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This repositories is used to provide necessary dependency files and detailed descriptions of sublime text SSH panel package

It can be used in Windows x86 Windows amd64 Linux amd64 MacOS amd64 MacOS arm64. For other OS or platforms, you may need to find or compile relevant files by yourself



├── py38_linux_x64 (sublime text 4+)
│	 └── dist-packages
│		├── bcrypt (3.2.0)
│		├── cffi (1.15.0)
│		├── six (1.16.0)
│		├── cryptography (36.0.1)
│		├── nacl (1.5.0)
│		└── paramiko (2.9.2)
├── py38_windows_x64 (sublime text 4+)
|	├── dist-packages
|	│	 ├── bcrypt (4.2.0)
|	│	 ├── cffi (1.17.0)
|	│	 ├── cryptography (43.0.0)
|	│	 ├── nacl (1.5.0)
|	│	 ├── paramiko (3.4.1)
|	│	 └── pycparser (2.22)
|	└── python3.dll (python3.8.6/[MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32)
├─── py38_osx_x64 (sublime tet 4+)
|	 └── dist-packages
|		 ├── bcrypt (4.2.0)
|		 ├── cryptography (43.0.0)
|		 ├── cffi (1.17.0)
|		 ├── nacl (1.5.0)
|		 ├── paramiko (3.4.1)
|		 └── pycparser (2.22)
├─── py38_osx_arm64 (sublime tet 4+)
|	 └── dist-packages
|		 ├── bcrypt (4.2.0)
|		 ├── cryptography (43.0.0)
|		 ├── cffi (1.17.0)
|		 ├── nacl (1.5.0)
|		 ├── paramiko (3.4.1)
|		 └── pycparser (2.22)
├── py33_windows_x64 (sublime text 3211)
│	 └── dist-packages
│		├── asn1crypto (1.5.1)
│		├── bcrypt (3.1.3)
│		├── cffi (1.11.5)
│		├── Crypto (2.6.1)
│		├── ecdsa (0.18.0)
│		├── nacl (1.1.2)
│		├── enum (0.4.7)
│		├── six (1.16.0)
│		└── paramiko (1.18.5)
└── py33_windows_x32 (sublime text 3211)
	 └── dist-packages
		├── ecdsa (0.18.0)
		├── paramiko (0.18.5)
		├── six (0.16.0)
		└── Crypto (2.6.1)

How to use:

if Linux

  • install libffi
# if Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install libffi-dev
# if Fedora / CentOS / RHEL
sudo yum install libffi-devel
# if Arch / Manjaro `untest`
sudo pacman -S libffi
# if Opensuse `untest`
sudo zypper install libffi-devel

place python dependency library

(recommend) using auto install command with ssh_panel_install_dependencies

  1. After install SSH-Panel,use window.run_command('ssh_panel_install_dependencies') in console
  2. Restart sublime text

manual install

  1. Download the project to local
  2. Select the required file and copy it to the corresponding loading path of sublime text based on your system platform and sublime text version
  3. Restart sublime text

for Windows:

  • copy python3.dll to sublime text installation directory (only sublime text 4+) Screenshot
  • copy python dependency library to Lib\python38 of user of sublime text Screenshot

for Linux:

  • copy python dependency library to Lib\python38 of user of sublime text Screenshot