_def]
\\ Cases_on `dvs` \\ gs [cv_size_alt_def] \\ rw [] \\ gs []
\\ Cases_on `dvs` \\ gs [] \\ rw [] \\ gs []

Definition isprimec_def:
Expand All @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ Definition primes_uptoc_def:
(primes_uptoc (cv_sub upto (Num 1))))
(Num 0))
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_size_alt`
\\ conj_tac \\ Cases \\ simp [cv_size_alt_def, c2b_def]
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_size`
\\ conj_tac \\ Cases \\ simp [cv_size_def, c2b_def]

(* Here are the corresponding HOL functions, and a proof they compute values
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/num/theories/cvScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Overload case = “cv_CASE”
val cv_size_def = Prim_rec.new_recursive_definition {
name = "cv_size_def",
rec_axiom = cv_Axiom,
def = “cv_size (Num n) = 1 + n /\
def = “cv_size (Num n) = n /\
cv_size (Pair c d) = 1 + (cv_size c + cv_size d)”};

val _ = TypeBase.export (
Expand All @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ val cv_snd_def = recdef("cv_snd_def",
val cv_ispair_def = recdef("cv_ispair_def",
“cv_ispair (Pair p q) = Num (SUC 0) /\
cv_ispair (Num m) = Num 0”);
val _ = export_rewrites ["cv_fst_def", "cv_snd_def", "cv_ispair_def"];
val _ = export_rewrites ["cv_fst_def", "cv_snd_def", "cv_ispair_def", "cv_size_def"];

val b2c_def = Prim_rec.new_recursive_definition{
def = “b2c T = Num (SUC 0) /\ b2c F = Num 0”,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,11 +332,6 @@ Proof
simp [cv_eq_def0]

val cv_size_alt_def = recdef("cv_size_alt_def",
“(cv_size_alt (Num n) = n) /\
(cv_size_alt (Pair p q) = 1 + cv_size_alt p + cv_size_alt q)”);

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Extra characteristic theorems
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_miscLib.sig
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ sig
val is_cv_rep : term -> bool
val is_cv_proj : term -> bool
val dest_cv_proj : term -> term * term
val cv_sum_depth_tm : term
val mk_cv_sum_depth : term -> term
val cv_size_tm : term
val mk_cv_size : term -> term

val contains_fun_ty : hol_type -> bool

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_miscLib.sml
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ fun is_cv_proj tm = let
fun dest_cv_proj tm =
if is_cv_proj tm then (rand (rator tm), rand tm) else failwith "dest_cv_proj";

val cv_sum_depth_tm = cv_sum_depth_def |> CONJUNCT1 |> SPEC_ALL
val cv_size_tm = cv_size_def |> CONJUNCT1 |> SPEC_ALL
|> concl |> dest_eq |> fst |> repeat rator;
fun mk_cv_sum_depth tm = mk_comb(cv_sum_depth_tm, tm);
fun mk_cv_size tm = mk_comb(cv_size_tm, tm);

val remove_fupd_conv = let
fun rpt_ABS_CONV c tm =
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_repScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -86,25 +86,20 @@ Proof
strip_tac \\ fs [FUN_EQ_THM] \\ Cases \\ fs []

Definition cv_sum_depth_def[simp]:
cv_sum_depth (Num n) = n /\
cv_sum_depth (Pair x y) = 1 + cv_sum_depth x + cv_sum_depth y

Definition cv_proj_def:
cv_proj [] v = v /\
cv_proj (T::xs) v = cv_fst (cv_proj xs v) /\
cv_proj (F::xs) v = cv_snd (cv_proj xs v)

Theorem cv_proj_less_eq:
!v xs. cv_sum_depth (cv_proj xs v) <= cv_sum_depth v
!v xs. cv_size (cv_proj xs v) <= cv_size v
gen_tac \\ Induct \\ gvs [cv_proj_def]
\\ Cases \\ gvs [cv_proj_def] \\ rw []
\\ irule arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQ_TRANS
\\ pop_assum $ irule_at (Pos last)
\\ Cases_on ‘cv_proj xs v’ \\ gvs [cv_sum_depth_def]
\\ Cases_on ‘cv_proj xs v’ \\ gvs []

Theorem to_cv_proj:
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_stdScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Definition cv_map_fst_def:
(Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst cv)) (cv_map_fst (cv_snd cv)))
(Num 0)
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_sum_depth` >> cv_termination_tac
WF_REL_TAC measure cv_size’ >> cv_termination_tac

Theorem cv_MAP_FST[cv_rep]:
Expand All @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ Definition cv_map_snd_def:
(Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv)) (cv_map_snd (cv_snd cv)))
(Num 0)
WF_REL_TAC `measure cv_sum_depth` >> cv_termination_tac
WF_REL_TAC measure cv_size’ >> cv_termination_tac

Theorem cv_MAP_SND[cv_rep]:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/num/theories/cv_compute/automation/cv_transLib.sml
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ fun make_measures alts = let
fun process (combs,nargs) = let
val input = mk_var("input",cvs_ty nargs)
fun each combs = let
val ys = map (fn i => mk_cv_sum_depth (access i nargs input)) combs
val ys = map (fn i => mk_cv_size (access i nargs input)) combs
in mk_abs(input,mk_sum_term ys) end
in map each combs end
fun combine x y = let
Expand Down

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