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Update alert.lua: allow window object as parameter #682

Update alert.lua: allow window object as parameter

Update alert.lua: allow window object as parameter #682

GitHub Actions / View Test Results succeeded Sep 30, 2023 in 0s

All 296 tests pass, 52 skipped in 1h 2m 51s

348 tests   296 ✔️  1h 2m 51s ⏱️
    2 suites    52 💤
    1 files        0

Results for commit f3e51a2.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / View Test Results

52 skipped tests found

There are 52 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
HSapplicationTests ‑ testFrontmostApplication
HSapplicationTests ‑ testHiding
HSapplicationTests ‑ testInitWithPid
HSapplicationTests ‑ testWindows
HSaudiodevice ‑ testAllInputDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testAllOutputDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testCurrentInputDataSource
HSaudiodevice ‑ testCurrentOutputDataSource
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceSetDefault
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceToString
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindDeviceByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindDeviceByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindInputByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindInputByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindOutputByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindOutputByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllInputDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllOutputDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testInputSupportsDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testOutputSupportsDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testWatcherCallback
HSbrightness ‑ testGet
HSbrightness ‑ testSet
HSfs ‑ testVolumes
HShotkey ‑ testBasicHotkey
HShotkey ‑ testGetSystemAssigned
HShotkey ‑ testHotkeyStates
HShotkey ‑ testRepeatingHotkey
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseCount
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseNames
HSscreen ‑ testSetMode
HSserial ‑ testAttributes
HSserial ‑ testNewFromName
HSserial ‑ testNewFromPath
HSserial ‑ testOpenAndClose
HSuielementTests ‑ testApplicationWatcher
HSuielementTests ‑ testSelectedText
HSuielementTests ‑ testWindowWatcher
HSwindowTests ‑ testClose
HSwindowTests ‑ testDesktop
HSwindowTests ‑ testFullscreen
HSwindowTests ‑ testFullscreenOne
HSwindowTests ‑ testMinimize
HSwindowTests ‑ testOrderedWindows
HSwindowTests ‑ testRoles
HSwindowTests ‑ testSize
HSwindowTests ‑ testSnapshots
HSwindowTests ‑ testTabs

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / View Test Results

348 tests found

There are 348 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
HSTestCase ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSTestCase ‑ testrunLua
HSalert ‑ testAlert
HSalert ‑ testCloseAll
HSalert ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSalert ‑ testrunLua
HSappfinder ‑ testAppFromName
HSappfinder ‑ testAppFromWindowTitle
HSappfinder ‑ testAppFromWindowTitlePattern
HSappfinder ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSappfinder ‑ testWindowFromWindowTitle
HSappfinder ‑ testWindowFromWindowTitlePattern
HSappfinder ‑ testrunLua
HSapplicationTests ‑ testAttributesFromBundleID
HSapplicationTests ‑ testBasicAttributes
HSapplicationTests ‑ testForceKilling
HSapplicationTests ‑ testFrontmostApplication
HSapplicationTests ‑ testHiding
HSapplicationTests ‑ testInitWithPid
HSapplicationTests ‑ testInitWithPidFailures
HSapplicationTests ‑ testKilling
HSapplicationTests ‑ testLocalizationFunctions
HSapplicationTests ‑ testMenus
HSapplicationTests ‑ testMenusAsync
HSapplicationTests ‑ testRunningApplications
HSapplicationTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSapplicationTests ‑ testUTI
HSapplicationTests ‑ testWindows
HSapplicationTests ‑ testrunLua
HSaudiodevice ‑ testAllInputDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testAllOutputDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testCurrentInputDataSource
HSaudiodevice ‑ testCurrentOutputDataSource
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceSetDefault
HSaudiodevice ‑ testDataSourceToString
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindDeviceByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindDeviceByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindInputByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindInputByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindOutputByName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testFindOutputByUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllInputDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetAllOutputDevices
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetCurrentInput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetCurrentOutput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetDefaultEffect
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetDefaultInput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testGetDefaultOutput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testInputSupportsDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testInputVolume
HSaudiodevice ‑ testIsInputDevice
HSaudiodevice ‑ testIsOutputDevice
HSaudiodevice ‑ testJackConnected
HSaudiodevice ‑ testMute
HSaudiodevice ‑ testName
HSaudiodevice ‑ testOutputSupportsDataSources
HSaudiodevice ‑ testOutputVolume
HSaudiodevice ‑ testSetDefaultEffect
HSaudiodevice ‑ testSetDefaultInput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testSetDefaultOutput
HSaudiodevice ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSaudiodevice ‑ testToString
HSaudiodevice ‑ testTransportType
HSaudiodevice ‑ testUID
HSaudiodevice ‑ testVolume
HSaudiodevice ‑ testWatcher
HSaudiodevice ‑ testWatcherCallback
HSaudiodevice ‑ testrunLua
HSbase64 ‑ testDecode
HSbase64 ‑ testEncode
HSbase64 ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSbase64 ‑ testrunLua
HSbrightness ‑ testAmbient
HSbrightness ‑ testGet
HSbrightness ‑ testSet
HSbrightness ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSbrightness ‑ testrunLua
HScoresetup ‑ testAccessibilityState
HScoresetup ‑ testAutoLaunch
HScoresetup ‑ testAutomaticallyCheckForUpdates
HScoresetup ‑ testCheckForUpdates
HScoresetup ‑ testCleanUTF8forConsole
HScoresetup ‑ testConfigDir
HScoresetup ‑ testConsoleOnTop
HScoresetup ‑ testDockIcon
HScoresetup ‑ testDocstringsJSONFile
HScoresetup ‑ testGetObjectMetatable
HScoresetup ‑ testMenuIcon
HScoresetup ‑ testOSExit
HScoresetup ‑ testProcessInfo
HScoresetup ‑ testShutdownCallback
HScoresetup ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HScoresetup ‑ testrunLua
HScrash ‑ testResidentSize
HScrash ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HScrash ‑ testThrowTheWorld
HScrash ‑ testrunLua
HSdistributednotifications ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSdistributednotifications ‑ testdistributednotifications
HSdistributednotifications ‑ testrunLua
HSfs ‑ testAttributes
HSfs ‑ testChdir
HSfs ‑ testDirWalker
HSfs ‑ testFileUTI
HSfs ‑ testLinks
HSfs ‑ testLock
HSfs ‑ testLockDir
HSfs ‑ testMkdir
HSfs ‑ testRmdir
HSfs ‑ testTags
HSfs ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSfs ‑ testTouch
HSfs ‑ testVolumes
HSfs ‑ testrunLua
HShotkey ‑ testAssignable
HShotkey ‑ testBasicHotkey
HShotkey ‑ testGetHotkeys
HShotkey ‑ testGetSystemAssigned
HShotkey ‑ testHotkeyStates
HShotkey ‑ testRepeatingHotkey
HShotkey ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HShotkey ‑ testrunLua
HSimage ‑ testGetExifFromPath
HSimage ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSimage ‑ testrunLua
HSinspect ‑ testSimpleInspect
HSinspect ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSinspect ‑ testrunLua
HSjsonTests ‑ testEncodeDecode
HSjsonTests ‑ testEncodeDecodeFailures
HSjsonTests ‑ testReadWrite
HSjsonTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSjsonTests ‑ testrunLua
HSmath ‑ testRandomFloat
HSmath ‑ testRandomFromRange
HSmath ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSmath ‑ testrunLua
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseAbsolutePosition
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseCount
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseNames
HSmouseTests ‑ testMouseTrackingSpeed
HSmouseTests ‑ testScrollDirection
HSmouseTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSmouseTests ‑ testrunLua
HSnoises ‑ testStartStop
HSnoises ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSnoises ‑ testrunLua
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptAddition
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptArray
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptDict
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptExecutionError
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptParseError
HSosascript ‑ testAppleScriptString
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptAddition
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptArray
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptDestructuring
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptJsonParse
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptJsonParseError
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptJsonStringify
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptParseError
HSosascript ‑ testJavaScriptString
HSosascript ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSosascript ‑ testrunLua
HSrequire_all ‑ testRequireAll
HSrequire_all ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSrequire_all ‑ testrunLua
HSscreen ‑ testAllScreens
HSscreen ‑ testAvailableModes
HSscreen ‑ testBrightness
HSscreen ‑ testCurrentMode
HSscreen ‑ testFind
HSscreen ‑ testFrames
HSscreen ‑ testFromUnitRect
HSscreen ‑ testGamma
HSscreen ‑ testId
HSscreen ‑ testMainScreen
HSscreen ‑ testName
HSscreen ‑ testNextPrevious
HSscreen ‑ testPosition
HSscreen ‑ testPrimaryScreen
HSscreen ‑ testRotation
HSscreen ‑ testScreenPositions
HSscreen ‑ testScreenshots
HSscreen ‑ testSetMode
HSscreen ‑ testSetOrigin
HSscreen ‑ testSetPrimary
HSscreen ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSscreen ‑ testToUnitRect
HSscreen ‑ testrunLua
HSserial ‑ testAttributes
HSserial ‑ testAvailablePortNames
HSserial ‑ testAvailablePortPaths
HSserial ‑ testNewFromName
HSserial ‑ testNewFromPath
HSserial ‑ testOpenAndClose
HSserial ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSserial ‑ testrunLua
HSsocket ‑ testTcpAlreadyConnected
HSsocket ‑ testTcpClientServerReadWriteBytes
HSsocket ‑ testTcpClientServerReadWriteDelimiter
HSsocket ‑ testTcpClientServerTimeout
HSsocket ‑ testTcpConnected
HSsocket ‑ testTcpDisconnectAndReuse
HSsocket ‑ testTcpListenerSocketAttributes
HSsocket ‑ testTcpListenerSocketCreation
HSsocket ‑ testTcpListenerSocketCreationWithCallback
HSsocket ‑ testTcpNoCallbackRead
HSsocket ‑ testTcpParseAddress
HSsocket ‑ testTcpParseBadAddress
HSsocket ‑ testTcpSocketInstanceCreation
HSsocket ‑ testTcpSocketInstanceCreationWithCallback
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTagging
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTls
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTlsNoVerify
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTlsRequiredByServer
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTlsVerifyBadPeerFails
HSsocket ‑ testTcpTlsVerifyPeer
HSsocket ‑ testTcpUnixClientServerReadWriteBytes
HSsocket ‑ testTcpUnixListenerSocketAttributes
HSsocket ‑ testTcpUserdataStrings
HSsocket ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSsocket ‑ testUdpAlreadyConnected
HSsocket ‑ testUdpBroadcast
HSsocket ‑ testUdpBufferSize
HSsocket ‑ testUdpClientServerReceiveMany
HSsocket ‑ testUdpClientServerReceiveOnce
HSsocket ‑ testUdpConnect
HSsocket ‑ testUdpDisconnectAndReuse
HSsocket ‑ testUdpEnabledIpVersion
HSsocket ‑ testUdpListenerSocketAttributes
HSsocket ‑ testUdpListenerSocketCreation
HSsocket ‑ testUdpListenerSocketCreationWithCallback
HSsocket ‑ testUdpNoCallbacks
HSsocket ‑ testUdpPreferredIpVersion
HSsocket ‑ testUdpReusePort
HSsocket ‑ testUdpSocketInstanceCreation
HSsocket ‑ testUdpSocketInstanceCreationWithCallback
HSsocket ‑ testUdpUserdataStrings
HSsocket ‑ testrunLua
HStask ‑ testNewTask
HStask ‑ testSimpleTask
HStask ‑ testSimpleTaskFail
HStask ‑ testStreamingTask
HStask ‑ testTaskBlock
HStask ‑ testTaskEnvironment
HStask ‑ testTaskLifecycle
HStask ‑ testTaskWorkingDirectory
HStask ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HStask ‑ testrunLua
HStimer ‑ testDays
HStimer ‑ testDoAfter
HStimer ‑ testDoAt
HStimer ‑ testDoEvery
HStimer ‑ testDoUntil
HStimer ‑ testDoWhile
HStimer ‑ testHours
HStimer ‑ testImmediateFire
HStimer ‑ testLocalTime
HStimer ‑ testMinutes
HStimer ‑ testNew
HStimer ‑ testRunningAndStartStop
HStimer ‑ testSeconds
HStimer ‑ testSecondsSinceEpoch
HStimer ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HStimer ‑ testToString
HStimer ‑ testTriggers
HStimer ‑ testUsleep
HStimer ‑ testWaitUntil
HStimer ‑ testWaitWhile
HStimer ‑ testWeeks
HStimer ‑ testrunLua
HSuielementTests ‑ testApplicationWatcher
HSuielementTests ‑ testHammerspoonElements
HSuielementTests ‑ testSelectedText
HSuielementTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSuielementTests ‑ testWindowWatcher
HSuielementTests ‑ testrunLua
HSwebsocket ‑ testClosedStatus
HSwebsocket ‑ testClosingStatus
HSwebsocket ‑ testEcho
HSwebsocket ‑ testLegacy
HSwebsocket ‑ testNew
HSwebsocket ‑ testOpenStatus
HSwebsocket ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSwebsocket ‑ testrunLua
HSwindowTests ‑ testAllWindows
HSwindowTests ‑ testApplication
HSwindowTests ‑ testClose
HSwindowTests ‑ testDesktop
HSwindowTests ‑ testFocusedWindow
HSwindowTests ‑ testFullscreen
HSwindowTests ‑ testFullscreenOne
HSwindowTests ‑ testFullscreenTwo
HSwindowTests ‑ testMinimize
HSwindowTests ‑ testOrderedWindows
HSwindowTests ‑ testPID
HSwindowTests ‑ testRoles
HSwindowTests ‑ testSize
HSwindowTests ‑ testSnapshots
HSwindowTests ‑ testTabs
HSwindowTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HSwindowTests ‑ testTitle
HSwindowTests ‑ testTopLeft
HSwindowTests ‑ testrunLua
HThttp ‑ testHttpDoAsyncRequestWithCachePolicyParam
HThttp ‑ testHttpDoAsyncRequestWithRedirection
HThttp ‑ testHttpDoAsyncRequestWithoutEnableRedirectAndCachePolicyParam
HThttp ‑ testHttpDoAsyncRequestWithoutRedirection
HThttp ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
HThttp ‑ testrunLua
LuaSkinTests ‑ testBackgroundThreadCatcher
LuaSkinTests ‑ testCheckArgs
LuaSkinTests ‑ testCheckRefs
LuaSkinTests ‑ testIsValidUTF8AtIndex
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLibrary
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLibraryWithObjects
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLogging
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaCanExecute
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaCanFailToExecute
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaObjectHelper
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaRefs
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaStateCreation
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaStateDestruction
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaStateDoubleCreation
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaStateDoubleDestruction
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaStateRecreation
LuaSkinTests ‑ testLuaTypeAtIndex
LuaSkinTests ‑ testMaxNatIndexAndCountNatIndex
LuaSkinTests ‑ testNatIndexFailure
LuaSkinTests ‑ testObjCExceptionHandler
LuaSkinTests ‑ testPerformanceLuaStateLifecycle
LuaSkinTests ‑ testProtectedCall
LuaSkinTests ‑ testProtectedCallWithFailure
LuaSkinTests ‑ testPushNSObject
LuaSkinTests ‑ testPushStructInNSValue
LuaSkinTests ‑ testRequire
LuaSkinTests ‑ testSingletonality
LuaSkinTests ‑ testSkinInit
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTableToNSPoint
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTableToNSRect
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTableToNSSize
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTableWithLabelToNSValue
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTestLuaSuccess
LuaSkinTests ‑ testToNSObject
LuaSkinTests ‑ testTracebackWithTag
LuaSkinTests ‑ testrunLua