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GraphBAN: A Novel Inductive Graph-Based Approach for Enhanced Prediction of Compound-Protein Interactions

Open In Colab


In this study, we introduce GraphBAN, a novel out-of-distribution-based CPI prediction approach using graph knowledge distillation (KD). GraphBAN utilizes a KD module, which includes a graph analysis component (referred to as the "teacher"), and the deep bilinear attention network (BAN). This framework concatenates compound and protein features by considering their pairwise local interactions. Additionally, it incorporates domain adaptation modules to align the interaction representations across different distributions, thus improving generalization for unseen compounds and proteins (referred to as the "student"). GraphBAN operates on a bi-partite graph of CPIs, allowing it to make predictions for both transductive (e.g., test nodes are seen during training) and inductive (e.g., test nodes are not seen during training) links. Our experiments, conducted using five benchmark datasets (BioSNAP, BindingDB, KIBA, C.elegans, PDBbind 2016) under both transductive and inductive settings, demonstrate that GraphBAN outperforms six state-of-the-art baseline models, achieving the highest overall performance.



System Requirements

The source code developed in Python 3.8 using PyTorch 1.7.1. The required python dependencies are given below. GraphBAN is supported for any standard computer and operating system (Windows/macOS/Linux) with enough RAM to run. There is no additional non-standard hardware requirements.

torch-geometric = 2.5.3
torchmetrics = 1.4.1
transformers = 4.42.0

Installation Guide

Clone this Github repo and set up a new conda environment. It normally takes about 10 minutes to install on a normal desktop computer.

# create a new conda environment
$ conda create --name graphban python=3.11
$ conda activate graphban

# install requried python dependencies
$ conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
$ conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda10.2==0.7.1
$ conda install -c conda-forge rdkit==2022.09.5
$ pip install dgllife==0.2.8
$ pip install -U scikit-learn
$ pip install yacs
$ pip install transformers

# clone the source code of GraphBAN
$ git clone
$ cd GraphBAN


In order to train GraphBAN, you need to provide your data as a CSV file with a header row of 'SMILES', 'Protein', and 'Y' ordered.
The 'Y' indicates binary values (i.e. 0s and 1s) that are classification indicators.
Currently, we provided the splits of all five datasets used in our paper (BindingDB, BioSNAP, KIBA, C.elegans, and PDBbind 2016) within two split types of transductive and inductive, each within five different seeds.


If you need to bring your dataset and need to split it into transductive and inductive, please use the codes provided in preprocessing/clustering folder.

python preprocessing/clustering/ --path_your_dataset --train <path> --val <path> --test <path> --seed <int>
python preprocessing/clustering/ --path_your_dataset --train <path> --val <path> --test <path> --seed <int>


To train the GraphBAN, run:

python --train_path <path> --val_path <path> --test_path <path> --seed <int> --mode <[inductive, transductive]> --teacher_path <path>

For example

python --train_path Data/sample_data/df_train200.csv --val_path Data/sample_data/df_val.csv --test_path Data/sample_data/df_test.csv --mode inductive --seed 12 --teacher_path Data/sample_data/df_train200_teaqcher_embeddings.parquet

The result will be saved in a directory named result/ that includes the trained model.pth and the prediction scores in a CSV file.

The first three arguments are the paths of your data splits.
The --mode argument is to denote whether your analysis is transductive or inductive.
The --teacher-path is the path to the parquet file that contains the embedding of your trainset that is captured by the Teacher block of the model.
For the presented data splits in this project, all the teacher embeddings have been provided already.
If you need to capture the teacher embedding for your dataset, run the code below:

python --train_path <path> --seed <int> --teacher_path <path> --epoch <int>

For example

python --train_path Data/sample_data/df_train200.csv --seed 12 --teacher_path Data/sample_data/test.parquet --epoch 10

--teacher_path should be the path of a parquet file.


To load a trained model and make predictions, run and specify:

--test_path Path to the data to predict on.
--trained_model Path to the trained .pth file.
--save_dir Path you want to save the predictions.

python predictions/ --test_path <path> --trained_model <path> --save_dir <path>

For example,

python predictions/ --test_path Data/biosnap/inductive/seed12/target_test_biosnap12.csv --trained_model predictions/trained_models/biosnap/inductive/seed12/best_model_epoch_45.pth --save_dir biosnap12_predictions.csv


In the case that you need to set your hyperparameters, you can check the and/or GraphBAN_DA.yaml (for inductive settings) and GraphBAN.yaml (for transductive settings).


We provide GraphBAN running demo through a cloud Jupyter notebook on Open In Colab. Note: A sample dataset with 200 interactions provided to examining the training procedure. Also, an example of retrieving the prediction scores captured by inductive analysis on the BioSNAP dataset is provided to test a trained model and reproduce the results reported in the paper.
The approximate time needed to install the packages on the Google Colab is 5 minutes.
The approximate time to clone this repository is 3 minutes.
The approximate time to run the training of the sample data with 50 epochs is 8 minutes.
The approximate time to run the prediction with a trained model is 3 minutes.
Note: To run the Demo on Google Colab it is necessary to use the GPU-enabled version of Colab.

Other Folders

Ablation_study is the directory that saved the trained models provided for the ablation studies.
case_study is the directory that saved the data and trained models provided in our case study section.


This implementation is inspired and partially based on earlier works [1].


[1] Bai P, Miljković F, John B, Lu H. Interpretable bilinear attention network with domain adaptation improves drug–target prediction. Nat Mach Intell. 2023 Feb 1;5(2):126–36. 


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