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Github Setup

Nolan Burfield edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 6 revisions

#Setting up the Github Account for the Graphics class

Reference this page for help with git commands Simple Usage of GitHub

1) Setup a new Github under your account

Make an account with your email in order to receive private repositories. When making the repository do not initialize with a README or .gitignore. Be sure to make this repository Private. Once created there is a box that has git remote add origin<UserName>/<RepoName>.git. Be sure to copy and save that single line of code.

2) Clone the computer-graphics repository and change remote

In this step use the terminal and change to a directory where you would like the assignments stored. Then clone the repository and change the remote to point to the newly create repository in step 1. By the end of the new computer-graphics repository should be on your newly created repository.

git clone
rm -rf .git/
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
# Run the line saved from Step 1
git push -u origin master

3) Add the Graders to the Repository

Go to the main page of your new graphics repository and select Settings. On this page select the Collaborators tabs and add the Graders to this repository. The name of the graders Github account: cs480-680 (Photo of this account should be the Stanford Dragon).