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CommandPost & New Build Script #3094

latenitefilms opened this issue Jan 26, 2022 · 66 comments

CommandPost & New Build Script #3094

latenitefilms opened this issue Jan 26, 2022 · 66 comments


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Ok @cmsj, the time has come for me to finally work out how I can build CommandPost again!

I'm currently getting stuck on:

Signing (in target 'Hammerspoon' from project 'Hammerspoon')
[Hammerspoon] Touching
Archive Succeeded
+ '[' archive == archive ']'
+ xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build/ -exportOptionsPlist 'Hammerspoon/Build Configs/Archive-Export-Options.plist' -exportPath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build
objc[59784]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x1eceb2b90) and /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x104bb02c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[59784]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x1eceb2be0) and /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x104bb0318). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2022-01-26 17:20:52.855 xcodebuild[59784:6663006] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path "/var/folders/fw/nrl3xr1d2j93lrbqwkpwthb80000gn/T/Hammerspoon_2022-01-26_17-20-52.855.xcdistributionlogs".
2022-01-26 17:20:52.864 xcodebuild[59784:6663006] [MT] IDEDistributionMethodManager: -[IDEDistributionMethodManager orderedDistributionMethodsForTask:archive:]: Error = Error Domain=IDEDistributionMethodManagerErrorDomain Code=2 "Unknown Distribution Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown Distribution Error}
error: exportArchive: exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id

Error Domain=IDEFoundationErrorDomain Code=1 "exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id}


...when running:

./scripts/ build -d -y CommandPost

Any ideas?

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Looks like I've run into the same issue as #3043 - although I do have a Developer account.

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

if you take a look at the Hammerspoon-Debug.xcconfig and Hammerspoon-Release.xcconfig files in Hammerspoon/Build Configs/ they should both end with an optional include:

#include? "../../../Hammerspoon-Downstream.xcconfig"

If that file exists (so it would be one directory level above the repo checkout) any values in it will override things already set in the existing .xcconfig files, so you can set the signing things to whatever you need:

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = Developer ID Application

On thinking about it since you filed this issue, I wonder if that -Downstream.xcconfig file should actually be in the repo, since a fork is maintaining a repo of some kind.

Just getting the DEVELOPMENT_TEAM right ought to make it build & export properly, but if it doesn't, we'll keep digging and refactoring these build configs until it does work, because half of the point of doing it was to make forks easier to manage :)

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Legend, thanks! I'll test adding a Hammerspoon-Downstream.xcconfig file now.

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latenitefilms commented Jan 26, 2022

That definitely did something - as I was prompted for my password for codesign, and it seemed to sign everything successfully, but it still failed on:

Signing (in target 'Hammerspoon' from project 'Hammerspoon')
[Hammerspoon] Touching
Archive Succeeded
+ '[' archive == archive ']'
+ xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build/ -exportOptionsPlist 'Hammerspoon/Build Configs/Archive-Export-Options.plist' -exportPath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build
objc[87366]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x1eceb2b90) and /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x1080bc2c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[87366]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x1eceb2be0) and /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x1080bc318). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2022-01-26 21:09:14.346 xcodebuild[87366:6758862] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path "/var/folders/fw/nrl3xr1d2j93lrbqwkpwthb80000gn/T/Hammerspoon_2022-01-26_21-09-14.345.xcdistributionlogs".
2022-01-26 21:09:14.353 xcodebuild[87366:6758862] [MT] IDEDistributionMethodManager: -[IDEDistributionMethodManager orderedDistributionMethodsForTask:archive:]: Error = Error Domain=IDEDistributionMethodManagerErrorDomain Code=2 "Unknown Distribution Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown Distribution Error}
error: exportArchive: exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id

Error Domain=IDEFoundationErrorDomain Code=1 "exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=exportOptionsPlist error for key "method": expected one of {}, but found developer-id}


It seems to be failing on:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build/ -exportOptionsPlist 'Hammerspoon/Build Configs/Archive-Export-Options.plist' -exportPath /Users/chrishocking/Documents/GitHub/CommandPost-App/build

Archive-Export-Options.plist is just the same as in Hammerspoon:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
</plist> also exists.

Any ideas?

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Ok, I think it has something to do with hs.razer and/or hs.speededitor, as I just tried doing ./scripts/ build -d on the main Hammerspoon repo, and it worked as expected.

Is there something special I need to do with new extensions that I didn't have to do previously?

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Here's what the Archive generated from the main Hammerspoon repo looks like:

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 9 38 39 pm

Here's what it looks like when generated from the CommandPost-App repo:

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 9 39 02 pm

Comparing the bundles, it looks like this is the culprit:

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 9 42 27 pm

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

huh, what the heck is alert.dylib? Our hs.alert is pure Lua

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

but I will say that when you see stuff in those bundles that's going into usr/local it likely means something isn't being handled in the Copy Extensions Dylibs build phase. I hit that early on when figuring out the Archive & Export commands

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

It might be librazer.dylib - looking at that PR, the xcodeproj changes have productName = alert - maybe its target needs to be renamed and it needs to be added to that build phase?

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Bingo! It seems there's a few demons in my Xcode project, haha.

Whilst I've got you, it seems I can no longer do require("hs.eventtap.event") - is this an expected side-effect of the changes you've made?

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

hmm, no that doesn't sound right. I'll dig into it

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There's still some funkiness in my Xcode project, but I can't remove any of these weird duplicates without Xcode crashing, haha:


@cmsj - I can't see any specific options in the build settings - what's required to make Sparkle work again?

LuaSkin: Sparkle Update framework not available for the running instance of CommandPost.

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cmsj commented Jan 26, 2022

hmm, Sparkle ought to be linked in automatically in a Release build

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I've tried using:

./scripts/ build -s Release -d

...but it still says:

2022-01-27 20:25:47: 20:25:47 ** Warning:   LuaSkin: Sparkle Update framework not available for the running instance of CommandPost.

Potentially another merge issue/conflict?

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Ummm, nope, MJAppDelegate.m and MJLua.m seem basically the same - just with a lot of CommandPost's instead of Hammerspoon's.

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There's also no Sparkle in the Frameworks folder after building, so something is preventing it from copying over.

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I just had a look at which has:

if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then
  install_framework "${PODS_ROOT}/Sparkle/Sparkle.framework"
fi I think the problem is that I need the build scheme and build configuration to be "Release".

However, when I try this:

./scripts/ build -s Release -c Release -d

I now just get a lot of errors like:

❌ error: No signing certificate "Developer ID Application" found: No "Developer ID Application" signing certificate matching team ID "VQCYSNZB89" with a private key was found. (in target 'pasteboardwatcher' from project 'Hammerspoon')

Any ideas what I'm misunderstanding @cmsj ?

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cmsj commented Jan 27, 2022

Hmm, it could be LuaSkin at fault here - its .xcconfig doesn't have a downstream override include. Did you end up using an override .xcconfig file? If so, that will need to have an optional include in LuaSkin/LuaSkin-Release.xcconfig. Sorry for missing that one!

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Also, whilst I've got you... where's the right place to set SENTRY_ORG and SENTRY_PROJECT?

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cmsj commented Jan 27, 2022

At the moment, they're environment variables that will inherit if they exist, but if it would be more useful for you to have them as arguments to we can absolutely change that.

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After a bit of mucking around, CommandPost now finally builds with Sparkle! Woohoo!

I think a lot of the issues were simply due to the fact there were a bunch of extensions I originally had in CommandPost before they came to Hammerspoon (i.e. hs.dialog), so a lot of your tweaks didn't merge across - so I had to manually hunt down the issues and correct.

Next step is to bring back the functionality to build our uninstall tool, and build/sign/notarise the DMG.

I also need to test Sentry, and make sure that side all works.

I'm currently using the commercial tool DMG Canvas for the DMG creation, but it's probably overkill for what I need, and I could achieve the same thing with something like create-dmg. I wonder if this is worth building into Hammerspoon's build script, or if it should just be something specific for CommandPost? I realise Hammerspoon doesn't use a DMG, but it could be useful for other potential forks?

Thanks for all your help @cmsj !

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@cmsj - Even if you don't want to add DMG support to the Hammerspoon build script, one thing that would be handy would be to add an argument to allow you to notarise the DMG file as opposed to the .app bundle, so that I could still use your build script to notarise the DMG. Thoughts?

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cmsj commented Jan 28, 2022

I am completely happy for our build system to support DMG. I don't plan on using it, but it'll be less work for CP if you're not carrying that stuff as a patch 🙂

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@cmsj - I finally got around to tweaking our CommandPost build script so that it actually works:

Currently I'm doing all the notarisation stuff in the above script (as opposed to using your awesome Hammerspoon build script) - because it's looking for the .app file, whereas I want to notarise the entire .dmg. It's essentially all the same code as your previous build script.

Any suggestions on the best way to use your existing notarisation functions to notarise my .dmg? Could you just update your build script to have a variable for the notarisation file extension, so all I need to do is change one variable? Thoughts?

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cmsj commented Mar 7, 2022

@latenitefilms check out #3142 - it adds a new argument for the notarize command, specifically -z so you can build your dmg and then use -z to pass the path of the DMG. I've not tested it super well, but I think it should work.
You'll also need to pay attention to the Note in the NOTARIZATION OPTIONS section of --help.

I think the DMG/Uninstall stuff should probably stay in your script, particularly since the DMG stuff uses a third party tool, and the appcast generation is different because you use DSA keys and we don't. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to adding that to our appcast though, so we're even closer.

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Thanks so much! Will test it out later today.

Are you able to merge into "master"?

Totally agree with DMG/Uninstall stuff. Currently I'm still just using the commercial tool DMG Canvas for the DMG creation, however it should be easy enough to swap out with create-dmg at some point - and then it's possible we could add to the Hammerspoon build script.

I haven't yet played with GitHub Actions, and I currently just update the AppCast manually - but eventually I'd like to basically duplicate everything you've automated in Hammerpoon.

Regarding DSA keys:

Sparkle before version 1.21 used to use only older DSA signatures, which are now deprecated. They are however still supported for migration purposes. We strongly recommend migrating over to EdDSA (ed25519) and planning to drop DSA signatures in new updates of your applications.

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asmagill commented Mar 9, 2022

Trying out the new build process so I can finally start contributing again (I think I need to rewrite my proposed changes to axuielement and spaces from scratch as an attempt to merge them caused a bunch of conflicts... figured it was best to start from a known good build)...

Looking at LuaSkin/LuaSkin-Release.xcconfig I see that it still lists VQCYSNZB89 (yours @cmsj?) as the development team and doesn't check for the upstream file like the Hammerspoon-Debug.xcconfig does... is this an issue for development builds or just release ones?

Also, do I need to worry about notarization with Development builds? And if so, what's the process -- never done that before. Oh and do I need to do anything special regarding entitlements?

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I'll leave @cmsj to answer the specifics incase I say anything wrong, but in the meantime, AFAIK, you should be able to compile Hammerspoon in Xcode now without any special tricks or requirements.

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@cmsj - As mentioned on IRC before I had to jump offline...

This would be really CommandPost specific, but any chance you could add an argument to the build script to uploading any dSYM files stored within the application bundle? The reason being, I currently copy across pre-compiled extensions like hs._asm.cfpreferences and hs._asm.undocumented.touchbar into the extensions folder during the build process, so these aren't being picked up by Sentry's upload process. Thoughts?

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cmsj commented Mar 9, 2022

@latenitefilms I think probably the best option here would be if I refactor the dSYM upload into its own command, with a default path so you can call it twice, once with the default (xccarchive) path and then a second time with wherever your dSYMs are.

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Thinking about it further, I wonder if I should remove all the Obj-C extensions from our CommandPost repo and actually import them into Xcode in our CommandPost-App repo? That might make it easier to track down bugs/issues? The only reason I avoided doing this is the potential for complicated Xcode project merge conflicts, but as there's already some extensions in CommandPost but not Hammerspoon (ie OSC) that's probably a redundant argument now anyway. Will have a play today.

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Whilst you're online @asmagill - do you have any thoughts/opinions on me bringing across your extensions (i.e. touchbar, touchdevice, cfpreferences, text) directly into our CommandPost-App repo? I started doing it today just to see if it'll work - but it requires a LOT of tweaks/changes/renaming because of the new way Hammerspoon extensions are structured. Thoughts?

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Hmm, yeah, the new arrangement (now that I can build the core application) does change things a bit... I'm going to have to play with this a bit and give it some thought...

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Currently I'm using:

  • hs._asm.cfpreferences
  • hs._asm.undocumented.touchbar
  • hs._asm.undocumented.touchdevice
  • hs._asm.xml
  • hs.text

What are you thoughts on merging hs._asm.xml and hs.text in the Hammerspoon master? These both seem like they'd be pretty helpful for the masses. I can help with adding the missing documentation, etc?

hs._asm.cfpreferences would also be handy to have in Hammerspoon, but we still need to work out how all that preferences stuff is organised between all the different modules.

hs._asm.undocumented.touchbar and hs._asm.undocumented.touchdevice I'm assuming will never make it to Hammerspoon, so I'm wondering if you'd be up for renaming them to hs.touchbar and hs.touchdevice? We could then re-organise things and rename things to match the new Hammerspoon structure, and I can help fix up all the documentation so that it builds without error?

I started doing this in this branch:


...but run into some issues getting everything to build, then the Xcode project got corrupt somehow, so I need to re-add all these extension to our CommandPost-App Xcode project to see if I can actually get it to build.

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@cmsj so if I'm understanding the new organization correctly, for a given module:

  1. all compiled code for the module and it's submodules are compiled into a single dynamic library named lib<MODULENAME>.dylib
  2. all non-compiled files are either combined into a single lua file named <MODULENAME>.lua, or a subdirectory like before if there are multiple file types (e.g. hsdocs).
  3. the dylib files end up in
  4. all other files end up in

We should probably add hs.configdir .. "/?.dylib" to package.cpath to allow third party external modules to more closely match this pattern to simplify eventual inclusion.

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Ok, so submodules aren't compiled into the same file as the module itself but as lib<MODULENAME-SUBMODULE>.dylib which may be a combination of the two (e.g. libapplicationwatcher.dylib for hs.application.watcher) or something simpler like just the submodule name (e.g. libmarkdown.dylib for hs.doc.markdown)

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Correct, although I'm ASSUMING that the inconsistency in the naming isn't deliberate, and just a side-effect of trying to update all the legacy extensions. Personally, I prefer the ones that are named lib<MODULENAME>_<SUBMODULE> in Xcode, as it seems cleaner. I had issues getting hs.text to work with this new format though last night.

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K well I want to take a crack at my axuielement updates (which IIRC was mostly to the lua, so should be easy) and spaces additions so I can formally retire hs._asm.undocumented.spaces first, then I'll take a closer look at hs.text as I want to see what it is I still need to add before adding it to core as well -- that was the original plan for it anyways.

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Amazing - thanks so much @asmagill ! Great to see you back on GitHub! Hope all is well on the other side of the world!

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cmsj commented Mar 11, 2022

@asmagill yeah I didn't do a great job with the consistency of sub modules. The good news is that we can fix them without anyone noticing, because they're all hidden behind package.preload in setup.lua

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@latenitefilms I think probably the best option here would be if I refactor the dSYM upload into its own command, with a default path so you can call it twice, once with the default (xccarchive) path and then a second time with wherever your dSYMs are.

Now that I've had a proper play, I think that whilst long term, it would be great to move all the Objective-C stuff from our CommandPost repo into our CommandPost-App (Hammerspoon Fork) repo - it's probably best/safest to wait until @asmagill brings stuff into the Hammerspoon master, rather than try hack it together myself - or at least, I might try bring across some extensions that'll never make it into Hammerspoon (i.e. hs._asm.undocumented.touchbar and hs._asm.undocumented.touchdevice), but it would probably just cause merge headaches later down the line if I attempt hs._asm.cfpreferences, hs._asm.xml and hs.text.

Given this, it would be really handy to have the dSYM upload in its own command if that's ok?

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It's probably because I generally don't use Xcode directly and am mostly self taught, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "have the dSYM upload in its own command"... can you clarify?

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Oh, sorry, that was specifically for @cmsj - basically I need a new way to upload the dSYM from your extensions to Sentry as part of CommandPost-App’s build process.

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Ok, I wondered (hoped, actually) if you were talking about a way to have the dSYM data embedded in the libraries themselves instead of as separate directories... I'd prefer that if I knew how to do it because (1) I think the extra directories are ugly, and (2) making a universal one is a really ugly hack.

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asmagill commented Mar 13, 2022

@cmsj, is there a reason why none of the dylib's in have underscores in their names, but at least some of the source files for them do? A recommendation by Apple/clang or limitation of same?

I ask because it's making it hard for me to update my generic Makefile so that I can easily create modules which can then be slotted into Hammerspoon itself once they're ready for inclusion with minimal changes when adding them to the Xcode workspace. It would be easier on my end if source file names and the dylib file names matched (with the exception of the file extension, of course).

Objections if I go ahead and do this (not necessarily all at once, but at this time specifically for libspaces_watcher since I'm trying to get my proposed changes to the hs.spaces module into a pull request for review)?

Hmm... looks like its inheriting it from the target (sub)project name and we've been naming those without underscores. Not sure if hardcoding a change will be a problem or not, I'll run some tests.

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Ok, this is a new one:

Checking Cocoapods state...
ERROR: cocoapods installation does not seem sane

I haven't touched the pods in any way shape or form... suggestions?

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Do you have cocoapods installed?

Maybe try ./ installdeps -r?

Here's where it's tripping up for reference:

function assert_cocoapods_state() {
  echo "Checking Cocoapods state..."
  pushd "${HAMMERSPOON_HOME}" >/dev/null || fail "Unable to enter ${HAMMERSPOON_HOME}"
  if ! pod outdated >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    fail "cocoapods installation does not seem sane"
  popd >/dev/null || fail "Unknown"

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It had worked before and is working now... I'm guessing some sort of transient network error since pod outdated actually checks with github. I just freaked a little since I have been working in Xcode to prepare for a new pull and was mostly certain I hadn't done anything wrong...

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@latenitefilms I'm hoping to work on xml and text this weekend. Re the xml module, I've not tested it much myself -- the few xml files I've needed to work with were actually more easily handled with a simplified parser I was able to write in pure lua. Are the files you're working with somewhere that I can use them in my tests? It would be nice to have something more challenging than a Roku's web interface to parse and see where the benefits of using the macOS XML classes can pay off.

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Here's a bunch of random FCPXML's you can play with:

If you want to see how we're currently using the XML module if you download this repo and search for hs._asm.xml you should find a bunch of use-cases:

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@cmsj - Any ideas why I'm now seeing these errors?

AFAIK nothing has changed recently in luaskin.m so either Xcode 13.3 has gotten more strict, or something has changed in the warning flags somehow?




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Ok, I tried to just ignore those two lines using:


...but now I'm getting:


...if I ignore that too it builds:


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Also, whilst I've got you @cmsj - this is my current (temporary) workaround for the other files for Sentry:


There could probably just be an extra variable to load one more extra path for files for Sentry to upload, which enables this line - keep things simple?

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cmsj commented Mar 18, 2022

new build errors are handled by #3159

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I'm going to close this issue for now. My Sentry workaround above is good enough for now.

Thanks team!!

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